As if I need another example about the power of nutrition I offer this short story. So I consumed a lot of calories this holiday weekend. I plumped up quite a bit and it's noticeable. Got to the gym and everything felt light. Picking up a 80lb DB was as easy as a 50 pounder last week. My usual finishing weight for front raises are 45lb DB's but tonight I hit 6 and decided to try 50's for a few. Ended up getting 4 with very good form. Little to no rocking.
I started off with shoulder press. My finishing weight lately has fallen to 165 for 3 or 4 reps. Well today I got 5 at 180. That's a huge jump for a 7 day period. Crazy.
I started off with shoulder press. My finishing weight lately has fallen to 165 for 3 or 4 reps. Well today I got 5 at 180. That's a huge jump for a 7 day period. Crazy.