Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Thanks man!
I'm going to try for 385lbs next week, or try to do 375x2.
Keep us updated!
Thanks man!
I'm going to try for 385lbs next week, or try to do 375x2.
Whats the best recovery protein drink?
Whats the best recovery protein drink?
I'll be joining you in a month or so after my last CFA exam's over with and I have the time to go to the gym.
315! Damn bro that is incredible. Nice job.
You know what is funny I have been benching about the same amount of weight since I was in High School(10 Years ago...Damn). I have tried upping my strength but it just comes dreadfully slow for me. What's interesting is the correlation between chest size and strength for me has never been a symbiotic one. My chest has grown year after year from the inclusion of supersets, tri-sets, shock-training, and basically every exhaustive thing from Arnolds book but now its big enough that when I sit down to do some bench people are genuinely perplexed when they see me peaking at 185.
Whats the best recovery protein drink?
Session #2 for new attempt at Starting Strength*. Going well so far, form seems solid, no injuries or weirdness. Asterisk is so that Rippetoe doesn't get upset with me since I'm front squatting instead of back squatting ;b
I'm being careful and starting low and keeping progression slow and steady, trying not to make the same mistakes I made previous times around. Gotta emphasize with myself that even +5 pounds per exercise per session, for example, adds up really damn quickly lifting 3x a week, so there's no rush. Also makes me feel less lame to be lifting so little at the moment when I note that the dude next to me is back squatting 185lbs 1/10th of the way down in a smith machine, so ass to grass front squatting my baby plates isn't so bad ;b
Whats the best recovery protein drink?
So today I had to start using my apartment building gym instead of my normal university gym. The problem comes to hand when I realized that the gym at my apt. does not have a barbell or squat bar. The closet thing it has is a smith machine, not even an ez curl bar ( but I have my own since its not a problem). So today I just used the SM for everything I would just use a BB for, but I went up in weight in everything. They do have dumbbells and I'm stuck deciding which one is better for me/ gaining. ( SM/DB )? What would you do? Dumbbells only go up to 80 as well![]()
Find a gym.
Should have added that I'll be back in my normal gym in 2 weeks. So this temporary fix is only for that allotted amount of time.
I remember you posted pics a few years back. By looking at them I could have sworn that you benched around 250+ jaja
Then you can clearly understand the pain I am going through! I can only tell people so many times that my wrist hurts and I have to take it easy before they realize something is up...4 years of to many times.
Some of you might remember me complaining of hip flexor irritation/inflammation in February. I stopped all lower body exercises, and only re-introduced deadlifts 2 weeks ago. Those have been going great; no pain of discomfort.
I tried to re-introduce squats today. Started my work weight really low (135 lbs) but still felt some weirdness in my groin and hip flexor. Tonight, it's irritated again. This is getting really frustrating, because I clearly gave it the rest it needed (3 months!). Early on I iced and took Advil. The only thing I probably didn't do a great job of was stretching it, but it never felt tight so it didn't seem like I needed to do that. Even now it still doesn't feel tight, I can't tell if the stretches are effective.
I'm going to try to see a doctor when I'm at home next (my Dad is a retired doc, has several friends I could talk to without needing to set up and pay for an appointment).
Some of you might remember me complaining of hip flexor irritation/inflammation in February. I stopped all lower body exercises, and only re-introduced deadlifts 2 weeks ago. Those have been going great; no pain of discomfort.
I tried to re-introduce squats today. Started my work weight really low (135 lbs) but still felt some weirdness in my groin and hip flexor. Tonight, it's irritated again. This is getting really frustrating, because I clearly gave it the rest it needed (3 months!). Early on I iced and took Advil. The only thing I probably didn't do a great job of was stretching it, but it never felt tight so it didn't seem like I needed to do that. Even now it still doesn't feel tight, I can't tell if the stretches are effective.
When you're talking about 185 is that your max or for reps? What does your workout schedule look like (how many sets, how many reps in each set, what exercises)? What is your diet like? How often do you workout and do you tend to miss workouts a lot or take extended breaks? Or do you even really have a set schedule/workout plan?
Look at that. £6.99 for 50 creatine monohydrate pills but but each serving per day is 5 pills. Thats means its £6.99 for 10 days supply. Whereas the Kre alkalyn is 120 capsules at 2 pills per serving. Thats 60 days supply for £19.99 of kre-alalyn compared to £41.94 for 60 days of creatine monohydrate. Even you double the dose of kre-alkalyn it then comes to £39.98 which is still cheaper and you get the benefits of not having to cycle and less bloating.
Its for reps. Even then I can only squeeze about 5 out. My "only one rep with tears streaming down my face" max is 225. Its the same as its been since I was in High School which sadly enough was 8 years ago.
I have a really good routine and have for 10+ years. I go 3 times a week:
Monday: Chest/Back Tuesday: Legs/Abs Wednesday: Run 6miles Thursday: Shoulders/Arms Friday: Run 4miles/abs.
Outside of bench I am pretty strong everywhere else. The problem with chest is if I don't keep my reps around 6-8 my chest actually starts to shrink on me. I get the most results from staying in that 6-8 range and employing supersets and staggered set(ect.) to really get me to grow. I spent 2 months focused primarily on just strength training and I actually lost a noticeable amount of size which really didn't make any sense to me.
My diet also might be part of the problem. I have cut back on my overall calories a lot the last couple years because I want a tapered V shaped waist to shoulder shape. I maintain that the best with a high protein low carb eating lifestyle with lots of running.
That's 250 pills, not 50![]()
I kept having hip flexor strains too, even at light weights, and it took forever to heal up. I moved to front squats to address it, personally. Maybe give that a shot.
So today I had to start using my apartment building gym instead of my normal university gym. The problem comes to hand when I realized that the gym at my apt. does not have a barbell or squat bar. The closet thing it has is a smith machine, not even an ez curl bar ( but I have my own since its not a problem). So today I just used the SM for everything I would just use a BB for, but I went up in weight in everything. They do have dumbbells and I'm stuck deciding which one is better for me/ gaining. ( SM/DB )? What would you do? Dumbbells only go up to 80 as well![]()
Thanks, I'll give that a try one of these days! Most of the time I eat these protein bars but it's nice to mix things up every so often. Hence the experimentation with making a whey protein pancake.Sure.
1/2 cup oats
1 scoop chocolate whey
2 tsp cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1-1 1/2 tsp sugar/sweetener (optional, if not used, use a bit more whey)
2 egg whites
Mix it up, if it's very thick and dry, add 1/2 cup of water or milk. Stir, microwave for 2-3 minutes. Let cool and eat. If you have a blender or processor, I'd suggest using it to chop the oats down, helps make it more cake like.
I will definitely look into that. What are the main differences between the front squat and back squat? And are there any good resources or videos to watch to learn the technique?
There's some different muscle emphasis (front squats focus on the quads more) and obviously a lot of crossover between the two. There are less potential flexibility issues with being able to go below parallel, but it's a harder movement mechanically so you can only use 50-70% of the weight that you can for the back squat. It's also harder to fuck up and still complete the movement; I was able to do some pretty gnarly back squats that injured me back in the day, but I haven't ever had any injuries front squatting. Are my elbows kept up throughout, and am I going below parallel? Then I'm generally in pretty good shape, because otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to hold onto the bar (like if my center of gravity were too far forward etc.).
Kind of self-correcting, uses less weight, less flexibility requirements = less chance of injury, for me.
5 days into my cut and I'm already feeling some strength loss. Went to DL today and could only get 365x5. I had 385x3 last session without a problem.
I have some weight loss that I don't think is water based though (I always drink 8 glasses a day) which is positive.
Its for reps. Even then I can only squeeze about 5 out. My "only one rep with tears streaming down my face" max is 225. Its the same as its been since I was in High School which sadly enough was 8 years ago.
I have a really good routine and have for 10+ years. I go 3 times a week:
Monday: Chest/Back Tuesday: Legs/Abs Wednesday: Run 6miles Thursday: Shoulders/Arms Friday: Run 4miles/abs.
Outside of bench I am pretty strong everywhere else. The problem with chest is if I don't keep my reps around 6-8 my chest actually starts to shrink on me. I get the most results from staying in that 6-8 range and employing supersets and staggered set(ect.) to really get me to grow. I spent 2 months focused primarily on just strength training and I actually lost a noticeable amount of size which really didn't make any sense to me.
My diet also might be part of the problem. I have cut back on my overall calories a lot the last couple years because I want a tapered V shaped waist to shoulder shape. I maintain that the best with a high protein low carb eating lifestyle with lots of running.
Give an outline of your chest/back routine with number of sets, exercises, number of reps in each set, typically rest time between sets, total time working out.
Here is my basic formula:
- A / denotes superset with no rest in transition.
- Rest time between whole superset is 8 breaths. Each breath held for 5 sec.
Warmup: Sliders(I made this name up basically you start in a pushup position soles of your feet against the wall. Bring your hands down as far as comfortable between your chest and waist. Walk your feet up wall then slide your feet as slowly as possible down while keeping your arms locked out and your chest flexed. The majority of your weight is being pushed past your core center putting a lot of stress on your whole chest. / Man Ups
1) Bench Press / Wide Grip Pullup:
4 Sets @ 15,10,8,6 | 4th set I always go to failure on that body part. Bench Press / medicine ball pushups(8 reps) Wide grip pullup to Wide grip pulldowns.
2) Incline / close grip monkey pull ups: 4 Sets @ 8,6,6,4 | 4th set failure. Incline / Incline wall pushups / Close Grip pullups / close grip pulldowns.
3) Incline to flat bench flys(lower angle of bench each set) / Rows
4) Swinging Dips for lower chest / T Bar Rows
5) Pullovers / Lat Pulldowns(only 2-3 sets depends how blasted I feel)
If I do it right after working out, then ya, I'm dripping everywhere. But if I do it cold, like I usually do, cuz I do it at home after showering, then no.Does foam rolling make anyone else sweat like a pig? I swear I sweat more rolling than I do lifting.
If I do it right after working out, then ya, I'm dripping everywhere. But if I do it cold, like I usually do, cuz I do it at home after showering, then no.
Why do you run 10 miles a week? Also, why are you so concerned about your chest size when your max hasn't moved up at all in 10 years? Not only that, but you're underfeeding your self, doing lots of cardio, eating low carb when you want muscle growth, and think you're losing muscle mass in 2 months. There's a lot wrong with this and suggests a lack of understanding how these things work. Have you read the .
My body is right where I want it but...I want strength as well. Is that really doable without adding a lot overall mass to my body? Probably not
Any particular guides you follow for foam rolling?
Does planking make you sweat? Now that I'm doing shorter durations with more reps, it doesn't really, but when I used to do 1.5 min+ it would get ridiculous.I'm doing it prework out in a house at about 70 degrees. Shit makes me sweat like mad. Probably because I'm fat though.
Does planking make you sweat? Now that I'm doing shorter durations with more reps, it doesn't really, but when I used to do 1.5 min+ it would get ridiculous.
You eventually reach a limit. You are going to have to get bigger if you want to get stronger. Can I ask, why are you afraid of adding mass?
Ha that does make me sound like a bit of a nutcase. I didn't really word that very well. I start running a lot in spring cause I do a couple half marathons in the summer plus it's great for my lungs and helps a lot with basketball. My basic diet revolves around protein with vegetables and for carbs rice and potatoes. When I say low carb it's a bit of a misnomer since I really just mean sugar based. Though for recovery shakes and pre workout homemade bars I use fruit and honey for energy and improved absorption of protein.
My body is right where I want it but...I want strength as well. Is that really doable without adding a lot overall mass to my body? Probably not
I guess my fear is I really like my proportions. I have a tapered V from shoulders to waist and I've gotten to that very difficult place where I can actually maintain a good set of abs. I don't really know how to up everything without losing that symmetry.
Almost threw up at the gym today, first time I've gone to the gym in months where I had a meal 1-2 hours beforehand and Im not doing that again. I had to stop for 20 mins to let my food digest so more.