I do agree with others about the potential in the premise. The depiction of a second US Civil War is a fascinating subject to explore.
However, I've realized the thing bugging me the most about this trailer is the way it appears to be shot.
The DP for Civil War is
Rob Hardy, a long-time collaborator of Garland. His style is very apparent throughout the trailer.
I did admire the way Ex-Machina was shot, as well as Annihilation and DEVs with those post-effects, and I think "Ex-Machina" is Garland's best film.
Although I would've traded this more polished look for more grounded realism, verging on the controversial.
I can't help but feel there was a missed opportunity to shoot the film like modern photojournalism.
Incorporating more handheld shots and different aspect ratios to represent different devices being used to capture footage of the war on the ground.
It would give the film a sense of immediacy, and it could reflect the way that news and information are disseminated in our modern world.
Several of the characters even appear to be photojournalists documenting the 2nd US Civil War.
If a second US Civil War did end up breaking out, much of that experience would be broadcast and seen online.
The rise in social media and so-called alternative media has shaped the way we learn and share news & information.
Something more documentative in looks and feel could've been more visually interesting, in my opinion.
Emmanuel Lubezki would've been my DP of choice. Known for his work on Children of Men and The Revenant.
The use of handheld shots would feel reminiscent of smartphone footage.