It's almost as if you started debating someone before even reading their post and comprehending what they were saying (not surprising honestly). You are attempting to provide evidence to dismiss claims I never even made

Lol like dude, no one is saying high frame rates are not preferable, who even would try to make such a claim. As a fully grown adult I have accepted that you dont always get what you want, and some great games arent going to have the best performance...
big deal... it's a video game and I have played worse. "Oh no... I had to wait 43 seconds on a loading screen...unacceptable!!" "Destiny at 60fps is sluggish

" Like what is this?
Also, I'm sorry if what I said about being soft hit close to home. There is probably a better term, but I don't know what else to call someone who cries because their turn based strategy game is stuttering.
Edit: I thought of a better descriptor than "soft", as that admittedly seems more mean than I intended.... it's a Karen... a video game Karen. That fits my mental image much better.