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First PSP TV commercial




500k http://www.playstation.jp/ch/cm/asx/cm_hamekomidenai.asx
1000k http://www.playstation.jp/ch/cm/asx/cm_hamekomidenai1000.asx


Hmmm, hearing the "PSP" at the end of that ad made me wonder if they'll use some sort of new chime for PSP ads in N. America, i.e. will they use something different than the PS2 chime sound or will that sound be used universally for both PS2 and PSP? Just curious :)


I hope sony creates psp commercials similar to those stylish ps2 ads around it's launch.

matter of fact, SCEA should release teasers now until the psp's launch around march.
neptunes said:
I hope sony creates psp commercials similar to those stylish ps2 ads around it's launch.

matter of fact, SCEA should release teasers now until the psp's launch around march.

I agree. I don't like this commercial at all, it's so.. bland and abrupt. I can't wait to see what they do over here though, Sony knows marketing well.


Society said:
It has the Sony sound at the start. I like it, shows off the PSP's best feature, it's beautiful screen.

Doh. You're right. :p So, I guess N. American ads will likely use the same PS2 chime. I'd still like to see it somehow distinguished differently in tone of ad or some other aspect from PS2 to make it stand out more. But I guess if they show the actual unit in the ad that'll make it stand apart from the PS2 ;-)

Maybe the could make a PSP9 ad? :p


wow that commercial sucked it was so boring i mean it showed it of but with no style it was just like here the psp loook u can play golf.


That was a pretty smart commercial.

1. PS chime at the beginning
2. Shows off the screen
3. Shows off one of the most popular PS franchises in Japan

Not too effective on me though.
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