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First screen of PSP Ridge Racer



Found on yahoo news... here


Identical GUI to Ridge Racer V. Judging from previous pics it seems to be some sort of port, too.


hyperbolically metafictive
eh? the gui looks very similar, but from the screens we've seen it doesn't look like an rrv port at all. different cars, different tracks.
drohne said:
eh? the gui looks very similar, but from the screens we've seen it doesn't look like an rrv port at all. different cars, different tracks.

I agree.

In any case, as a bigtime RRV fan, I'd love to see more.


RRV is the most fun arcade racer I've played this gen, so I'm really looking forward to this game, as long as it's not a port. The games in the series have incredible replay value, which bodes well for a handheld game.


Having seen the video like 30 times and having just popped RRV for comparison here comes what I think:

Geometry wise the games seem on par. Both games paint a lot of the RR city in the background although in a different way. It's not the same kind of city.
Lightning has been improved a lot. Notice the specular effect on the tracks and in general on everything. Reflections on buildings continue looking as good as the ones in RRV.
I can wait to see more hi-res footage showing the cars.


go eat paint
Hmm, quality seems somewhere between PSX and PS2... for a $300 handheld, I want to see better textures and more polys...


hyperbolically metafictive
bleh. the video's just the old ridge racer 1 track. the draw distance puts it well out of ps1 or even system 22 territory, but i'm not sure how it compares to the rrv version of that track. it's probably similar.


System 22 had GOOD draw distance, maybe better than Model 2.

look at System 22 Rave Racer, very long draw distances.


You knowe it looks great and all, but with the system alone being so damn expensive, I won't even have the money to spend on games for it.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
wow, that vid has just about sold me on the psp. fuck that is cool

Sho Nuff

The video shows the exact same track from the original Ridge Racer, which came out infinite +1 years ago. How can you call that a "New" Ridge Racer? :mad:


the video shows some sort of conversion of Ridge Racer V, which had a souped up version of the original Ridge Racer track.

the video is not the same as the original arcade Ridge Racer released in 1993. it's very similar to Ridge Racer V which was programmed mostly in 1999, released in 2000

Sho Nuff

doncale said:
the video shows some sort of conversion of Ridge Racer V, which had a souped up version of the original Ridge Racer track.

the video is not the same as the original arcade Ridge Racer released in 1993. it's very similar to Ridge Racer V which was programmed mostly in 1999, released in 2000

Excuses, excuses! Same shit, different format. Grrr! Namco can actually try making some new tracks for once.


Tag of Excellence
A new Sony system a new Ridge Racer. This is a very nice trend, hopefully they'll extend it to more than one game per platform this time around!


I'll wait for WhippinSean's comments before I pass judgement...
Bandicoot said:

Found on yahoo news... here

Position 1 of 1 huh? I'll bet the engine isn't yet powerful enough to draw the other cars. I'll bet they have to end up lowering the quality of the graphics to draw all the other cars.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
RRV is one of the worst offenders as far as the interlacing problems on PS2 go, though, which your TV photos don't show.


RRV has interlacing problems and it has jagged edge problems, but, it still looks better than any Ridge Racer on PS1.

the best looking Ridge Racers overall (not talking about amout of geometry & lighting) is still the original 3 arcade games: Ridge Racer (93), Ridge Racer 2 (94), Rave Racer (94)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I am not trying to prove anything outside how the game looks on a standard TV set.
Those are the same pics you linked here... The thing is, those screens are taken with a camera that exposes the picture for longer than 1/60 seconds so it interpolates whatever is displayed over several consecutive TV frames. That way you practically get all the interlacting artifacts eliminated on that static pic, or even video if you record it. It's undeniable that the game suffers from that problem on the regular TV set (and probably looks even a lot worse on the progressive set, due to deinterlacing)

I still like how the game looks, btw. it's just that it's image quality is quite poor.


I see your point Marconelly. RRV has no AA nor any kind of image filtering which results in a very sharp IQ.(sometimes I even doubt it uses a flicker filter)
Anyways, to my eyes the result is more similar to the tv shots (which I reposted because I thought you couldn't see them) than to the IGN shots.
There are other things that are much more noticeable in RRV such as the poor texture pool used (you can even count with your hands the textures in the texture pool...).

This doesn't change the fact it's my favourite racing game this gen...
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