The Lamp said:Sounds good, thanks. The only thing I wanted to note is that I use a leg press machine, since my gym doesn't have barbells, so they're not real squats, but still.
Good to know about the chest growth compared to the other muscles, now I'm not worried.
I was wondering, though. I know that mass is better gained with lower reps, more weight, right?
So I'm in awkward transitioning stages between moving weights. Is it more beneficial for me to use, for example, a 20 or 25 lbs. dumbbell that I have perfect form and can do 15-20 reps with, or a 30 lbs. dumbbell that I can do about 5-8 reps with, although with shaky form, some momentum involved towards the end, and/or slow or yanky concentric phases?
Should I just work with the heavier weight, even if it's harder and not as pretty, until I can wield it perfectly, or should I work with the lower weight until I can graduate to the higher one without messing up?
This is a big problem in my dumbbell bench presses because just 5 lbs. can make the difference between perfect form for me and struggling to just wobbily push it up.
There should be a range between doing 20 and doing eight. If you are able to DB bench 25lbs fifteen times but only able to get 30's eight times with shaky form then I'm baffled and don't have much advice. It's actually quite hard to believe without seeing it for myself.
Jason's Ultimatum said:I'm finally got back to the 100s for 6 reps on flat DB chest presses, and 90s for 6 reps on incline DB chest press. Took fucking FOREVER for some reason to get back to it.
And I swear to god it's like right when I turned 29 my body started ache more, and the healing process when injured took forever.
That's strong. Especially for a guy your size. If I remember correctly your only 160lbs. Those are the numbers my training partner hits and he's 170. Well done.