Alienshogun said:At least (I'm assuming) he isn't a short pudgy bald asian dude walking around in a MARINES shirt all cut to hell.
Dude's fat as hell thinking he looks awesome.
Are you positive it's oil? Any chance he's just a heavy perspirer?
If it's oil, you may want to say something to him, or the staff. That shit ain't right.
He's a very flamboyont gay guy who is fairly well muscled though nothing close to what he thinks he is.
A lot of us weren't sure at first. He spends a majority of his workout staring at himself in the mirror. We gave him the benefit of the doubt until people started noticing how oily he was right when he came out of the locker room. Then someone saw him take a bottle or some shit into a stall right before he started his workout.
He also does all these annoying "Look at me" exercises. All kinds of weird straps and contraptions to draw more attention to himself.
Thinking about him now makes me want to punch him again.