Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
What makes you say that? If it were form, why would it not bother me up until this point, and then suddenly change?
Haven't seen a doctor. My dad is a surgeon and my mom a nurse, so I normally wait a bit to see if it might clear up on its own, then talk to them. They both advised me to just rest, ice it if needed, and take Advil. If it's still lingering in a couple more weeks, time to see a doctor.
I've watched videos and I have my training partner keep a close eye on my form. Granted, he's the same level of lifter as me, so he's no expert. I tweaked it doing a set of 225, which was a PR for my work sets. I had previously had to deload at 215 and I worked my way back up. I only felt the soreness the next day, not acutely or anything during the actual lift.
I definitely want to record all of my lifts sometime soon to have you guys critique. For squats right now, though, as I said I can't even do a set with just the bar without feeling my hip flexor flare up so I don't think a video would be helpful. Is the hip-flexor not considered part of the hips? You list off those body parts for the squat as if my injury doesn't seem consistent with what a squat should be hitting/working/affecting.
To answer your final question, no I don't think it was too heavy too fast, and I don't think it was cause primarily by a major form issue. It is possible that on that particular set I compromised my form for one reason or another and that caused the injury, though.
Yeah, just take time off and do body weight for an extended period. I would then completely reset (back to bar) my weight and work from there ensuring the pain doesn't return.
And to answer your question about hip flexor. Yeah, it's part of the hip area, but (at least for me) it seems to be an odd place to get pain from squatting, since the weight/action is on the opposite side of your body. I'm not a kinesiologist though, so I don't know shit about what works what.
What I'm thinking of is they like rolled a bar just above their elbows. I'm not sure what it accomplished though.
Went ahead and found the video for you.