That's basically how I felt on rewatch. I used to like the movies way more but they don't hold up for me. I feel like there's is some nostalgia speaking when people compare it to those especially because a lot remember what the movies meant for comic book movies at the time. It was an amazing achievement but dunno as a casual watcher today I have a far better time with even the amazing spiderman 1 and it just boils down to cringing less. Especially everything peter/MJ in the first two is kinda unenjoyable to me.
That said I won't expect anything amazing out of homecoming just at base an enjoyable flick ala antman. Being a casual movie watcher expectations seem to influence my enjoyment a lot. The impression for guardians 2 were so lukewarm at the time hammering not as good as the first one and in the end after watching it twice I think I enjoy it more than the first one tbh.
I also feel that the original films haven't aged well, and may not have been that great at the time either aside from that as far as superhero films go it was the best out there.
Tobey's Parker was a bit too dweeby and socially inept, and trying to play off as a high school graduate was ridiculous. Actually, maybe my issues are solely on Peter Parker in both films (never saw 3), as aside from some sketchy action the rest of the films are at least ok.
ASM films I thought nailed Peter (and in some ways Spiderman) better, but outside of Gwen the rest of the content was really bad. Especially when it came to the villains, who are sort of the lifeblood of Spiderman.
Edit: I'll have to watch Spiderman 2 again, but the music number (Raindrops, right?) was...bad, and quite nearly ruined the film for me. I get it. But it just didn't work for me and didn't fit the rest of the film.