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Fire Emblem: Three Houses |OT| The Romance of Three Houses, or "Hogwarts SRPG"


Okay, fine, people don't like Edelgard, but who the fuck has an issue with Hubert? Dude's a chill badass at least from what I've seen so far. And my favorite support so far has been between him and Bernadetta, so much funny stuff in those. I dunno, maybe some players got butthurt that he basically threatened you early on in the game, but come on, the circumstances of you becoming a professor were bizarre, can't blame the guy for being suspicious.

I guess I'll have to get further in the game to understand the #3 disliked pick. Dude's been rather unremarkable from what I've seen, nothing to really like but nothing to hate either.

Wish Petra was higher on the likes, but at least surprised she beat Dorothea, I seem to be in the minority in that Dorothea is most people's favorite BE girl but she's lowest for me, not bad but she doesn't really stand out compared to the other three for me. I dunno, maybe people like her simply for the JoJo's memes. Also glad Shamir got a little love, she's personally my favorite of the Knights.


Gold Member
I'm still early game but how comes some days I don't get the option to explore. Everything is greyed out except one item usually. Still trying to understand the counter system too. Like, Felix will attack, get counter attacked but then he gets a final attack in (Felix is my team member). I can't figure out the triggers.


Okay, fine, people don't like Edelgard, but who the fuck has an issue with Hubert? Dude's a chill badass at least from what I've seen so far.
Like Shamir said: "Hubert, you are unstable." He is pretty insane some times, just randomly being all like "I'll kill you if you stop being useful to Edelgard, hurr hurr." Chill the fuck out, idiot. Other than that he is pretty fun, like you said, especially with Bernie.


Unconfirmed Member
Most disliked and second most favorite female?

Something's not adding up. :goog_unsure: :goog_unsure: :goog_unsure:
It makes perfect sense if there are multiple polls. You'll have a split in fanbase. Same goes for Dimitri. Idk why you'd hate Claude though or why nobody like Judith either :/


The Tribe Has Spoken
I think I’m on the final battle of the game on the Blue Lions story arc.

I’m no Fire Emblem expert, but I’d consider myself quite experienced with the series. I’ve played a lot of the series.

Now, I’ve heard so much talk about the game being too easy and in some cases I suppose it is, but this final battle is BRUTAL. Some of my characters are almost getting one-shotted to death. Every move is important and deadly. It’s not like their not levelled up as I’ve played 100+ hours on first playthrough.

Anyway, I think some people have overblown the “easy” conversation.

EDIT: Actually, I was talking about the second to last battle. Haven’t started the final battle yet, but the map looks intimidating after taking a peek.
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Unconfirmed Member
I think I’m on the final battle of the game on the Blue Lions story arc.

I’m no Fire Emblem expert, but I’d consider myself quite experienced with the series. I’ve played a lot of the series.

Now, I’ve heard so much talk about the game being too easy and in some cases I suppose it is, but this final battle is BRUTAL. Some of my characters are almost getting one-shotted to death. Every move is important and deadly. It’s not like their not levelled up as I’ve played 100+ hours on first playthrough.

Anyway, I think some people have overblown the “easy” conversation.

EDIT: Actually, I was talking about the second to last battle. Haven’t started the final battle yet, but the map looks intimidating after taking a peek.
You sound underleveled. Normal or Hard?


@Whataburger: Explain to me why my Shamir has huge breasts all of the sudden!!?
They are big.

Okay, fine, people don't like Edelgard, but who the fuck has an issue with Hubert?

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The Tribe Has Spoken
You sound underleveled. Normal or Hard?
Hard mode.

Like I said, I have played for 100+ hours and I have been specifically levelling my characters.

Early on, I did read a tip that said to make sure you max out a class before you change classes in order to get the extra perks. So, I made sure to always start levelling a new class when I maxed another one out. That meant that I often went back to a new lower class because I had maxed out the higher tier (even Master classes). This made some of the battles harder than they needed to be, but for these final battles, I’ve reclassed all of my characters to their highest class and I’m still struggling.

My Byleth is around level 50 and everyone else between levels 40-50. Is that too low?


Unconfirmed Member
Hard mode.

Like I said, I have played for 100+ hours and I have been specifically levelling my characters.

Early on, I did read a tip that said to make sure you max out a class before you change classes in order to get the extra perks. So, I made sure to always start levelling a new class when I maxed another one out. That meant that I often went back to a new lower class because I had maxed out the higher tier (even Master classes). This made some of the battles harder than they needed to be, but for these final battles, I’ve reclassed all of my characters to their highest class and I’m still struggling.

My Byleth is around level 50 and everyone else between levels 40-50. Is that too low?
No. That is around the level I was in on Hard BL route. Are you using your gambits? Did you do all the paralogues? Who is on your team? Did you get the dodge skills from the previous classes?


The Tribe Has Spoken
No. That is around the level I was in on Hard BL route. Are you using your gambits? Did you do all the paralogues? Who is on your team? Did you get the dodge skills from the previous classes?
Yes, using gambits.

I did all the paralogues, except I think I missed out on Dedue’s unique weapon as it was the first paralogue I did and I didn’t understand it’s importance, so didn’t bother replaying it to get it.

My team:
Byleth (lvl48/Enlightened One)
Dimitri (lvl 47/Great Lord)
Dedue (47/Fortress Knight)
Sylvain (46/Paladin)
Ingrid (46/Falcoln Knight)
Mercedes (43/Gremory)
Leonie (46/Bow Knight)
Ashe (44/Sniper)
Gilbert (45/Warrior)
Seteth (47/Wyvern Lord)
Annette (46/Warlock)
Felix (45/Swordmaster)

Lysithea (44/Gremory)
Flayn (42/Pegasus Knight or Bishop)

Dodge skills?


Unconfirmed Member
You should have put EXP on Lysithea. Mercedes could have ran wapan class with the lightning sword for more damage. You have too many Gremories. Did you pick up the +1 range accessory?

Yes. Depending on the unit you face they will use lances or swords. Many classes have skills you can equip that dodge or raise evasiveness to said weapons. Don't know about Ash as I used Shamir when I could. You didn't steal from other classes?

Did you upgrade any weapons?

Try the last battle and see how you do.


The Tribe Has Spoken
If you mean +1 magic range, I think so.

Yeah, Lysithea took ages before she agreed to join me and by that time Annette was kicking arse with Dark magic and Lysithea was weak as fuck, so I kind of neglected Lysithea.

I do have those weapon dodge perks, yes. Although, I don’t think I’ve been using then much thus far.

Yes, I’ve upgraded weapons. No magic upgrades though (is that possible with what the dark shop guy sells?). If I have to, I’m screwed because where my save is, I have no access to the monastery.

Will do. I’m busy this morning, but I’ll try to jump in later.

Thanks btw.
I'm still early game but how comes some days I don't get the option to explore. Everything is greyed out except one item usually. Still trying to understand the counter system too. Like, Felix will attack, get counter attacked but then he gets a final attack in (Felix is my team member). I can't figure out the triggers.

It's based on your speed stat. If you have 5 higher spd than your enemy you attack twice, or something close to that.

I think I’m on the final battle of the game on the Blue Lions story arc....Anyway, I think some people have overblown the “easy” conversation.

EDIT: Actually, I was talking about the second to last battle. Haven’t started the final battle yet, but the map looks intimidating after taking a peek.

I hope it ends up being the third to last battle cause I really like this game. I'm getting a good challenge on hard mode, personally. I guess the time turner is an issue with making things easy but it does have limited uses at least. Optional challenges really increase the difficulty like saving the lives of green "ally" idiots who just charge across the map recklessly and get killed instead of sticking with your troops. Sorry to say but I couldn't save one of them who I was very interested in saving,
(Death Knight)
even with the time turner. I would have had to restart the whole map to save that charge-ahead psycho.

Anyway, I like the difficulty on hard but I'm also curious to see lunatic and whatever other dlc is coming, hopefully soon. I'd prefer to wait and play other houses with the dlc added but I can't wait forever.


Unconfirmed Member
If you mean +1 magic range, I think so.

Yeah, Lysithea took ages before she agreed to join me and by that time Annette was kicking arse with Dark magic and Lysithea was weak as fuck, so I kind of neglected Lysithea.

I do have those weapon dodge perks, yes. Although, I don’t think I’ve been using then much thus far.

Yes, I’ve upgraded weapons. No magic upgrades though (is that possible with what the dark shop guy sells?). If I have to, I’m screwed because where my save is, I have no access to the monastery.

Will do. I’m busy this morning, but I’ll try to jump in later.

Thanks btw.
The optional merchants give you the ability to purchase those magic stones for smiting. But I'm sure the hooded guy does as well.


Alois is romanceable be both male and female Byleth, but on a few occasions has talked about his loving family and how much he loves them...

I'm half tempted to go for it just to see how they explain away Byleth being a homewrecker.


The final battle is brutal for sure. When the main wave attacked i picked away at them with flyers and bow knights, since those can get out of range again most of the time.
Your levels are way higher than mine were though, so i you should be fine.


The Tribe Has Spoken
The final battle is brutal for sure. When the main wave attacked i picked away at them with flyers and bow knights, since those can get out of range again most of the time.
Your levels are way higher than mine were though, so i you should be fine.
I ended up finishing it tonight. I lost a few dear souls along the way, but I wasn’t going to restart this one.

R.I.P. Ashe, Annette and Seteth. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. You will be remembered in songs.

Bit old fashioned that Ingrid agreed to marry me before we got jiggy wit it. Not very 2010s. Nintendo keeping the old school morals together. Respect.

Although, I wouldna minded a quick bang before we risked our lives against the Demon Queen. Loosen up Ingrid and show me dem tiddies.


Unconfirmed Member
"It's not like I want to stab you in the titty because I like you or anything....b-b-b-baka!"



Alois is romanceable be both male and female Byleth, but on a few occasions has talked about his loving family and how much he loves them...

I'm half tempted to go for it just to see how they explain away Byleth being a homewrecker.

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I cometed the Golden Deer route, I may start playing the Blue Lions path in New Game mode+ also....

Thise who Slither in the Dark, the Agarthans, are an advance race that they use metal and electricity, and were able to build robots, but..... Why the hell can't they build guns if they were so hell bent on destroying Seiros and any traces of Sothis?Granted, the robots through some sword beam at you, and launch missiles, known as the pillars of light, but why couldn'tthey invent guns?


Unconfirmed Member
I cometed the Golden Deer route, I may start playing the Blue Lions path in New Game mode+ also....

Thise who Slither in the Dark, the Agarthans, are an advance race that they use metal and electricity, and were able to build robots, but..... Why the hell can't they build guns if they were so hell bent on destroying Seiros and any traces of Sothis?Granted, the robots through some sword beam at you, and launch missiles, known as the pillars of light, but why couldn'tthey invent guns?

They are using old tech actually. Tech which they did NOT build themselves. I'm sure many of the ones that knew how to build shit died considering how much they relied on SHAMbalah. Sothis gave people knowledge and the Snakes tried to kill others/ "god" with it. Cut back to them being nuked after nuking other humans and Sothis falling asleep to recover only to be murdered by them. They are NOT an advanced race more like humanity declined. Which was for the best considering they only use technology for war or to oppress others.
That was my understanding anyway.

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After 95+ hours I've discovered you can reposition your units at the start of the battle.

Also on New Game+ and I lost Bernadetta somewhere along the way.
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The nicest person on this forum
I’m almost done with Black Eagle Route and man, last few fights have been tough. I wish I could change my Byleth and Edelgard position in main fights.


With things settling down a bit from launch hype, I’m kind of curious what you long-time Fire Emblem fans think.

I’m in that same boat. I got on board with FE GBA, fell in love with that era of the series, but the 3DS era really put me off. It’s hard to describe why, but I would cite that things got a whole lot more fan-servicey, generic anime, and sillier/more immature, particularly in Fates. None of those things have to be bad, but in the context of Fire Emblem, it felt like the game lost something.

(I also felt like I was spending too much time out of battle, tending to things like town creation and character stats... but I already know the answer for that question)

Is this different, and more in line with classic Fire Emblem? Watching the intro, and seeing some of the worldbuilding makes me think it could be, but I’m not sure.


I’m almost done with Black Eagle Route and man, last few fights have been tough. I wish I could change my Byleth and Edelgard position in main fights.
I almost got fucked on the battle with the Kingdom but then was promptly saved by

Rhea being a little bitch and abandoning Dimitri


Unconfirmed Member
Is this different, and more in line with classic Fire Emblem? Watching the intro, and seeing some of the worldbuilding makes me think it could be, but I’m not sure.
The story is ripped straight from older FE games. It is literally a far less bleak Genealogy.


Amusing battle against the Kingdom.

I thought I'd be clever and just send all my forces to the right, quickly deal with Rhea then go on to kill Dmitri for a quick win. Booooooooy was I wrong. Rhea came earlier than anticipated and Shamir, who I left behind do deal with the mages, got separated from the main group. This actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise because once I disposed of Rhea, I was able to use Shamir to solo one of the Golems, which went well until the terrain fucked me over. I also forgot that the Golems stay once Rhea turned tail so I was nervously sweating because Edelgard, Petra and Felix took some hefty damage trying to take down Rhea, as did Caspar who was distracting the other Golem while that was happening. So there was this big clusterfuck where I was trying to cover for people whilst simultaneously shattering Golem #1's armour. MEANWHILE the other Golem is closing in because Shamir had to pull out, and those fUCKING Pegasus' kept threatening to one-shot Lythea and Marianne (thank god for Ingrid).

Once I finally killed the main Golem I was like "fuck it, forget the other Golem, let's just go kill Dmitri" because at this point I was running out of Gambits. Except I forgot that Dedue turns into a monster causing my guys to bottleneck at the river while the remaining Golem closed in and STILL THOSE FUCKING PEGASUS'.

Anyway, I decided to send Lysthea back and Shamir back in and they were able to take of the Golem while I pulled the main force back out of the river and were able to take care of Dedue (Edelgard's Aymr with Monster Slayer was a godsend). Then, finally I was able to ahead and kill Dmitri.

Except the battle didn't end there and I realised the conditions for winning was to kill ALL the enemy commanders and there was still Pseudo-Mercedes on the Northwest of the map and in between her and my guys where all the soldiers-turned-monsters that I ignored for the whole battle.

I was ready to give up then because I had no Gambits left and durability was low but then I realised that they hadn't actually moved for the entirety of the battle. Que this.


The punchline is I didn't even have to go through all that because Ingrid fucked up the last commander anyway.

P.S I made Felix kill Sylvain and Dmitri and that dude is cold.

Sylvain: "Remember when we were kids? We said we'd die together."

Felix: "You're dying first."

Dmitri: "Felix, you killed your father."

Felix: "I said I'd take down anything in my way"

I'll do a Blue Lion run next. Felix is my boy, after Ferdinand.
Really enjoyed my first playthough, except for killing all these likable characters and hearing their dying words of regret. But I wonder if I should wait for the DLC like Lunatic and extra content before I do the other houses.

Just FYI...I know this is crazy but...uh....If they don't tell you there is a turn limit, that means the turn limit is 100 turns, not infinite.

I had a really close shave with the final Black Eagles mission (98 turns.) It's a long story
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Give us the short version. 0o

Thanks for being interested but I really don't know if I can. Here is a version that explains what happened, at least:

This is on hard mode/classic. It's Chapter 18: The Fight for Fhirdiad.

First, it's hard to move around at all, as most of the level is on fire and the ground damages your troops when they aren't standing in a safe area. I was extra cautious, moving around slowly and trying to keep everyone together as strong new enemies just appear out of nowhere sometimes, and they can easily kill stragglers. I also took my sweet ass time healing everyone who took damage from walking in fire as efficiently as possible, saving my healing spells for tough fights so I wouldn't run out and instead healing with little regenerative items like rings or by holding certain magic weapons, which takes longer.

All this time the boss, a giant evil dragon lady, keeps buffing these huge golem monsters with her roar each turn, and...I guess the buffs stack? And never go down? As things progressed out of hand because I was taking my time, these golem's stats got so high they would get criticals on my dudes and 1-shot them dead, forcing me to expend my limited uses of the time turner so could go back in time a bit and try to figure out a way to approach them without getting anyone killed.

Eventually I figured out something that worked: I took my healer Lindhardt, who had the highest magic resistance stat of anybody, and had my Warlock Hubert cast rally magic on him, which increases Lindhardt's resistance by 4 for 1 turn. Then my holy Knight Ferdinand casts ward on Lindhardt, which further increases his resistance by another 7 points. With such insanely high resistance, Lindhardt was able lure the golems close to my army without getting killed doing it, even the triple damage of critical hits isn't enough to kill him because his resistance is so high. Then everybody had to wail on the golem with everything they had to make sure we killed it in one turn, otherwise it would kill whoever it wished in the next round.

After using this method to clear about 2/3 of the map, and going out of my way to raid 2 treasure chests even though that's sort of pointless since it's the last mission in the game, I had only 1 golem left to deal with when I hit the 90th turn and the words "9 turns remaining" totally shocked me. I freaked out and made a mad dash for the giant dragon lady boss, with everybody taking tons of fire damage walking through the flames as they struggled to keep up. I just barely pulled it off... I wouldn't have been able to beat the dragon if it wasn't for Edelgard's ultimate weapon and it's awesome special ability, which allows her to take an additional turn. Or at least, I wouldn't have been able to beat the dragon without any deaths in my army. A truly epic confrontation.

Then I married Petra the end


I'm gonna make sure to recruit Ferdinand on my next playthrough because apparently everybody likes him and I don't know why.

He was 1 of 4 characters I didn't recruit and I guess im missing out on an amazing character. Didn't seem that great to me on first impressions.


I'm gonna make sure to recruit Ferdinand on my next playthrough because apparently everybody likes him and I don't know why.

He was 1 of 4 characters I didn't recruit and I guess im missing out on an amazing character. Didn't seem that great to me on first impressions.

He shouts his own name every time you select him - surely that makes him an awesome character.


I think I’m on the final battle of the game on the Blue Lions story arc.

I’m no Fire Emblem expert, but I’d consider myself quite experienced with the series. I’ve played a lot of the series.

Now, I’ve heard so much talk about the game being too easy and in some cases I suppose it is, but this final battle is BRUTAL. Some of my characters are almost getting one-shotted to death. Every move is important and deadly. It’s not like their not levelled up as I’ve played 100+ hours on first playthrough.

Anyway, I think some people have overblown the “easy” conversation.

EDIT: Actually, I was talking about the second to last battle. Haven’t started the final battle yet, but the map looks intimidating after taking a peek.
I didn't have a problem with Blue Lions route, but Edelgard route last battle I just barely managed to finish it. Lots of turn rewinds.
I think the game rewards a play style with a few over powered characters vs levelling everyone equally. In my Blue Lions playthrough, Dimitri, Protag-kun, Anette, and Felix were far stronger than they had any right to be. The other characters were just kind of along for the ride.
With things settling down a bit from launch hype, I’m kind of curious what you long-time Fire Emblem fans think.

I’m in that same boat. I got on board with FE GBA, fell in love with that era of the series, but the 3DS era really put me off. It’s hard to describe why, but I would cite that things got a whole lot more fan-servicey, generic anime, and sillier/more immature, particularly in Fates. None of those things have to be bad, but in the context of Fire Emblem, it felt like the game lost something.

(I also felt like I was spending too much time out of battle, tending to things like town creation and character stats... but I already know the answer for that question)

Is this different, and more in line with classic Fire Emblem? Watching the intro, and seeing some of the worldbuilding makes me think it could be, but I’m not sure.
There is definitely a lot less fanservice, so if that stuff put you off then I think you may enjoy this one.
I never liked the older Fire Emblems, because I feel the story has always been kind of garbage, and there wasn't much outside the story. In the 3DS titles, the stories were still pretty bad, but there was that fanservice/anime type stuff that I like so I got into it.
I would say Three Houses is kind of somewhere in the middle here, between the older games and the 3DS titles.
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