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Fire Emblem: Seima no Kouseki -- October 7!!! (Japan)

john tv

The new GBA Fire Emblem (Seima no Kouseki) is coming out on October 7 in Japan. The latest screens show (for the first time, I believe) monsters that you fight against in battle. The screens show a couple of giant spiders and a killer wolf... thing. Looks like they use magic stone fragments to attack, though I'm not quite sure how (haven't bothered to translate anything yet).

Also, two new characters revealed: a guy named Yoshua and a girl named Rachel.

Can not wait!!!




Giant Spider Monster !! Holy crap, this is looking great, I hope a US release won't be too far off, cuz I need this game :)


Still Tagged Accordingly
The thing that strikes me most about the GBA Fire Emblem games is the quality of animation for the battles. So awesome... can't wait to see this one in action.
I want this badly, but I also want Fuuin no Tsurugi due to its connection to Rekka no Ken. Hopefully we will get these two as well as the GC Fire Emblem, but I can't imagine we would be so fortunate so soon after finally getting the series to come over here.


This is out in Japan in a couple of months?
Whew, IS has been BUSY lately, with Paper Mario 2 and two Fire Emblems.
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