Hmm, that does leave the possibility of him taking it in the future I guess.
I do like the stuff with Pepper and Tony. Bit weird to have that here, but eh.
See, I do like this development because you could have a damn good scene next time if you have him explain the origin story to her and how he let the guy go that went on to kill Uncle Ben.
Are there many hints towards future plots? I know Toomes survives which I'm happy about, but it sounded like he meets Mac Gargan with a possible hint of other members of the rogues gallery in prison too?
Shame about the Michelle stuff in that she doesn't really feel quite like MJ since I liked how they eventually made it so the whole party girl persona was more of a mask,
which doesn't seem to be what they are going for here. Just need to see I guess.
How are her few interactions with Peter? Any chemistry or too little to tell?