Just took 3 scoops of jack3d for the first time and it turns out my gym is shut and no other gym will let me in.
I feel fucking ill and got a banging headache. Fuck!
Just took 3 scoops of jack3d for the first time and it turns out my gym is shut and no other gym will let me in.
I feel fucking ill and got a banging headache. Fuck!
Just took 3 scoops of jack3d for the first time and it turns out my gym is shut and no other gym will let me in.
I feel fucking ill and got a banging headache. Fuck!
Just took 3 scoops of jack3d for the first time and it turns out my gym is shut and no other gym will let me in.
I feel fucking ill and got a banging headache. Fuck!
Isn't the serving size 1 scoop? "Derp" has never been more appropriate.
It recommends you take 1 scoop with 4-8 oz of water for the first 3 times.
Fourth time increases to 1 1/2 scoops .
It says not to exceed 3 scoops within 24 hours.
I assume those labels are for people who are sensitive to caffeine.
Why are you even taking a preworkout anyway?
Also, put some fucking pants on.
I'm not a big fan of cooking tbh. Though chicken thigh is doable for me I guess but I'm just so lazy to cook, its sad. I'm just trying to eat less than what I would normally do this month since I'm trying to shed some weight while I'm still lifting 5 days a week. (Focus on each different muscle group a day. Do a 5 mile run before lifting fyi. And I guess I'll throw it out there that I'm 5'10/190 lbs) So far, my diet this month has been:
-Protein Shake
-Dinner/Post Work Out
-Protein Shake
-Canned Chicken Breast (which I'm seeing how that goes)
-Granola Protein Bar (when I'm not eating chicken)
-Glass of Chocolate Milk (thinking of stopping drinking milk or dairy product all together this month)
Now, I'm not trying to starve myself and don't feel that hungry at all. I still do have the cravings and what not. I also drink alot of water, prolly go though a jug every day and a half. But, before I started this routine last month, I've been kind of shitty on my eating habits for the past couple months with one of my goals is to see some definition of my abs by the Summer time. My weight has been fluctuating 190-195lbs and would love to see myself hit 185 or even 180 by this time next month while bulking the same time.
Front side shot of me
Side shot
Holy shit, thats alot of sodium. I bought a few cans of Hormel No Salt Added Chicken Breast and its 70mg sodium/11g protein-2 servings a can. (140mg/22g per can)
I take it because it helps me, I feel fucking fantastic when taking it. I put some banging music in the car and im ready to gooooo. Is that a problem?
Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, mix 1 Ultra-Concentrated scoop (5.55g) with 4-8 ounces of cold water and consume 30-45 minutes before beginning activity. This should be done the first three (3) times using this product. Under no circumstances should the initial dose be exceeded or the warnings on the bottle be ignored. Beginning with the 4th time using this product, dose may be increased by, but not more then, 1/2 of a scoop (2.75g). The ideal individual dose for workout domination vary between 1-3 scoops. DO NOT EXCEED 1 DOSE OR 3 SCOOPS IN ANY 24HR PERIOD. DO NOT USE MORE THEN 5 DAYS OUT OF ANY 7 DAY PERIOD. Exceeding the recommended amounts or not following the directions may lead to unwanted effects. Consume at least 125 fl oz of liquid per day for men and 91 fl oz of liquid per day for women while taking this product.
So this guy goes and maxes out the 24 hour dosage in a single serving? I'm sorry, but with shit like that, that seems like playing with fire to me. Also, there's more than just caffeine in Jack3d.
Did you have problems working out before you took it? Aren't you still relatively new to lifting? Why did you start taking it? Who advised you to take it? Are you taking it for lifting or because it has a drug like effect on you? Because it seems like you're taking it simply as an upper.
He must just be really sensitive to caffeine. I would probably attribute him feeling bad to the horrible smell and taste of Jack3d.
Im definetly sensitive to it. Im feeling bad, because I have all this energy flowing through me, all this tingling all over my body but no where to put that energy.
Well I follow hodgetwins videos. They said they take it and it definetly improved their workouts so I decided to start taking it a month ago.
I never had problems with my workout before, but its definetly giving me something a little extra.
I only ever take jack3d before a workout, nothing else.
Epic long marathon masturbation session.
Sad to say, but i had a wank this morning
So no impressions of my picture other than telling me to put my pants on?
Thats good progress for 6 months, right?
Ive only nailed my nutrition for the last 2 months aswell.
Not sad.
If there is nothing to do why not crank one out right ?
To be honest you look like a guy with a little bit of muscle and low body fat. Not sure what you're looking for.
Post that on the picture thread and I'm sure GayGAF will love it. Other than that lifting numbers would help.
I mean aesthetically you look good (I guess that's the type of compliment you're looking for, but I'm not the type of guy who cares much about that, so I didn't comment).
I comment on Mecha because he's a fucking baus when it comes to body building and I commented on Darth because he's an ex-fatty who's a fucking beast right now.
Well I used to be very skinny. I had no meat on me at all before I started lifting.
I bench 40kg dumbells with about 7 reps atm. Good form.
I don't put much into DBs either. Do you do any other lifts? Is aesthetics your main goal? I don't know much about you other than you're pretty new to lifting bud.
I do 30kg dumbells for shoulder press, 11 reps.
Im not "new" to lifting.
Im 22 now and I first started going gym when I was 17. But like most people who go gym, I knew nothing about what it takes to do this shit right. I quit when I was 20 and got back into it a year ago. I only started getting serious with the nutrition and knowledge of bb about 7 months ago. Ive really began nailing the nutrition the last 2 months though. I feel like this is my passion and this is just the beginning.
So you fucked around in the gym for 3 years and are just now really "learning."
That's new to lifting.
I did the same my entire life and even in the Army and I didn't consider myself really "learning" about lifting until almost 2 years ago. I'm still learning and I wouldn't consider myself beyond intermediate at this point when it comes to lifting.
You need to realize you know jack shit about lifting. Thinking you're educated or you "know it all" will only fuck you in the end, especially if you're using the Hodge Twins as actual advice you're employing in your training.
I know I know jack shit in the grand scheme of things, I'm always open to new information so long as it comes from a good and reliable source. I don't let my ego get ahead of me. Don't let your ego get ahead of you.
Edit: The simple fact when I ask for your lifts you're only giving me two DB exercises as a benchmark is a bit worry some. What routine are you using?
Dream, just remember that Zyzz wasn't natural.
I realise this is just the beginning and I certainly dont think im a know it all, and I know there's lots to learn in the future. But I certainly know more than "jack shit".
Ive spent hours and hours researching from all different sources, not just the hodgetwins.
My routine is
Monday: Shoulders and Triceps
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: Chest and Biceps
Friday: rest
Saturday: Back and abs
Sunday: rest/football..... i'll have to do the back workout on this day for this week.
Hmmm, who really knows.... I know its not likely I will reach his level, but im going to push my body to its genetic potential. I dont think, I know it. I enjoy bb too damn much to ever quit.
Where did you get your routine? What is it based off of? What do you do on those days? How did you reach that conclusion? What do your lifts look like (numbers). You're being VERY vague when I ask you your lifts and numbers. Especially for someone who has put in as much "research" as you say you have. I also wouldn't consider the hodge twins research.
On that note, where are you doing this "research?"
Most BBs don't reach their genetic potential until their 30s or longer. This is marathon, not a sprint, just saying. You have tons of time.
In the meatime, if you want to put on mass, you've got to lift heavy, with increasing poundages, with the the big lifts--bench, deadlift, and squat. That's why Alien is asking for lift numbers.
Well that routine is similar to zyzz's except he worked out 5 days and I do 4 days.
I have a notebook that I take with my to gym.
Shoulder press: 30kg, 10 reps max
Upright rows supersetted with lateral raises
Front raises
Pulldowns doing left and right individually.
I change this up each week
Week 1 I will do squats, lunges. 4 sets each
Week 2 I will do Leg press, Leg curls and Leg extensions 3 sets each
Then repeat over
Incline bench press
Bench press
Incline flies
Barbell curls
Dumbbell curls dropsetted 2 or 3 times to failure.
Back and abs:
Lat pulldown
Bent over rows
Dumbell rows
Smith machine pullups(this is where you lay on your back and grab the bar and do pullups at a slight incline) and then I super set that with a deadlift(I literally cant hold the bar after 3-4 reps of that)
Dream, just remember that Zyzz wasn't natural. I know he inspired a lot of people, but trying to live up to that transformation may only be an exercise in frustration.
Hmmm, who really knows.... I know its not likely I will reach his level, but im going to push my body to its genetic potential. I dont think, I know it. I enjoy bb too damn much to ever quit.
Edit: Also, I wont get frustrated. Im really happy with my body right now and its only up from here.
Your research is just from Zyzz? And again, you're not posting numbers.
Also I believe those are called body rows and you might want to replace lat pulldowns with pullups/chin ups. No deadlifts? Why? No overhead press? Why?!?
IMO you need to do more research than simply looking at what Zyzz was doing or what the Hodge Twins were doing. That routine even from a BB perspective looks like crap, but again, I'm not BB focused so I could be way off base.
I'm not "bashing you" I'm simply trying to get you to look at more stuff and learn more. If you want a guy on this forum who's very knowledgeable about BB PM Mecha, he's the guy to talk to.
Yeah Zyzz was on the juice but I don't think it is an unobtainable physique. It will take longer and harder work but its not ridiculous. Just get pretty strong and big, and then cut.
Who says its only from zyzz, I spent many hours looking at scooby1961 as well. Ive also done months of my own trial and error.
I was also do pulls as well, but I dont have it in my book.
Ive touched on deadlifts in this thread before. But my gym only has 45kg barbells. This is no.1 problem with my gym and i'll have to ride it out until my year is up.
I do deadlifts supersetted with smith machine pullups if you look though.
Idk what overhead press is hehe
Zyzz, oh dear... there was a very short period of time when I integrated myself with BB.com miscers and I learned a lot about the young "lifter" crowd. They're a mess.
Thanks for the shoutout Alien, it really means a lot to get the compliments from the big folks here.
Dream, you look great, keep up the great work, but don't get ahead of yourself. Listen to the advice here. There's a lot of stuff to learn and a lot of bad info to weed out. I just came to the conclusion that I have a lot of stuff I need to learn if I want to compete. Lot of good and bad information gets tossed around.
But yeah, big lifts are very important as already mentioned.
On that note, 2.5 months of this cut and I think I will actually be cutting it short. I'm really happy with the progress I've made, size and strength I've kept. Think I'm gonna maintain for a couple of months through summer, cause in all honesty.. I've never been this lean and I wanna enjoy it.
Next phase is a "bulk", but really I just wanna get my lifts up to par. So I only call it that because I'm eating more, it's a silly term. I wanna add, at the very least, a plate to all my lifts. I think the size gain I want (5-10 lbs) will come from that, and if not I can work on that later. That leads me into me picking a show, cutting down, and getting on stage.
So yeah, just gonna think up a lifting plan for that and head forward. I've been talking with a few guys to try and find a trainer for the comp. I need to know what all my weak points are, how to fix them, proper contest prep, etc.
Sorry my posts are always so long and uninformative, as I don't post lift numbers and shit. I'll be more detailed when I'm doing the strength workouts.
You implied it by only listing Zyzz and Hodge twins as your "sources" also I wouldn't consider Scooby "research" either.
You don't think you're a novice when it comes to lifting but you don't even know what OHP is? Come on man!
I'm going to quit bothering you since not only am I hating what I'm seeing as your "sources" but you're still not giving numbers (how can you expect to progress if you/we can't see your numbers to compare). Just please get in contact with some guys here who are really into Body Building. And I really don't want you to think I'm attacking you. Read some actual articles/books on lifting, from real "names" in the sport.
If you don't at least pick Mecha's brain you're missing out. He's a beast of a man and he's about to go compete.
zyzz, hodgetwins AND scooby are not good sources.
I find that so hard to believe.
I want to look like all of them
Edit: I know what a OHP is, I just didnt know it was called that. I used to to do it, but I dont like. I get this strange sensation around my armpit when I did, so I stopped.
Ok, this is my first post in this thread, so I hope I don't screw anything up.
I plan on starting the program the OP provided (the full body beginner routine) on Monday, but I just had a few questions on whether anything in the routine should change. First, I'll do the list:
Age: 23
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 170 lbs
Goal: see below
Current training schedule: Pretty much the P90X DVD's randomly every day or so
Equipment: Bowflex adjustable dumbbells (5-52.5 lbs each), pull-up bar and a mat. Plus access to the rec at my university, where I plan on doing the main stuff.
Comments: I have a vague idea on what to do (by that, I mean I at least know the terms, and tried all of the moves besides dead lifts before).
A problem I'm having is setting a goal for myself. Previous goal was to bench press 45lbs, but that goal was reached fairly easily. Plus I never did the 1 rep thing (lowest I've ever tried was 6), so no idea what my max is. Can anyone row some hints on a decent goal I should be aiming for? I'm thinking that it should be to bench press 90lbs, but that sounds a little one-dimensional.
I was thinking weight, but not really sure what a good measurement for weight would be in this situation. Is gaining 20 lbs a viable goal, or does that sound stupid?
Finally, the original question. Since I'm on the skinny side, are there any recommendations for moves to add to the full body routine to help out? Maybe add a 4th workout day on Saturday to add some arm moves or something?
Sorry if the questions are answered in the OP. Been reading thru it, but damn there's a lot of info. Think I read everything at least once, though
Also, gaining 3 lbs in 6 months is no great shakes unless it's pure, 100% muscle.
Thanks for the response. Diet-wise, it's sporadic at best (student, so no $$$ or job), but on average I get about 2200 calories, 150g protein, and 200+g carbs. I'm still not 100% sure on how much carbs I should be eating (OP said to pretty much match the protein amount, but that wasn't specifically for skinny guys), so I just go crazy with it. Get a decent amount of protein from Syntha-6, though, if that matters (2 scoops a day, with 12oz of milk each). I eat the same freakin' thing everyday though, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I pretty much just eat chicken and rice, protein shakes, pb or chicken sandwiches, and tuna.There's no need for additional training day. Three is plenty on the OP routine. You can add accessory work, like curls and body weight exercises to the OP routine. The OP added info on that.
How's your diet? You'll need to increase it beyond maintenance if you want to put on mass with the OP program.
Regarding training milestones and PRs, I wouldn't get too caught up on them at first and focus on form first and linear progression. With dedicated training, you'll hit those, meaning--300 bench, 400 squat, and 500 deadliest for 1 rep. You'll definitely put on mass, while chasing those milestones.
When you say bench 45 lbs, you mean 45 lbs on the bar? Typically when people post numbers, they include the bar, which is 45 lbs for an olympic bar.Ok, this is my first post in this thread, so I hope I don't screw anything up.
I plan on starting the program the OP provided (the full body beginner routine) on Monday, but I just had a few questions on whether anything in the routine should change. First, I'll do the list:
Age: 23
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 170 lbs
Goal: see below
Current training schedule: Pretty much the P90X DVD's randomly every day or so
Equipment: Bowflex adjustable dumbbells (5-52.5 lbs each), pull-up bar and a mat. Plus access to the rec at my university, where I plan on doing the main stuff.
Comments: I have a vague idea on what to do (by that, I mean I at least know the terms, and tried all of the moves besides dead lifts before).
A problem I'm having is setting a goal for myself. Previous goal was to bench press 45lbs, but that goal was reached fairly easily. Plus I never did the 1 rep thing (lowest I've ever tried was 6), so no idea what my max is. Can anyone row some hints on a decent goal I should be aiming for? I'm thinking that it should be to bench press 90lbs, but that sounds a little one-dimensional.
I was thinking weight, but not really sure what a good measurement for weight would be in this situation. Is gaining 20 lbs a viable goal, or does that sound stupid?
Finally, the original question. Since I'm on the skinny side, are there any recommendations for moves to add to the full body routine to help out? Maybe add a 4th workout day on Saturday to add some arm moves or something?
Sorry if the questions are answered in the OP. Been reading thru it, but damn there's a lot of info. Think I read everything at least once, though
Oh, sorry. Guess I meant a 45lb plate on each side (so 135lbs). And bookmarked the link, thanks! Seems like I should perfect the diet at this point first. That, and the one rep stuffWhen you say bench 45 lbs, you mean 45 lbs on the bar? Typically when people post numbers, they include the bar, which is 45 lbs for an olympic bar.
If you don't have to change anything in the original program, don't. There is nothing that needs to be tailored to you at this point. If you hit a plateau, then you need to eat more.
You can use this page for your goals: http://www.exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/StrengthStandards.htm
Remember to use the one rep max calculator. I've actually never intentionally done a 1-rep. I don't see the point - I just want to get stronger, I don't care about numbers.
Damn, when I first started lifting I could only do the bar for 6 reps, no joke. Your reply would've crushed me.When you say bench 45 lbs, you mean 45 lbs on the bar? Typically when people post numbers, they include the bar, which is 45 lbs for an olympic bar.