Day 8 of my GOMAD diet. To the guy above who mentions having trouble gaining weight, I am the same way. I'm 6'3" and last week I was 152 lbs. starting the gallon-of-milk-a-day diet.
Weight fluctuates throughout the day, but I went from a low of 152 lbs. last week to a low of 159 lbs. yesterday/today. Gained 7 lbs. in 7 days.
The milk is really helping my work-outs. I've only done three work-outs but each time I was able to increase the size of my weights in work-outs by a few lbs. and reps. It's only been a week and my pecs and triceps and leg muscles already feel a bit bulkier (not sure if this is swelling due to soreness, although I don't really feel sore anymore, but it's bigger somehow).
No other diet has helped me gain weight like this. My waist and legs are starting to fill in. I can't wait to see what happens the next week. I'm getting over 4,000 calories a day into my system.
I thought it was impossible for me to gain weight as I've never gained unplanned weight in my life. Turns out you just need to work-out 3x a week and dump in double the calories you normally eat
I was at the beach yesterday so I could only drink half a gallon, but that's been the only day that I've slacked off.
At the beginning of the diet, my body couldn't handle so much milk and I was very bloated/gassy. Now I suppose I've adjusted because I'm alright. If necessary, I take a charcoal pill or two to absorb the gases in my gut.
Now does anyone know of any good lat/oblique/ab exercises with dumbbells? My gym has an ab machine but it sucks and doesn't work well and I'm not sure what else to try.