Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Do most of you stay within the 3 set range for your exercises?
For main lifts yes. For assistance 5 sets at 10-20.
Do most of you stay within the 3 set range for your exercises?
I'd eat chicken hearts and such at a friend's house growing up. I rarely have liver on account of my wife's incredible distaste of the stuff. Don't want to upset the cook!What is everyone's favorite organ meat?
I ask because I've never had any like a liver yet I keep reading about the huge benefits of eating them.
If having access to a Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, which should I try? A good gateway organ meat maybe? I've grown up only eating lean pork, beef, and poultry.
For main lifts yes. For assistance 5 sets at 10-20.
Great thanks.
I was going to wait to do Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 till this fall but screw it I need something different right now and I am really excited about the program.
I took this today. I'm curious to see how different Ill end up looking Ill try and post monthly updates so if people are in a similar position they can see if its something they want to try.
What a goofy ass pose. Trying to look nonchalant plus make your arms stick out = looking like a dumb ass
I also maxed today on everything so I have a good idea on where I am at:
Bench - 245lbs(1)
Deadlift - 315lbs(3)
Squat - 245lbs(2) Not ATG like Mr Olympia Alienshogun
Manups - 8
WideGrip Pullups - 27
CloseGrip Pullups - 22
Medicine Ball Pushups - 16
When you've gotten a taste of 5/3/1 you're just a stone's throw from using N.O.V. as a guide for life in general.
You guys were a great resource and help with this. Thanks for enduring all the odd comments and such and helping me narrow down what I was looking for. Time to blend some whole chicken and pound cake!
Bleehhh that was some commitment right there. Made me dizzy watching him drink that.Don't forget the hot sauce!
What is everyone's favorite organ meat?
I ask because I've never had any like a liver yet I keep reading about the huge benefits of eating them.
If having access to a Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, which should I try? A good gateway organ meat maybe? I've grown up only eating lean pork, beef, and poultry.
You guys were a great resource and help with this. Thanks for enduring all the odd comments and such and helping me narrow down what I was looking for. Time to blend some whole chicken and pound cake!
So what assistance template are you taking on and how many days per week are you going to follow 5/3/1?
I wish I had a clue when the N.O.V. book was coming out. I don't know that Jim Wendler knows!
Regardless, there was more than enough shit on his T-Nation blogs to point people in the right direction in the meantime.
True enough, and yeah, I'm kind of interested in what template he's going to use as well.
I'd recommend BBB on Deadlift and Squat days and DT Periodization on Press/Bench days.
Then there's always just the N.O.V template (5/3/1 and 2-3 assistance with hard conditioning).
yes yeeeees more 5/3/1 converts. Jim Wendler will go home tonight and eat another roast goat in honor of your following.
if you're doing BBB with 5/3/1 be sure to report back and tells us how fun it was![]()
Brain is delicious; texture is amazing, like creamy perfectly textured egg. I don't usually like liver unless it's pate and that doesn't even taste like liver.What is everyone's favorite organ meat?
I ask because I've never had any like a liver yet I keep reading about the huge benefits of eating them.
If having access to a Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, which should I try? A good gateway organ meat maybe? I've grown up only eating lean pork, beef, and poultry.
Yeah, I plan to go back to 5/3/1 or RPT in September/October. Question though, do you guys go to the gym 3 or times a week when on 5/3/1?
So I've been wondering why my body fat % hasn't been going down even though I'm dropping weight, maintaining my lifts, and looking better, plus my pants are getting way loose. Completely forgot I needed to edit the body weight in the device I have. Down to around 15% from 22% or so in January.
Felt like an idiot.
5'8 and only 128 pounds (I've filled in the thing before in the old thread) and I'm using 9KG (20 pound) dumbells at the moment for bicep exercises. (standard curls)
Can I hope to see any results on my arms with that? I start to feel the strain on my 2nd set and on my 3rd set, I really have to push it to achieve my 8-10 rep target and barely reach it.
I'm going for size by the way.
My current workout routine is roughly the following; these do not include warm-up/cooldown sets.
Day A
Deadlift: 3x3
Bench Press: 3x8
DB Shrugs: 3x8
DB Curls: 3x8
Bent-Over Rows: 3x8
Day B
Squats: 3x5
Military Press: 3x8
Standing DB Side Crunches: 3x8
Seated Cable Rows: 3x8
Cable Pulldowns: 3x8
I rotate these days every other day, though I have recently considered skipping deadlifts on every other A day to give a bit more rest between them; if I do that, I'd like to add another lift in on that A day.
Sometimes I'll run 1-2 miles on an indoor track or ~20 minutes of a stationary bike after I finish my weight lifting. I also bike 5-7 days a week for 15 minutes, twice a day, to/from my campus.
Any suggestions for improvements on my routine based on my goals would be greatly appreciated.
Well considering I spent 2 years unable to move either of them, I'd say it is as bad as I can get pre paralysis.
My spinal cord was shaken, my shoulder shredded internally pretty bad, and my shoulder applies pressure on my back. I opted out of surgery (doctor figured that while I'd lose the pain I'd also lose mobility) but I've let it hold me back long enough.
Now, medically, I am not supposed to use my arm at all. The slightest softest punch in the arm on a bad day will knock me down.
I'm just working on a routine to burn some calories while get healthy and tighten up my body without pushing harder on my body than it can take, although I push as far as I can go every single day. Not everyone is "making excuses" and I lost 2 years of my life over this one man.
(And before you call me out on that, you jumped on me saying "unless it is a legit injury" when all I stipulated was I needed to find a routine around them, which just makes you an uninviting twat instead of inviting)
I'd eat chicken hearts and such at a friend's house growing up. I rarely have liver on account of my wife's incredible distaste of the stuff. Don't want to upset the cook!
Of the two I'd go with liver. It's been a few years since I'd had it but alternatively chicken hearts are tough, relatively unappetizing, and not easy on the eyes.
Calves Liver with bacon and onions is godly, as long as the liver hasn't been overcooked so it turns rubbery.
Brain is delicious; texture is amazing, like creamy perfectly textured egg. I don't usually like liver unless it's pate and that doesn't even taste like liver.
To be fair, he had no idea the severity of your injury. How exactly did this happen? When you say can't move, are you talking about limited range of motion or like your arm is dead? The former would be a tissue injury, and the latter would an injury to the nerves. If pressure on your shoulder/arm is an issue, I don't know if I could recommend going heavy with the weights, however you can try it out with the bar and work your way up. If you decide that you're interested in that route, I would recommend reading some of the works of Rippetoe and Wendler.
On a personal note, I'm rather surprised that the lack of rehab here. Granted, you may have not mentioned outright (it may have been implied in that "2 years lost" comment) , but even so, it didn't seem to be very effective. You're making the first steps to greatness right now, so now it's just a matter of educating yourself.
There is nothing wrong with taking some time or having a lighter day/session. If you feel burnt out then take a light day or if you've been doing it for a while (like 6 to 8 weeks) it even helps to take a week off. Your body will thank you.Did I do enough today? I typically do fullbody workouts, similar to starting strength, with squats, deadlifts, OHP being my main lifts 3 days per week. However, I felt burnt out today, especially since I'm cutting calories and played a ton of tennis this weekend with my wife.
So today, I did 5x3 of Bench Press at 245 and then did drop sets of weighted chins and OHP. On the chins, I did 50lbsx4, 25x4, 0x3 as a drop set. On the OHP, I did 155x3, 135x5, and 95x3. I was burnt out the whole time though. Should I do something else tonight?
Yeah, I plan to go back to 5/3/1 or RPT in September/October. Question though, do you guys go to the gym 3 or times a week when on 5/3/1?
You guys think a program like 5/3/1 would be alright for me to switch over to in the fall to make the strength goals I have planned? (Adding a plate to each big lift, build up pullup strength, put on 5-10 lbs). I like it, it is similar to how I lift already, just much lower volume obviously.
So I've been wondering why my body fat % hasn't been going down even though I'm dropping weight, maintaining my lifts, and looking better, plus my pants are getting way loose. Completely forgot I needed to edit the body weight in the device I have. Down to around 15% from 22% or so in January.
Felt like an idiot.
What is everyone's favorite organ meat?
I ask because I've never had any like a liver yet I keep reading about the huge benefits of eating them.
If having access to a Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, which should I try? A good gateway organ meat maybe? I've grown up only eating lean pork, beef, and poultry.
That Riddick thread makes me want to drop my deadlifts on mother fuckers heads.
Anyway, I'm thinking a reset for OHP is coming my way. Making the prescribed reps is getting much harder. Today at 225x3 I felt weak as hell and barely got the third set. I'm sure the extra cardio I'm doing and the tightening of the diet isn't helping in that regard.
Anyway, everything else continues to go up so I'm still happy.
I posted my Wendler pic and I'm out!![]()
Its getting crazy in there. I'm surprised you were able to last that long.
It kinda is crazy to see how the current perception of what is considered "fat". While I do think a lot of them are exaggerating, it is still crazy.
And you wonder why I think I'm fat/skinny lol.
Blame hollywood / marketing
Decided to check that thread out, and yeah... people are nuts.I posted my Wendler pic and I'm out!![]()
Merry Christmas to me! I need some strength advise see this 5/3/1 stuff, jump to the OT downloading ebook BAM! Considering I have just been bs'ing at work all day I feel like I really accomplished something here.
Bruce you look good but it looks like you lost some size didn't you post a pic like a year ago or was that someone else?
Decided to check that thread out, and yeah... people are nuts.
I give myself a really rough time about being "cut", but the shit people are calling fat in that thread I can look like just from a carb bloat.
*shrugs* Isn't much of GAF the skinny nerd type? Probably should mention you can have abs but not be fit.
Annoys me that so much attention gets placed on ab definition, to the point that it draws attention away from other features.
4 M/T/TH/F
I really wonder what those guys look like. I mean if they think he's fat, what do they think of themselves?
Merry Christmas to me! I need some strength advise see this 5/3/1 stuff, jump to the OT downloading ebook BAM! Considering I have just been bs'ing at work all day I feel like I really accomplished something here.
Bruce you look good but it looks like you lost some size didn't you post a pic like a year ago or was that someone else?
Don't forget the ever popular "Lol, that's all steroids" response.
Edit: Damn, did you add that or did I miss it.
I guarantee they don't look better than that. Its partly their fault but really I place a lot of blame on hollywood. 300, Captain America, The new Superman, Thor all that other superhero ish. People actually think that is a normal look for actors. Thus they hold them up to a ridiculous level. Plus people love pretending successful people have a hard time looking perfect because(in their minds) if a guy that has access to a personal trainer, a personal chef and limitless time can't always look perfect well then its not such a big deal that they look like crap. Even if they look great watch how many steroid posts people will throw up. Just so they can dismiss it.
Nice man it looks like a great program.
A pic on gaf? I posted a pic last summer but I'm pretty sure it was on BBF.
Nice man it looks like a great program.
A pic on gaf? I posted a pic last summer but I'm pretty sure it was on BBF.
There are a ton of things wrong with that thread, however it does reflect how many people see "fitness," that damn nebulous term. They think being "cut" is the end all, be all goal of any type of exercise program.
Yeah I am stoked.
I'm pretty sure it was you and it was definitely in the fitness forum. I don't mean to say that you look worse or anything just I remember thinking you looked pretty big.
Steroids comments are the worse because you still have to bust your ass to achieve the look/strength you want. No one wants to admit to that.
You know I don't think that right Mr City. Right? Its reflected everywhere people look. Magazines, movies, tv. Everywhere.
I'm not a mind reader, so I don't know what you think. However, if you've been in the game for 10 years, then you're probably a lifer and not a P90X bandwagon rider. That last sentence may rub some people the wrong way, but a lot of people look for the next big score in terms of exercise, diet, and health-related things. P90, Akins, etc., all of them are things that people look to get "fit," and once they get the six back, a lot of them give up and back slide.
Most are lucky if they even get that far. When they find out that it's not a magic routine/pill and you still have to practice the basics of a good diet they give up. I hate hearing friends and family jump on the latest bandwagon and then post on facebook how they're eating at "X fast food joint" and a couple of weeks later complaining that they're still fat. F U! Quit asking for my advice then. I stopped showing sympathy and I'm pretty damn harsh now because they ask how I do it but they don't want to follow my advice. They all look for the easy out.I'm not a mind reader, so I don't know what you think. However, if you've been in the game for 10 years, then you're probably a lifer and not a P90X bandwagon rider. That last sentence may rub some people the wrong way, but a lot of people look for the next big score in terms of exercise, diet, and health-related things. P90, Akins, etc., all of them are things that people look to get "fit," and once they get the six back, a lot of them give up and back slide.
Most are lucky if they even get that far. When they find out that it's not a magic routine/pill and you still have to practice the basics of a good diet they give up. I hate hearing friends and family jump on the latest bandwagon and then post on facebook how they're eating at "X fast food joint" and a couple of weeks later complaining that they're still fat. F U! Quit asking for my advice then. I stopped showing sympathy and I'm pretty damn harsh now because they ask how I do it but they don't want to follow my advice. They all look for the easy out.
Edit: Of course I'm generalizing. Not everyone is like that. But at least 90% of the general population is.