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First time in US (Work related)

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Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
i recently got a job with a biggish multinational who does some work for a major multinational company and as part of my training im of to san jose and livermore, ca for a month.
first time in the states, know its going to be very hot and all that shite but what do people do to unwind,etc at weekends, is there a comparable pub/club scene to Ireland.
the company are loading my credit card with loads of money and im planniing on buying plenty but what do u guys recommend as good purchases.
Ive heard ye talking about the Mach3 Power as if its the 2nd coming so thats caught my eye, if i have the time id really like to get a Samsung 172X LCD momitor. have an ipod already from parents trip to NY last year.
im definately loading up on GBA games as theyre region free and WAY cheaper so recommend me some of the great ones.


That part of the country is quite expensive. You should probably find out how much your cost of living is before making too many spending plans.


Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
my company are throwing $3000 on my credit card as advance expenses and i have avis rental card and company apartments too and im going to throw €1000 on the card aswell.
Get the mach 3 power, if you own a monitor skip buying another until you are settled and the checks are rolling in. buy like one gba game.

Seriously tho, you dont wanna shoot yerself in the foot.


GAF's Bob Woodward
What is a Mach3 Power?

Also, he's only going for a month. If you're accomodation is taken care of, $4000 should be plenty..?
You should always plan to spend more in required expenses. Its just safer that way. Buffer helps when you get fucked by fate.

And mach 3 turbo power is apparently gods new gift to shaving.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I figured it was the razor, but couldn't fathom GAF fawning over a razor as "the second coming" ;)

And yes, I guess it is always good to be conservative with your spending - do keep some emergency money on standby won't you? Enough to get you back here on a moment's notice? :p


Is it really that good? I haven't bought a razor in like a month...been using my girlfriends venus much to the delight of my face. .............:(
mach 3 turbo is awesome if you havent used it. Apparently the turbo power is even better, I have yet to try it. Pretty satisfied with mach 3 turbo.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I've been using the turbos, and really don't find them that much better than a disposable two-blade. I usually actually cut myself more with the turbo. I use a good shaving gel, and follow its instructions to the letter. Not sure what's going wrong :(


gofreak said:
I've been using the turbos, and really don't find them that much better than a disposable two-blade. I usually actually cut myself more with the turbo. I use a good shaving gel, and follow its instructions to the letter. Not sure what's going wrong :(
do you shave up or down ( with or against the grain )?
I had trouble shaving with ANY blade, so I started shaving once with hot water (up) in the shower. One pass.

Then when I get out I do a cold shave (down) to get the rest of it. Works fucking wonders. RARELY get razor burn and barely ever cut myself. The process takes longer than most, but I have a face that cuts and gets irritated easy so its worth it.


GAF's Bob Woodward
With the grain, and then against, usually. I find only going with the grain doesn't leave me as smooth, though it would cut down on...cuts ;)


gofreak said:
With the grain, and then against, usually. I find only going with the grain doesn't leave me as smooth, though it would cut down on...cuts ;)
yeah that's what I do and I only cut myself when Im in a hurry.......must be the way your holding the razor........you must be pressing down too hard or something


Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
Upper_Management said:
What part of San Jose will you be staying in? I used to live in the Palo Alto area, and I could give you some good pub reccomendations.

Ill be staying in the Milpitas area and Dublin of all places
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