What the fuck is that editing?
I believe it's called the "Taken Fence Technique"
What the fuck is that editing?
What the fuck is that editing?
A Silk movie could be great if they grounded her story a bit.A Cindy Moon movie would be spectacularly dull.
At least a movie centering around a super-villain team had something of a unique spin to it, at least before Suicide Squad came along.
A Silk movie could be great if they grounded her story a bit.
A Cindy Moon movie would be spectacularly dull.
At least a movie centering around a super-villain team had something of a unique spin to it, at least before Suicide Squad came along.
I believe it's called the "Taken Fence Technique"
Almost as bad as the Taken 3 fence scene.
Don't make me want things i can't haveThey can do Superior Foes down the line.
Almost as bad as the Taken 3 fence scene.
Ok so without reading any spoilers, I'm going to take a guess as to which character show up.
Isin this?Kingpin
Unfortunately, Sony is too incompetent to do it. Their plans made no sense. A Sinister Six movie with no Spider-Man
I think their SS movie (or at least one of the versions of it) actually did include Spider-Man, but played by someone other than Garfield. It was going to be their way of soft rebooting the series again.
we can't forget basketball
I don't think so. They were building up to the Sinister Six in ASM2. They wanted it all to be in the same continuity.
Bro we posted the Reddit link like two days agoOk, be very careful, all of it sounds true...
Bro we posted the Reddit link like two days ago
God, I blocked this out. All I remember from those movies is Spiderman constantly crying and Jamie Foxx's closeup where he says "I'm elektro."
IIRC, the soft reboot rumor was also corroborated by one of the hacked Sony emails.
Her powers in comparison to Spider-Man's, she's a Korean-American superhero, and that in a movie they can take liberties.Genuine question: What aspects do you find interesting about Cindy Moon in such a way that could translate well to the silver screen?
That'll be the OT thread which goes up a week before the premiere I think?We need a spoiler thread for this movie.
I am so sorry, I have no idea how that happened. Hope you didn't read.Yo fix this shit
Edit: thank you. Fuck.
I am so sorry, I have no idea how that happened. Hope you didn't read.
Wow, I'm surprised to hear this about Tony Stark considering what most people said about him.Ok, be very careful, all of it sounds true...
Guy who saw Homecoming here. Alright, here's your spoilers post.
I added numbers in front of each, easier for discussions...
1-2-It's been revealed that Toomes has been running his operation since the battle of New York, once Damage Control comes in and shuts them down. They had already been working the site for a day or so before Damage Control shut them down and took their stuff. They start off with stuff they had from day one back at their warehouse that they didn't turn over. He's already Vulture before the modern day story starts and has been using his suit just to steal materials without getting caught.3-Happy is appointed to be Peter's check-in guy, so he has to go through him to talk to Tony and Happy hates Peter.4-Avengers Tower is being sold. Happy reveals that they sold it and are moving everything over to their new upstate facility in a few days.5-Tony doesn't do any of the fighting. He really is not in the movie that much. Iron Man shows up twice, once to save Spider-Man after Vulture drops him into a river and he's trapped in his parachute (Tony isn't even in the suit, he's in India controlling it remotely), and then again at the Ferry scene.6-Toomes uses alien tech that Tinkerer messed with to steal things. They have a cube thing that can separate into four smaller cubes, and when positioned on a flat surface, it creates a door, so it's like a phase shifted. This is how Toomes has been able to discretely steal stuff for years from Damage Control delivery trucks. The trucks don't know they're being robbed and see no evidence of it after the fact.7-Peter gets trapped in one of these trucks while trying to stop the Vulture in DC, and when he breaks out of the crate, finds out he's in a huge concrete warehouse that's locked and devoid of personnel until morning. He uses this time to get acquainted with all of the features of his suit. Ned unlocked the training wheels protocol back in their hotel room.8-Peter and Ned hold onto a glowing purple alien thing from a piece of a weapon that fell off during a chase scene. Peter finds out later that it's almost like a bomb and is activated with radiation. Ned has it in his backpack when he goes to the Washington Monument and the X-ray from the security screening sets it off, but it doesn't start to blow up until they're in the elevator.9-Peter discovers it's a bomb while talking to the AI in his suit in the warehouse. He freaks out and uses an electrical panel, a graphing calculator plugged into it, and the AI in his suit (that he names Karen) to help override it. It takes him hours and is a good example of how smart he is. This causes him to miss their decathlon.10-Yes, Toomes is Liz Allen's dad. Peter saw his face on the Ferry, and then is terrified the entire time he's picking up Liz for their Homecoming dance.11-Toomes drives the two to their dance and asks Peter what his plans are for after high school, and Liz tells her dad he's got an internship with Stark And mentions that he knows Spider-Man. Toomes doesn't think much of it, but tells Peter he recognizes him from somewhere and says it's his voice. Peter brushes it off as him seeing him on Liz's decathlon team, then Liz starts talking about Peter not being there for their D.C. decathlon competition, or how he disappeared at her party. From there, Toomes connects the dots. He keeps Peter in the car once they get to the dance and tells him that since he saved Liz's life in DC, he's not going to hurt him, but if he interferes again, he threatens him and tells him to leave him alone.12-Peter makes the tough choice to leave Liz at the dance to go fight Toomes before he leaves for his "flight" he says he has to catch. Peter leaves his spare suit (and the web Fluid he makes in chemistry class) underneath a thing of lockers at his school that only he can lift because of his strength.13-Peter gets attacked by Shocker outside the school before he can get his webshooters on. Vulture sent him to make sure Peter didn't leave the dance. Ned ends up saving him by using his webshooter to hit Shocker.14-Peter confronts Vulture at his warehouse, where Vulture monologues to distract him and get his brand new wings up and running, and he uses them to chase Peter and break the load-bearing columns in the building and brings the warehouse down on him.15-Peter is trapped under the concrete rubble and manages to use his strength to lift himself out of it, like the classic shot from the comics of him doing the same thing.16-Toomes is using his new wings to intercept the plane moving everything important out of Avengers Tower, including the Hulkbuster suit, a new prototype cap shield, and an asgardian belt that belonged to Thor. We also see the Mark 42 suit from IM3 and arc reactors in the plane.17-The plane has retroflective panels, like the helicarrier, so the whole plan flight looks cool because the panels are freaking out and flickering the whole time.18-The plane crashes near Coney Island and Happy sees it happen from Avengers Tower.19-Toomes is fighting Peter and tries to make off with a crate of arc reactors when Peter notices that his wings are about to explode like the alien battery in D.C. Did. He tries to ground Vulture using his webs, saying he's trying to save him, but Vulture cuts his webline and doesn't make it far before the wings blow. Peter runs into the fire and pulls him out of the crash and he's alive.20-Happy arrives on the scene later with Damage Control and finds Toomes conscious and webbed up to the crate of the arc reactors, with a note saying something like "Caught that Vulture looking guy," and signs it as Spider-Man21-Back at school, Liz reveals that her and her mom are moving to another state, saying that her dad didn't want them near during the trial22-Peter goes to a decathlon meeting. Liz was their former leader but since she's gone, they elect a new one and it's Michelle. She says her friends call her MJ. Someone makes a joke that she doesn't have any friends and she acknowledges that fact.23-Happy meets Peter in the school bathroom and thanks him for what he did and said that he wouldn't be anything without his job. Happy tells Peter Tony wants to meet him upstate and he drives him to the Avengers facility.24-Tony tells Peter he did a great job and he really proved himself. He walks him over to a giant container, revealing a brand new suit for him. It's very shiny and has mostly the same basic red and blue pattern, but with a lot of Iron Spider elements. There's a giant spider covering the whole torso that's blue with a gold outline.25-Tony tells Peter that beyond the next door is a room full of reporters, and tells Peter to get the suit on because he's prepared to introduce him as the newest member of The Avengers and says after, Happy will show him to his new room. Peter thanks Tony for the offer, but tells him he'd prefer to stay close to the ground and be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Tony respects his decision and tells him that Happy will drive him home. As Peter walks away he asks Tony if it was a test and if there were really reporters. Tony says yes it was and no there aren't.26-After Peter leaves, Pepper Potts bursts through a door with press cameras going off in the next room and asks where he is. Tony says he left and that he can think of something better and Happy gives Tony a ring and says he's been holding onto it since 2008. Pepper tells him not to and Tony takes the ring from Happy as he follows her back into the press room.CREDITS:Back at home, Peter calls for May, who doesn't answer, thinking she's not home. He sees a bad from Tony on his bed with his original Stark suit in it. He tries it on and takes his mask off with his back to the door. The door is open, and you can see May standing in the doorway watching Peter, who doesn't see her. She screams "WHAT THE FU-" before the credits start rolling.
1-2-the first shows Toomes being walked to his prison cell. He's approached by a guy with medical pins in his right arm, a scar on his face, and a scorpion tattoo on his neck. He asks Toomes if he knows who Spidey is, because he has some friends on the outside that want him dead. Toomes takes a moment and tells Mac that if he knew who he was, he would've killed him already. I assume he saved Spidey's identity because he saved his daughter and saved his life so his daughter wouldn't go without a father.Other things:The second is a joke scene. It's a white screen and Cap walks up and faces us. This is him filming a PSA. He tells us the importance of having patience, and it can be important when you're waiting for something you think will be important, but is ultimately a waste of your time (poking fun at us for sitting in the theater, waiting for some big reveal when it's just a joke). He then looks off camera and asks how many more of these he has to do.
-Donald Glover plays Aaron Davis/Prowler. He's seen trying to buy weapons from Toomes' team but tells them he doesn't want anything that extreme. Peter's watching from a bridge and his phone goes off and the sellers think he brought someone to jump them and they pull a gun on him. Peter jumps down and tells them to aim at him instead. Later, Peter goes to Davis for info about the guys and tells them that he doesn't want those weapons in his neighborhood because he has a nephew that lives nearby, confirming that Miles Morales exists in the MCU - Michelle's character is playfully mean to Peter, but you get hints that she subtly likes him. She's also one of the few characters that's always paying attention to him. - The Osborns and JJJ and Gwen are not referenced at all in the movie. I didn't see any Bugle references.
My bad. I feel bad now 😞Totally did 😑 but thanks for fixing it
There's only one way to stop that.
It worries me that both of the immediate reviews feel Homecoming falls short of Raimi's original Spiderman.
I mean, I love that movie, but it hasn't aged particularly well. It's got a lot of flaws, especially in the action department.
At times it's basically a big budget Power Rangers episode.
Wow, I'm surprised to hear this about Tony Stark considering what most people said about him.
Wow, I'm surprised to hear this about Tony Stark considering what most people said about him.
Yeah, rewatching the trilogy I appreciate how groundbreaking they were and how they set the table for modern superhero movies to more regularly be good as opposed to bad, but I can't say they've aged well at all to me. They constantly tip over into cheese at weird moments, combined with an odd melodrama streak that feels like it belongs in General Hospital rather than a feature film.
Well, it was directed by Sam Rami. I'd be lying if I said that wasn't part of the charm.
They can do Superior Foes down the line.
All these spoilers I'm so tempted to click on...
There's only one way to stop that.
Thank God I'm seeing this tomorrow as some sites are starting to get spoilery as fuck.