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First baby born without a gender in Canada


If that child ends up being cisgender they're going to go through a shit ton of hardships while other kids make fun of them and they won't know why. It's better to just keep the birth assigned sex marker and let your kid wear/play with whatever "gendered" stuff they like and if/when the time comes that they say they aren't their assigned gender, embrace and love them. This is putting a lot of unnecessary stress on a toddler. It's also very dangerous for medical reasons if you're ignoring your child's biological sex on papers.


I am simply opposed to experimenting with your own Personal beliefs on a child.

This is something that should be put off until well into adolescence-early adulthood.
Hell no. Transgender kids need to figure out who they are before puberty really kicks in or the dysphoria gets really freakin' bad. It is absolutely more optimal to have kids transition before they start getting those secondary sex characteristics than to wait until the damage is impossible to undo.

Obviously, the chances of the kid being transgender are quite low, but that doesn't mean it's not worth making sure. Especially when it comes to something that is partially irreversible (in the case of things like the bone structure changes that occur during puberty).
You say that, but a lot of kids with "quirky" upbringings end up resenting their parents for it. My ex and her siblings know this only too well.

Most people just want a relatively normal existence. These parents are doing this to suit themselves, not the kid.

And a lot who had "normal" childhoods resent their parents too. Anecdotes are fun!

This is a pretty bad argument, given there are dozens, if not hundreds, or hormonal, metabolic, structural, and behavioral differences beyond JUST genitalia or chromosomes. Doctors use genitalia, not chromosomes, because they are unambiguous and correlate to that constellation of sexually dimorphic features 99+% of the time, which makes them a pretty damned solid heuristic.

There are differing conceptions of gender between cultures, as well as how strictly (if at all) one must conform to the gender typically associated with one's biological sex, but sex, itself, is pretty universally recognized, given categories corresponding exactly to biological maleness and biological femaleness exist in every culture and are what the vast majority of individuals in a society fall into.
I mean, if one side wants to go to the "logical end" of this process and proclaim the kid is going to be fucked up, then I think it's only fair I start listing off mass shootings, kids who were disowned from their parents, or killed, because they didn't fit in with social norms or pre-conceived notions of what they are supposed to be.


Yea, we have plenty of examples where people are completely fucked up because they have "social norms" forced on them.

Avoiding labeling a person and letting them grow up to be their own self identified person is probably going to be on the whole, far less dangerous than having a father get pissed because his son isn't going to be a mans man.
All of this can be done without changing the birth certificate to U.

What can be dangerous is how society reacts to someone labeled U
If that child ends up being cisgender they're going to go through a shit ton of hardships while other kids make fun of them and they won't know why. It's better to just keep the birth assigned sex marker and let your kid wear/play with whatever "gendered" stuff they like and if/when the time comes that they say they aren't their assigned gender, embrace and love them. This is putting a lot of unnecessary stress on a toddler. It's also very dangerous for medical reasons if you're ignoring your child's biological sex on papers.
This reads like an argument against having queer parents because the child is going to be "bullied" because of the increased stressors and pushback that they have to face against their contemporaries.

This is a pretty bad argument, given there are dozens, if not hundreds, or hormonal, metabolic, structural, and behavioral differences beyond JUST genitalia or chromosomes. Doctors use genitalia, not chromosomes, because they are unambiguous and correlate to that constellation of sexually dimorphic features 99+% of the time, which makes them a pretty damned solid heuristic.

There are differing conceptions of gender between cultures, as well as how strictly (if at all) one must conform to the gender typically associated with one's biological sex, but sex, itself, is pretty universally recognized, given categories corresponding exactly to biological maleness and biological femaleness exist in every culture and are what the vast majority of individuals in a society fall into.
Which is why I linked the entire article to provide the context of the social constructionism of what constitutes "biological sex" in societies. This is not simply me retorting that genitalia doesn't exist. It's more nuanced than that. Give the article a read.


Btw. Doty's goal is to abolish the sex line from the birth certificate completely. Are there people who also agree with that?
Is it opressive to document the child's biological sex?

Probably not, but it's also probably not really useful to have either. Most things identified as issues in this space revolve around the cultural gender angle and what is "normal." So maybe it's interesting from a census point of view but from a identification view it's about as useful as hair color. Medically, the doctor doesn't care how anyone feels about it because it's not important for treating ovarian cysts or whatever sex-specific issues come up.


"Normal" is not based on the commonality of certain traits appearing. Rather, "normal" is based on what the dominant society deems as such. A majority of the population does not have green eyes. Is this demonized as abnormal? No. A majority of the population is not intersex, however most of the population is confused on what it's even about, even though the likelihood of being intersex is the same as having green eyes. "Normal" is arbirtrary.

Gender-neutral parenting and introducing concepts of gender and sex for a child is not unnecessary. We do not take issue with introducing children basic arithmetic by teaching them how to count. We do not take issue with introducing children basic language by speaking to them. We do not take issue introducing children to a basic set of morals. We do not take issue of introducing children to what is dangerous to them, such as not sticking a fork into the outlet.

We could and should absolutely teach children these concepts early. It doesn't infringe upon their development to be more aware of what everything constitutes. It only furthers their development because they can more easily understand the complexities of issues as they grow older.

For what it's worth, I think teaching kids that is good. I don't disagree with you. All I'm saying is that I would worry about sending a child to public school without a clear understanding of the issue, or who they are, and that posing problems in their development with other children. I was really sheltered and cut off socially from my peers in school all the way up until I was about 17 years old, and it really negatively affected my life until I started forcibly taking more of a stand against my parents' helicopter parenting style. So these "quirky" parents raise alarm bells to me and I often worry for the kid.

Speaking purely statistically, it is most likely that the kid will just be cisgender. If not, that's absolutely okay and cool and wonderful. I mean that. But if they are then this would just create difficulties for them that most people don't have to go through.
All of this can be done without changing the birth certificate to U.

What can be dangerous is how society reacts to someone labeled U

And who exactly is going to ask the kid what his/her birth certificate has labeled for sex?

Again, why is the BC such a huge issue for some of you? Because it makes it official?


But... they are not doing that. They are doing the opposite of what you are worried about. They are, effectively, letting the kid be the gender they'll want to be and are NOT pushing any gender identity on them.

I mean, what exactly are you so afraid of here? What is the difference between:

> "If your boy likes wearing skirts and playing with the girls or something, or even outright says they feel more like a girl, then handle that as it comes"


>"If your (gender-neutral) child likes wearing skirts and playing with the girls or something, or even outright says they feel more like a girl, then handle that as it comes"

I'm failing to see the big worry here.

lol, sounds about right. Whereas it's probably more gonna be: "are you sure? ok, good for you honey!"

Exactly. Many people in this thread seem to believe that treating every child as if they might potentially be transgender will somehow harm their development. The exact opposite is true. If they're cisgender, they'll be cisgender. No amount of liberal, flowery, gender neutral parenting is going to change that - just as no amount of stoic, conservative, be-like-me parenting will "fix" a kid with gender dysphoria.

The difference is that the former example requires no special psychological or medical help. The latter example absolutely does, and having parents who are aware and ready to provide that help is fundamentally better for the child then having parents who are too busy trying to raise their kid to be "normal" to meet their medical and psychological needs.


This is a pretty bad argument, given there are dozens, if not hundreds, or hormonal, metabolic, structural, and behavioral differences beyond JUST genitalia or chromosomes. Doctors use genitalia, not chromosomes, because they are unambiguous and correlate to that constellation of sexually dimorphic features 99+% of the time, which makes them a pretty damned solid heuristic.

There are differing conceptions of gender between cultures, as well as how strictly (if at all) one must conform to the gender typically associated with one's biological sex, but sex, itself, is pretty universally recognized, given categories corresponding exactly to biological maleness and biological femaleness exist in every culture and are what the vast majority of individuals in a society fall into.
But the thing is, there are so many ambiguous aspects to sex beyond just the chromosomes that it starts to break down when you look deeper into it.

At some point we have to recognize that the binary is a mistake, not for medical reasons mind you, but because of what it means for non-binary individuals and transgender individuals and how society views them. The fact that I have to deal with "There are only two genders!" being spouted in my face on a regular basis says well enough.


You asked for an example wherein the sex of the child was misassigned at birth. That sex was misassigned at birth if we go by the notion of genitalia = biological sex of the child.

The child not feeling like a woman is because of something completely different: i.e. their gender identity. Like i said, the genitalia is not a social construct, there is, however, social constructs that surround the "biological sex" argument and how that plays into sex assignment at birth.

You are talking about the Reimer case? That child wasn't misassigned at birth. Or am I missing something?
It was only after the sexual reconstructive surgery at 22 months that he was assigned to be female. In this case the boy was born with a penis, and identified as male.

All i'm saying is that external genitalia reflect someone's biological sex in 99% of cases and thus the practice is still used today.


Is it opressive to document the child's biological sex?

Of course not. Unless you're someone who thinks evolution is also oppressive and cannot accept we evolved from common ancestors and human beings are not "above" the animal kingdom. We're part of it, just arguably at the top of the food chain and a species with the most advanced intelligence. Although sometimes I think there might be one or two species out there who give some humans a run for their money :p

When things aren't as they seem then that is where humans should be evaluated on "oppression", or how we handle diagnosis, cause and treatment. Not when things do appear as they seem.


Alright so forgive my ignorance so gender is the psychological aspect of what a person is and sex is what a person is biologically?

Its best to think of it by seperating the physical from the psychological.

Sex is the reproductive organs present.

Gender is what your brain perceives your sex to be.

Its late, Im tired, but my understanding is that the bodys sexual organs and the way the brain is wired to understand its sex develop at different points in the fetal stage and can sometimes go out of sync, so you situations where the parts if the physical sex because wired one way where other parts develop another way (this doesnt necessarily refer to penis / vagina, but more to do with hormonal, psychology etc) and so depending on the variation and potentially number of them and stages of them the alignment between the physically observable and what the brain and other sex related devices like hormones actually end up being arent actually a complete match or even cause variances in how strongly one might be characterised as having male or female traits.
All of this can be done without changing the birth certificate to U.

What can be dangerous is how society reacts to someone labeled U

And how do these nefarious children find out and then go out of their way to make fun on the kid who will most likely be confident in their gender by the time it begins? Keeping in mind it will be about eight years for the "proper" bullying age.

I will say that I live in a small town in Ontario Canada and I know there is a transgender student that is loved and accepted by all their peers and they are grade five, I believe. Struggling to see this torturous hell of an existence will actually come to fruition for this child especially considering it is basically guaranteed they will have defined themselves early enough it literally won't be a thing aside from this piece of paper.
This is fine. Not being trans, I don't know whether provisionally asigning a gender before the kid gets to grow as a person does much harm. (Effectively assuming a gender that is the most probable outcome) This is, of course, given that the kid's environment would be supportive in the case they happen to be trans.
In any case, maybe what should be shown in the birth certificate is biological sex, which I'm sure is of some importance, and have gender as an entirely different category.
In other words, I feel like this is just semantics over one of many documents that the kid will need, but what do I know. That lawyer seems someone with good stories to tell.


The amount of posts using Medium as a source for how we hand the use of the word "sex" is astounding. As someone who has studied biology this thread gives me a fucking headache.

"Sex" is a biology term relating to chomosonal and primary sex characteristics of a given person. The "sex" of the child has already been determined. If the child ends up being trans, they are still gonna feel body dismorphia, so this entire point is dumb anyway. If you wanna raise your child without gender norms and have them choose how they express themselves and have them understand what gender they are for themselves, that great, more power to you. Altering "Sex" on a birth certificate doesn't do shit to do that though. In fact doing this just adds to the wording confusing where people stupidly think gender and sex are somehow the same thing.

Saying "this kid is neither a boy nor a girl" is fine but saying "this kid has no primary genetic or physical sexual features" is beyond stupid.

Yea, we have plenty of examples where people are completely fucked up because they have "social norms" forced on them.

Avoiding labeling a person and letting them grow up to be their own self identified person is probably going to be on the whole, far less dangerous than having a father get pissed because his son isn't going to be a mans man.

I'm very much confused as to what this even has to do with the topic of sex in a birth certificate? Are you somehow insinuating that this father would treat their potentially trans child like shit just because a U wasn't on their birth certificate? I'm confused here.
While I am someone who thinks it is indeed the best medical practice for a doctor/hospital to diagnose sex at birth (for practical, medical and social reasons), I'm a bit confused at "playing games with their development". If you're talking about the parent(s) then I did say in my first post in the topic it's way too early and unfair to judge the parent(s) of the child on the parenting/upbringing. You have very little evidence to do that. The parent(s) deserve the time to bring up the child before any pitchforks are out, even although I do think this is a case of the parent due to their own life experiences projecting onto the baby considering this went as far as them getting a lawyer involved. The parent does have to remember the baby is not them. This is not them re-doing their life from age "day 1". This is a brand new life born into the world, and while I'm sure the parent(s) want the best education, upbringing and life for the baby, the debates here are heavily around the age at which the baby is being subjected to complex evaluation. There are genuinely founded reasons as to why we diagnose sex at birth, and to stray from that either means one or two things ~ To take the decision away from the fields of medicine/biology/science anlod say parents should simply decide. Or to try and propose all babies get defined as undetermined. It is of my current opinion we currently handle things as well as we can, although obviously people disagree with that belief and want it done differently.

If you can elaborate more we can discuss further but most of your responses have just been one liners so I'm assuming a bit what you are implying/meaning.
I don't hv time for any long social, scientific discussion right now. But my stance in general with this is the post before.
I'm doing one liners because I'm on mobile.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Yea, we have plenty of examples where people are completely fucked up because they have "social norms" forced on them.

Avoiding labeling a person and letting them grow up to be their own self identified person is probably going to be on the whole, far less dangerous than having a father get pissed because his son isn't going to be a mans man.

You can be sensitive to the signs, and the parent in this case would be acutely aware of those without having to go completely neutral.

Our eldest (coming up on 3) enjoys occasionally playing with dolls and loves pushing a little pink pram around with a doll in it, which I'm absolutely fine with. But he has a penis and we raise him as a boy, and buy him cool boy toys which he also loves - the "social norms". Does that mean we are terrible parents who risk screwing him up because we didn't put a blank on his birth certificate?


Gold Member
Reminds me of the Finnish 'gender neutral' couple that renamed themselves to Fox and Wolf, and named their kid Roo, so that no gender roles could be assigned to any one of them. Somehow I think the poor kid will end up living through hell.
You can be sensitive to the signs, and the parent in this case would be acutely aware of those without having to go completely neutral.

Our eldest (coming up on 3) enjoys occasionally playing with dolls and loves pushing a little pink pram around with a doll in it, which I'm absolutely fine with. But he has a penis and we raise him as a boy, and buy him cool boy toys which he also loves - the "social norms". Does that mean we are terrible parents who risk screwing him up because we didn't put a blank on his birth certificate?

No, but why do you give a shit if other parents aren't raising their kid specifically to be a boy? Why is that kid suddenly going to be fucked up, or that it's some type of "experiment"?


This reads like an argument against having queer parents because the child is going to be "bullied" because of the increased stressors and pushback that they have to face against their contemporaries.
I'm a queer person, don't try to box me into that. This parent isn't truly raising their child without gender in mind, they're forcing this child to essentially be nonbinary. They are doing this wrong and the person it'll hurt is the child.


Yes, it's also correct ~99.7% of the time.
It's not 99.7%. We don't have exact numbers, especially because the Age of Information is relatively new and a lot of closeted folks may not have even known they were transgender before getting information to let them identify as such.

It gets even more complicated when you consider that the younger generations are more likely to identify as transgender, indicating that self-identification relies, at least in part, on people actually knowing that transgender people exist (and that identifying as non-binary is even an option, for that matter). With estimates anywhere from 0.5% to 1.5%, we really don't have any actual certainty on it, but at the very least we have at least a few million transgender people in the US alone. And with our suicide attempt rate being as high as 41%, it is a major concern that we support ALL transgender individuals as much as we possibly can.
The amount of posts using Medium as a source for how we hand the use of the word "sex" is astounding. As someone who has studied biology this thread gives me a fucking headache.

"Sex" is a biology term relating to chomosonal and primary sex characteristics of a given person. The "sex" of the child has already been determined. If the child ends up being trans, they are still gonna feel body dismorphia, so this entire point is dumb anyway. If you wanna raise your child without gender norms and have them choose how they express themselves and have them understand what gender they are for themselves, that great, more power to you. Altering "Sex" on a birth certificate doesn't do shit to do that though. In fact doing this just adds to the wording confusing where people stupidly think gender and sex are somehow the same thing.

Saying "this kid is neither a boy nor a girl" is fine but saying "this kid has no primary genetic or physical sexual features" is beyond stupid.

I'm very much confused as to what this even has to do with the topic of sex in a birth certificate? Are you somehow insinuating that this father would treat their potentially trans child like shit just because a U wasn't on their birth certificate? I'm confused here.

Because the conversation is far beyond a birth certificate if you haven't noticed, and it's not even about if the kid could be trans.

"I'm raising Searyl in in such a way that until they have the sense of self and command of vocabulary to tell me who they are, I'm recognising them as a baby and trying to give them all the love and support to be the most whole person that they can be outside of the restrictions that come with the boy box and the girl box," the parent was quoted by CBC as saying.

The parents are literally going to let their kid grow up and like what it wants to like.


I'm a queer person, don't try to box me into that. This parent isn't truly raising their child without gender in mind, they're forcing this child to essentially be nonbinary. They are doing this wrong and the person it'll hurt is the child.

No? That's not how nonbinary works. They're letting the kid figure out who they are themselves without the parents forcing anything on them. Especially not forcing the kid to be nonbinary.


If that child ends up being cisgender they're going to go through a shit ton of hardships while other kids make fun of them and they won't know why. It's better to just keep the birth assigned sex marker and let your kid wear/play with whatever "gendered" stuff they like and if/when the time comes that they say they aren't their assigned gender, embrace and love them. This is putting a lot of unnecessary stress on a toddler. It's also very dangerous for medical reasons if you're ignoring your child's biological sex on papers.

Totally agree. Whether it's right or wrong we live in a world that has certain norms. This is ridiculous. If the kid turns into an adult and makes a decision on their gender then no problem.

No? That's not how nonbinary works. They're letting the kid figure out who they are themselves without the parents forcing anything on them. Especially not forcing the kid to be nonbinary.

The overwhelming likelihood is the child will simply be the person they were born. Working on that basis is not in any way stopping the kid figuring out who they are themselves.


I'm a queer person, don't try to box me into that. This parent isn't truly raising their child without gender in mind, they're forcing this child to essentially be nonbinary. They are doing this wrong and the person it'll hurt is the child.
You're making things up. They are not forcing anything on the child. They're doing the exact opposite of forcing things on the child.


Gender assigning based on birth sex is imposing a "personal belief" on a child.

It's no more a personal belief than the location of the birth, the fact that the child has 2 eyes, a nose, and a mouth, etc. What parts are attached to the child, that's all the birth certificate needs to say. Once the child is capable of forming their own coherent thoughts then we can explore their gender identity.

I mean, I like to idea of being hands off somewhat and allowing a child to naturally find what they are interested in rather than forcing them to conform to gender stereotypes, but sometimes a parent needs to provide a little guidance too, right? Like, does this parent just literally not discuss genitals? Their purpose? Etc?
But the thing is, there are so many ambiguous aspects to sex beyond just the chromosomes that it starts to break down when you look deeper into it.

At some point we have to recognize that the binary is a mistake, not for medical reasons mind you, but because of what it means for non-binary individuals and transgender individuals and how society views them. The fact that I have to deal with "There are only two genders!" being spouted in my face on a regular basis says well enough.

...but that would be why I said that there are many things correlated with maleness and femaleness aside from JUST genitals or JUST chromosomes. Yes, any particular sexed trait exists on a spectrum, but when you look at the overall grouping of traits in any particular person, they are overwhelmingly likely to fall into an overall pattern of being prototypically male or prototypically female for almost all of them. The number of truly intersex persons is quite small. Some people have persistently patent foramens ovale throughout their lives, or are born without a leg, but this doesn't change the fact that, colloquially, it is acceptable to state that human hearts don't have holes connecting the atria and that humans are bipedal.
It's not 99.7%.

Even were it 99.7% that is 22,500,000 people who bsp and the like are cool with dismissing in order to serve the status quo. Opposed to the alternative of doing harm to 0 people in not dictating a gender at birth.

It's no more a personal belief than the location of the birth, the fact that the child has 2 eyes, a nose, and a mouth, etc.

Gender isn't a physical characteristic.


And how do these nefarious children find out and then go out of their way to make fun on the kid who will most likely be confident in their gender by the time it begins? Keeping in mind it will be about eight years for the "proper" bullying age.

I will say that I live in a small town in Ontario Canada and I know there is a transgender student that is loved and accepted by all their peers and they are grade five, I believe. Struggling to see this torturous hell of an existence will actually come to fruition for this child especially considering it is basically guaranteed they will have defined themselves early enough it literally won't be a thing aside from this piece of paper.
The child has a super recognisable name and this is a news story, it's not hard to imagine that the kids will find out.

Also, you make it sound like the birth certificate isn't a big deal anyway, so why even change it to U?
The child has a super recognisable name and this is a news story, it's not hard to imagine that the kids will find out.

Also, you make it sound like the birth certificate isn't a big deal anyway, so why even change it to U?

Because the parents have a belief that the sex of their newborn is unimportant and are willing to fight for that belief.


Because the parents have a belief that the sex of their newborn is unimportant and are willing to fight for that belief.
And I consider this pretty dumb as documentation shouldn't depend on whims.

And again, they're free to treat the child as sexless as they want, why fight over the documentation which will likely only cause trouble in the future


Fail out bailed
Not being facetious, but sincerely asking. Kids start talking about gender at about 20 - 22 months old. I'm curious how you talk about other children at that age. Do you just not teach them that there are boys and girls and refer to all other children in a genderless sense? Or do you look at a kid dressed as a boy and assume they are a boy, but not talk to your own kid about it until they are older?


Even were it 99.7% that is 225,000,000 people who bsp and the like are cool with dismissing in order to serve the status quo. Opposed to the alternative of doing harm to 0 people in not dictating a gender at birth.

It's not 'dictating' anything. It's a classification based on external features and occasional karyotyping.

It dictates just as much the time of birth or birth weight. It's a descriptor.
The parents can go whatever way they feel with their child and they don't have to assign a gender to the sex at birth at all. But that's not erasing the fact that people are born with different external genitalia and genetic factors that, among our species, dictate the male or female sex.
I can never understand making an account here for just talking shit a few years later knowing you'll be banned. Just weird.

I feel I've definitely learnt a couple things about talking to/about lgbt members through my time on gaf.

May seem like an uphill unwinnable battle, but I've seen some posters itt say they've learned something. Little victories I guess
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