Hey guys,
Been meaning to post in this (and the previous threads) for a while, but was always a bit too intimidated. Anyway, here goes (be gentle!):
Does anyone have any recommendations for a simple, "pre-fitness" regime - by which I mean, I intend to join a gym and begin with weights, etc., with supervision around the new year (when my financial situation will be radically better), but before then, I'd like to get into a state of basic fitness and strength, without needing too much equipment. Unfortunately, it is winter here in the southern hemisphere, so it's not a great time for running about outside, but I do have access to a treadmill, a pull-up bar and don't mind getting a swiss ball. I remember that there was once a link in these threads to a push-up routine, where you gradually build up over time, but I'd worry about focusing a a set of muscles without working the antagonistic muscles as well.
About me: 22 year old male, skinny as hell (hard-gainer, I believe it's called), no injuries but I do feel I am more inflexible than I ought to be. My work situation has me very hard-pressed for time for the rest of this year, but then things will ease up hugely.
Goals: to build basic strength, particularly in "stabiliser" muscles, so that I'd be better set for lifting weights when I come to that, and also because we'd all like real-world strength.
Ideally, the routine would be simple and balanced - in terms of using the various muscle groups.
Any help is much appreciated