So no one here is on Fitocracy?
Well here's a plug for it:
Fitocracy is a free exercise logger which turns your workouts from lists of things you have done to experience points, like this:
The goal is to get you addicted to fitness.
You can get achievements, complete quests, and talk to other people working out, because, well, why not. You can join groups, give people props, and encourage fellow sweaty men and women.
It was founded by two guys - Richard Talens and Brian Wang - both of which went from some degree of fatness to scary, unreal fitness. Here's Dick, former Everquest player on Sallon Zek's horrible transformation
Both are very active with the community and will gladly talk to people about their goals, the site, etc.
When is it live?
The site is currently in closed beta. Launches in a few months. But you could get on n-n-n-now!
I have about 10 invites myself, so come join!