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First trailer for "Civil War", new movie written and directed by Alex Garland (Ex Machina, 28 Days Later, Annihilation)


California and Texas Unified?

Thats gonna make it difficult to Suspend Disbelief.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend". If in the film both Texas and California agreed that they want to break off from the US and do their own thing, eventually unifying for that cause doesn't seem all that far fetched.

Been in both Texas and California long enough to know, both states are way more alike than they think

Yep. As a Houstonian (hopefully not for too much longer though, I hate this shithole of a state) I feel a hell of a lot closer to friends and people in LA than I do some rando in Vidor or Lubbock.
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Come on. They had to put Texas and California together and make it about east vs west, because it’s not like there’s any real life historical precedent in which to base a movie about a modern American civil war.

Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN
I'm figuring one of the big blocks that would naturally form is the oil producing gulf states. Err, what I mean is Gulf of Mexico since any side would want gas it would make sense for them to join one side(either willingly or unwillingly) to cut off the other side.


Gold Member
I'm figuring one of the big blocks that would naturally form is the oil producing gulf states. Err, what I mean is Gulf of Mexico since any side would want gas it would make sense for them to join one side(either willingly or unwillingly) to cut off the other side.
The issue here is whether or not the companies that own/control the oil refineries would "allow" the state to secede if it cuts their profits. The new TExas "president" or whatever would have to mobilize the Texan National Guard to seize the refineries and oil transport infrastructure, plus compel the workers to stick around AND pay them. The US military has done a great job purging the senior leadership ranks to ensure they have compliant generals and they have always tried to keep servicemen moving around such that its hard for a "cult of personality" to arise that would lead to all of Ft. Cavazos (aka Ft. Hood, armor central) or someplace like that to entirely rally around an individual leader that could stage a coup or defection. So unlike the Civil War, where units from each state were virtually all from said state, in the military the mixing from across the country makes it hard to predict how any individual unit, much less entire divisions, would act if/when conflicting orders from the Commander in Chief (the President) come down and are opposed by more local leadership. So it would be hard for a state governor, for example, to just call up the local Army base to get troops to seize assets or secure roads/bridges.

I wonder if the set up for this is a Trump-like president who just failed to hand over after losing re-election, like the doomsayers were screeching about Jan 2020. Or would it be a Biden type who wins but has more clear evidence of widespread voter fraud? Anyway, something that creates an illegitimate president (at least in the eyes of the opposing party) to initiate a large division and split in the country. Hard to see the ideological split in the trailer, though I have my suspicions.



I just listened to that and it seemed like they said NOTHING of substance. They think it'll suck, cause it's Hollywood.

It's a damn fantasy scenario. Not a documentary.

I think the trailer makes it look like a normal disaster thriller movie, but with internal war, instead of nature events.


Journalists are shot on site in the capital, Nick Offerman as 3 term President? Ok, wonder who they're referencing there.


California and Texas Unified?

Thats gonna make it difficult to Suspend Disbelief.
Led by former Rogan and Musk employees.
Kind spoils it at the end there doesn’t it?
No, the end is a bit surprise. It's being kept under wraps. Said it's much different than expected. I am thinking 28 Days Later how it had a dark ending. Like the US nukes itself because if one party can't be correct and in power, then nobody else can either - everyone dies. Or, even more plausible... race wars.

Nick Offerman as the 3rd Term President. 🧐
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Looked a little bit too cheesy, I dunno

Garland is a good director, but this trailer seemed too over the top

Wagner Moura is a brazilian gem tho, glad to see him in such a big project.

I think the subject is very interesting, but I would have liked a toned down and more serious atmosphere.

Maybe this opens up for other directors to be able to deal with a modern American civil war. I can't imagine how bloody and weird that would be in reality.


Come on. They had to put Texas and California together and make it about east vs west, because it’s not like there’s any real life historical precedent in which to base a movie about a modern American civil war.

Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN

Well unfortunately some people still find sympathy for the stance of the losers of THAT war.

And by unfortunately I mean pathetically.
My theory from watching the trailer is big twist is the President is a fraud and Texas and California are actually the good guys, it's sending a message about red states and blue states putting aside their differences to take down a "fraud" President ie Trump.

At any rate, that shot of the Apache flying over DC is cool as hell.
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Tbf I can see it happen if you subject the world to more of the orange monkey but with y'all having 1776 guns per person it'd be an effin bloodbath and once you've all done killing yourselves the Brits will sweep in and reclaim what was rightfully ours
Here, here!

I think most people know the world was a much saner place when the British Empire was in charge than it is now with the cheeseburger eating, war losing monkeys running the show.


Gold Member
My theory from watching the trailer is big twist is the President is a fraud and Texas and California are actually the good guys, it's sending a message about red states and blue states putting aside their differences to take down a "fraud" President ie Trump.

At any rate, that shot of the Apache flying over DC is cool as hell.
Oh, the irony.



I dunno about this one..

I do agree with others about the potential in the premise. The depiction of a second US Civil War is a fascinating subject to explore.
However, I've realized the thing bugging me the most about this trailer is the way it appears to be shot.

The DP for Civil War is Rob Hardy, a long-time collaborator of Garland. His style is very apparent throughout the trailer.
I did admire the way Ex-Machina was shot, as well as Annihilation and DEVs with those post-effects, and I think "Ex-Machina" is Garland's best film.
Although I would've traded this more polished look for more grounded realism, verging on the controversial.

I can't help but feel there was a missed opportunity to shoot the film like modern photojournalism.
Incorporating more handheld shots and different aspect ratios to represent different devices being used to capture footage of the war on the ground.
It would give the film a sense of immediacy, and it could reflect the way that news and information are disseminated in our modern world.
Several of the characters even appear to be photojournalists documenting the 2nd US Civil War.
If a second US Civil War did end up breaking out, much of that experience would be broadcast and seen online.

The rise in social media and so-called alternative media has shaped the way we learn and share news & information.
Something more documentative in looks and feel could've been more visually interesting, in my opinion.
Emmanuel Lubezki would've been my DP of choice. Known for his work on Children of Men and The Revenant.
The use of handheld shots would feel reminiscent of smartphone footage.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
My theory from watching the trailer is big twist is the President is a fraud and Texas and California are actually the good guys, it's sending a message about red states and blue states putting aside their differences to take down a "fraud" President ie Trump.

At any rate, that shot of the Apache flying over DC is cool as hell.

That seems to be the safest option. The trailer seems to confirm that as well.

What would have been interesting was to make no definable good guys or bad guys.


The theater by us was showing this early so we saw it and it was a great movie. The thing that struck me was how much it did not take a side which no doubt will piss off people on both sides who have a black and white view of the divide.

It shows what extremism leads to and how violence becomes normalized. It is in many ways a road movie that takes place in the middle of a war.


Biggest Trails Stan
The theater by us was showing this early so we saw it and it was a great movie. The thing that struck me was how much it did not take a side which no doubt will piss off people on both sides who have a black and white view of the divide.

It shows what extremism leads to and how violence becomes normalized. It is in many ways a road movie that takes place in the middle of a war.

I can't wait till this comes to Streaming

Everything you just said makes me much more hyped for the movie. His previous movie was just Feminazi Propaganda

Was wondering how's the action scenes and the plot?
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the plot is just following the journalists journey. It's spelled out very briefly what caused the civil war. most of the action scenes are at the very end other then a bit here and there.


The action scenes are very good. I don't if it was being in the theater with surround sound but they very much give the feel of being in a war zone. It feels like pure chaos which is what war is.

The plot is good and focuses on a group of war reporters traveling through a way torn America.
For what it's worth, a multi-factional war would be a more likely scenario for the modern US than anything based on the OG American Civil War, especially in the Western states. So Alex Garlan's imagination probably wouldn't be that far off, especially considering that there are only 3 states which had independent republics declared first before they formally joined the Union. (If you guessed California and Texas, you would be right. Not many people know the third state is Vermont.)

The timing of this War Is Bad movie reminds me of The Great Dictator. A great movie made with good intentions but made with the intention of keeping America out of wars and just hoping the war would stop now he made the nazis look silly.
Chaplin himself said he would not have made TGD if he had known about the concentration camps. And like Russia now, it was not like the nazis were hiding their intentions.
I can't wait till this comes to Streaming

Everything you just said makes me much more hyped for the movie. His previous movie was just Feminazi Propaganda

Was wondering how's the action scenes and the plot?
His previous movie was a feminazi propaganda? Lol no it wasn't, mate I like you but you're reaching so much with that.

Back on the topic, gonna go see it Sinsay probably, looking forward to it. Alex Garland alongside Nolan and Villeneuve might be my favourite director right now.


The thing that struck me was how much it did not take a side which no doubt will piss off people on both sides who have a black and white view of the divide.

Yeah, I saw Film Threat's pre-review review this morning, which pretty much said the same thing, and was relieved. I like Alex Garland, but thought this was going to be a political statement, being an election year in the US and all, and thought it was going to be a hard pass. Looking forward to seeing it.


Gold Member
The theater by us was showing this early so we saw it and it was a great movie. The thing that struck me was how much it did not take a side which no doubt will piss off people on both sides who have a black and white view of the divide.

It shows what extremism leads to and how violence becomes normalized. It is in many ways a road movie that takes place in the middle of a war.
Interesting. For starters, if it is from a journalist POV then I wonder if the film is a plea for a return of traditional journalistic values and integrity instead of the opinionated and biased stuff we see today (and have in the past).

It's also curious what disagreement was so strong it led to a Civil War but WOULDN'T be seen as an extremist position by at least one side. Plenty of 'extreme views' , like abolition for example, REQUIRED violence to bring about, so I don't necessarily take the stance that no position is unnecessarily extreme or isn't worth a physical conflict over.


I had no clue this was made by Alex Garland, I'll be checking this out.

I rewatched Annihilation the other day and I noticed that Avowed's key art copied (or was heavily inspired) by a scene in the movie. It's from when they are in the pool after watching the video of the one soldier gets his stomach cut.




Gold Member

According to Jeremy the movie stays away from leaning towards one particular political side as being "right" or "wrong", which is good news.

It's also not an apocalypse fetish movie. O and the ending sucks because of how sudden it is.

I dunno, sounds like a pretty decent movie.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
My most anticipated movie of the year, got tickets for IMAX on Sunday. No reviews/impressions for me, going in blind minus the trailer
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I didn't get Trump vibes from the president at all. The ending will be divisive but it is more realistic that there is no happy ending where everybody learns something.
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Come on. They had to put Texas and California together and make it about east vs west, because it’s not like there’s any real life historical precedent in which to base a movie about a modern American civil war.

Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN
Republican vs Democrat would’ve been more realistic, and actually interesting


Wow, this movie was very intense! I like that the point of the movie isn't to paint one side as the good and the other as bad as most Hollywood productions do. Rather it was about civil war itself and its horrendous effect on people. I also loved that it had great characters and a good main plot. I'm not American, but seeing this kind of story taking place there was very special. I wonder if Garland has opened the floodgates for more directors to approach this subject.


It was okay, but probably the least interesting film Garland has ever made in my opinion.

The cinematography was good for the most part, and there were a few striking shots but it was still too clean for my liking.
I particularly enjoyed the creative choice of using POV shots from the two photojournalist characters' cameras, spliced into the scenes.
This made the film feel much grittier, more intimate, and immersive.

There wasn't much to the story and the characters in this film. It's almost like a quasi-road trip story with shit hitting the fan as they make their way to Washington D.C and then it just sort of ends.
The choice to make everything so ambiguous did not do the film any favors imo. I suppose the intent was to have the audience infer their own ideas for motivations driving the conflict.
The problem with that decision is that it makes the characters in the film rather dull with nonexistent motivations, and that makes for a very boring narrative that doesn't challenge the audience in its attempt to be as neutral as possible.

The reason for the conflict is never explained, and the characters actively involved in this civil war only appear in a scene or two, making the pacing feel rushed.
While the performances were decent, the characters themselves weren't particularly interesting or well-developed. They felt more like archetypes than real people.
I didn't particularly like the use of music in this either, even seeming tone-deaf at times.

I walked away from this feeling indifferent or without anything meaningful to contemplate.
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Good movie but not great, IMO. Certainly a step above his last movie but it's a far cry from the heights of Ex Machina and Annihilation.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend". If in the film both Texas and California agreed that they want to break off from the US and do their own thing, eventually unifying for that cause doesn't seem all that far fetched.

Yep. As a Houstonian (hopefully not for too much longer though, I hate this shithole of a state) I feel a hell of a lot closer to friends and people in LA than I do some rando in Vidor or Lubbock.
Then move to LA


Then move to LA
Lol i wouldn't wish anyone to move here in Cali. The only reason I'm still here is family is all rooted here so it would be harsh to leave. We have discusses moving to Texas or Florida but new career etc makes it difficult. I feel bad for Texas getting the influx of people moving from California xD


Gold Member
I found it was kinda like a mix between Nightcrawler and Apocalypse Now; between the journalistic aspects for Nightcrawler and the plot, when you think about it having a similar structure to Apocalypse Now; essentially being a long road trip to find a leader through a war zone with a lot of weird surreal shit and characters along the way.

I think it was done very well overall, and the dark humour was done to just the right level and kept it from just being too one note and grim. And I actually liked the ending a lot; the: ’that’ll do’ line just kinda puts a bow on the whole thing.

And the point isn’t who’s right or wrong but the shitstorm you invite with too much division…You know remain civil.
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If Civil War actually does happen both sides will be the fuel. People hate the whole both sides thing but I am one of the few who can sympathize with both the left and right in the divide. The extremes are getting more extreme by the day.

In many ways we are already in a cold Civil War and this movie is a warning of what could happen if it goes hot.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Fucking incredible movie. I loved everything about it. And it needs to win a fucking Oscar for Sound Design.

Also the the action scenes, wow. Those combat scenes fucking rocked.

As a photographer, and someone who quite literally wanted to do War Photography at one point in my life, this is an easy 10/10 for me.
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