I'm always amazed by the ridiculous obsession shown by so many people.
The vanity and addiction to 'fine tune' unimportant things is just horrific.
No matter what anyone says, you DON'T need to get a perfect ratio of carbs to proteins to fat. You don't have to calculate everything down to 0.1grams and you won't die if you eat the odd chocolate bar. You also won't burn all your muscle off if you add an extra exercise to a routine (looking at you the 'you cAn n3vr add anything to rippet00es' group).
Exercise should never take over your life that way unless if you want to get into some sort of competition.
Another annoying thing with the workout crowd nowadays is the 'need' for supplements. Want to take protein shakes to supplement your already good diet? Sure. However, when you buy 10 different pill types and 50 special mixtures to drink, you have to take a good look at yourself and evaluate what the hell you're doing.
Wanna gain muscle WHILE losing fat? Sure. Get on a strength routine, don't over/under eat like crazy and do some light cardio.
Wanna lose fat? Do some cardio, eat less overall and limit your junk food intake.
Wanna gain weight? Eat more (keep it clean) and work out. Keep cardio to a minimum.
here if you don't know how much you should be eating. You can also check out
this. Oh and unless if you're 7' tall and weight 400lb you should not be eating something ridiculous like 6,000 calories a day. Keep it sensible!
Make things simple. Lift heavy, sleep well, eat sensibly and listen to your body. You couldn't have said it better.
/rant over