Para bailar La Bomba
Saadster said:EAS Whey Protein 100%.
Does it absorb well?
Saadster said:EAS Whey Protein 100%.
Para bailar La Bomba said:Does it absorb well?
PumpkinPie said:I started on my healthy diet 3 days ago, it's tough going when you're not used to eating all the time, plus I'm very small to begin with.
This is what I've been eating:
1x chicken breast
100g cottage cheese
100g natural yoghurt
100g wholewheat pasta
1x slice wholewheat bread
1x tin of tuna in spring water
2x eggs
2x shredded wheat cereal biscuits
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1/3 tin of kidney beans
3 pints of milk substitute
Total: 250g+ of protein, 4000 calories.
PumpkinPie said:Total: 250g+ of protein, 4000 calories.
cuevas said:If you are so small why are you eating so much protein/calories?
GiJoccin said:I haven't really lifted in 4 months. My goal is to get back to doing 5/3/1, would it be a bad idea to jump right back into it or should I do some upper/lower splits for a few weeks to get back into it first?
Ripclawe said:I really didn't get the hate about people using the squat racks to do curls till today when I saw a guy wearing sunglasses doing curls that maxed out at about 65 pounds. Just the bar and two 10 pound weights and after every set acted like he was doing 150 pounds..
Now I get it.
The vast majority of my pull-up work has been short of failure until now. I'm going to add a great deal more sets to failure relative to what I was doing for now on. Both today and last Friday I performed two sets of fifteen midday in addition to my sets of eight I've been so fond of. I want to hit that elusive number 20 - many people may have stopped at 10 or 12, but I want that milestone. I was hitting 16 regularly, and if I add more work to failure, 20 may be within my grasp. And using the anecdotal evidence in this article, I can keep up my pull-up blitzkrieg afterwards to improve my back hypertrophy.When I steadily increased the volume and avoided failure with fast reps, my upper back grew. When I incorporated sets to failure my hypertrophy stalled but my max reps went up. Training to failure with higher rep sets is great for endurance, but not much else.
Para bailar La Bomba said:What is the whey of choice for Gafers?
I prefer to take my whey pre-workout with minimal carbs and fat.
Congrats man! Don't get complacent though. Once you get the basic form down, there's a hundred little things to tweak, and retweak. For one, probably shouldn't be looking in the mirror. Your eyes are following your reflection, that means your head's not as stable as it could be, meaning your neck isn't as aligned as it could be. But good job and keep at it.Ketchup Boy said:Holy crap, I think I finally am able to do squats correctly!!! I'm going lower than parallel and looking in the mirror as I do it and it looks (and feels) correct like in the videos/pictures for once. I'm just using the bar and was only able to get 6 reps for each set, but I think its going to be only up from here!!! I couldn't stand doing squats knowing I wasn't getting the form right, but today, I think I had a major break-through.![]()
Well, it may or may not be directly related to squatting and deadlifting, since i never had issues while doing those things. But one day randomly I got sciatica again after months of not having symptoms. Got worse over the next few days and the usual physical therapy stuff didn't help. Got another MRI, have a slight rupture. But also this was the first time I was actually seeing the disc that I had surgery on 3 years ago, and i realized I probably shouldn't be compressing my lower back with any heavy weights. That disc is super small.JB1981 said:Why can't you squat, Parrot?
MrToughPants said:I'm around 9-10% bf @ 200 now but I don't know if I can still achieve my goal of 215lbs by the new year without a serious bulk. I was pretty much eating, shitting and lifting when I was 215 but now it feels like I don't have that same drive. I'm around 4000cals to maintain since i'm lifting almost everyday and it still feels like a chore to eat that much.
Saadster said:It mixes well, tastes great, has tons of BCAA's and has 23g of protein per scoop (3g carbs). I've been taking it for around 4 months and have had pretty good muscle gain results.
When I steadily increased the volume and avoided failure with fast reps, my upper back grew. When I incorporated sets to failure my hypertrophy stalled but my max reps went up. Training to failure with higher rep sets is great for endurance, but not much else.
Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 1 set of 5
Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-15
Squat - 3 sets of 5
Overhead Press - 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans - 5 sets of 3
Abdominal work
Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlift - 1 set of 5
Bent Over Rows - 3 set of 5
Arm work, if desired
Xelinis said:
AFAIK volume is reps times sets. I think he means explosive but not necessarily kipping, as opposed to slow and steady, but I was a bit confused on that as well.Jason's Ultimatum said:I'm confused. What does more volume mean? Also, fast reps? As in not going all the way down getting that full stretch or doing half reps really fast like you see some guys do at the gym?
I can do 20 pullups on the FIRST set, but I go all the way getting that stretch, but not fast reps.
I believe:Jason's Ultimatum said:I'm confused. What does more volume mean? Also, fast reps? As in not going all the way down getting that full stretch or doing half reps really fast like you see some guys do at the gym?
I can do 20 pullups on the FIRST set, but I go all the way getting that stretch, but not fast reps.
Petrie said:I have a few questions about the program here I've been on:
-With pullups, I'm at the point where I can get 5 or 6. Am I better off doing that and continuing to improve, or should I still do them assisted to higher reps?
-On Mon and Fri I've added 3 sets of dips to the end, though again I can only do 6 or 7 of them, same question as above.
-Any suggestions for the abdominal or arm work? Abdominals I've been doing a mix of leg raises, decline situps with weight, planks, bicycle sitsups, etc. For the arm stuff I've done curls, laying tricep extensions, and shrugs.
Live Free or Die said:whats a general good diet to follow for losing weight?
Petrie said:Cut sugar, bread, pasta and soda/juice/sugary drinks.
Replace with grilled chicken, steamed veggies, brown rice, etc.
Xelinis said:
MjFrancis said:It's a cool picture, though I take exception to the phrase "This is a body sculpture for the sake of show, not real power." That would mean that it would be a body sculpture for fake power, which doesn't make sense. The idea that it is primarily built for aesthetic purposes isn't lost on me, but the phrasing is stupid.
Anth0ny said:My goal is somewhere in the middle, lol.
there ya go. Or possibly...
Anth0ny said:My goal is somewhere in the middle, lol.
cuevas said:Ill take #1
Ketchup Boy said:Same here. Bodybuilders still have power especially above the average man. Plus, they look more aesthetic and look better in clothes. I don't understand why'd you want the body of a power lifter unless you're actually competing for the Olympics or something. Here's a guy squatting over 300 lbs for 15 reps and he's mad aesthetic.[IMG]
I'd take this body with that kind of power over a powerlifter's any day.[/QUOTE]
To be clear, there's nothing wrong with having definition and being strong. That should be the end goal, for most, I would hope. However, (probably) Ryan, (definitely) Stallone, and this (dem veins) gentlemen are most certainly on steroids.
You can get incredibly far with a great diet and solid training, but at some point genetics will catch up. However, the vast majority of your superstars in sports use steroids. The vast majority of entertainers have nutritionists, prescriptions, and personal trainers. Setting small goals and pushing your self is better than saying "I wanna look like Ryan Reynolds" when you just don't have the genetics, or the assistance, he does.