Fitness |OT4| Squat Booty, Summer Cuts, and Super Swoletrophy

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So bummed out. I started SS (after reading all the info and advice given to other people new to lifting in this thread) in January and after 2 months I was starting to look and feel a lot better. I also started doing kickboxing 2-3 times a week, which I have absolutely loved so far. Regular exercise was also helping me sleep way better, and I have been on a strict diet the last 2 months...Unfortunately, tonight I fucked up my back while at kickboxing through a stupid accident. I'm going to go to the doctor tomorrow, but I am guessing that I will not be able to lift, do kickboxing, or any exercise, for at least 1 month, possibly longer. I'm legitimately depressed now... :(

By the way, thanks to all the regulars in this thread. I have been reading all the advice you have posted for other people new to lifting and it has helped me a lot.


I know that feel bro. I broke my leg playing basketball last Thursday, and am not supposed to attempt lower body lifts for another 5 weeks. Full recovery time is 12 weeks. It was really depressing for the first couple of days until I realized I can still do upper body (if I can make it to be gym). Still sucks to be watching basketball and cringing every time someone lands from jumping...
It doesn't work like that. SS is a linear progression. It means that each workout is always going to be heavier than the last.

When you begin the program, you have to pick your starting weights. You start with just the bar to warm up and get a feel for the movement. Then you gradually add weight, probably in 10lb increments. Do this until you find a weight that is challenging, but not heavy enough that you have to grind it to do three sets of 5 reps with that weight.

So suppose your starting weights look something like this:

Squat 100lb
Bench 85lb
Press 65lb
Deadlift 135lb

Your first SS workout (assume it takes place on a monday) would be called "A" and it would look something like this:

Squat 100lb 3x5
Bench 85lb 3x5
Deadlift 135lb 1x5

These are your working sets. Working sets are 3 sets of 5 reps accross (with the exception of the deadlift, which is only 1 set of 5), which means you don't change the weight between sets. This doesn't include warmup sets. For a 100lb squat, for instance, it would look like this with warm ups:


The next workout (on Wednesday), which we'll call "B" would look like this:

Squat 110lb 3x5 (we've added 10lb since the last workout)
Press 65lb 3x5
Chinups (3 sets of as many reps as possible).

Then on Friday we repeat "A", except it's a bit heavier:

Squat 120lb 3x5 (we've added another 10lb)
Bench 90lb 3x5 (we added 5lb since monday)
Deadlift 145lb 1x5 (we've added 10lb).

So this week we've done ABA, and next week we'll do BAB, etc. And every workout we're adding weight to the bar. At first you'll be adding 10lb to the lower body lifts per workout and 5lb to the upper body lifts. After a while, that'll have to change and you'll be adding 5lb per workout to the lower body lifts, and 2.5lb to the upper body lifts.

For further information:

Wow! Thank you for the in depth run down of how to do it! I'll definitely be starting this on Monday.


I know that feel bro. I broke my leg playing basketball last Thursday, and am not supposed to attempt lower body lifts for another 5 weeks. Full recovery time is 12 weeks. It was really depressing for the first couple of days until I realized I can still do upper body (if I can make it to be gym). Still sucks to be watching basketball and cringing every time someone lands from jumping...
Damn, sorry to hear. I have been lucky to never have an injury with a fully recovery time of 12 weeks--I don't think I would be able to handle that.

I'm guessing that I'll be out a month at least. When I got the injury the pain was shooting from my back down my leg for about 10-15 seconds, which definitely could be a bad sign. I'll see what the doctor says tomorrow..


Two 90g 90% Protein shakes - 162g
300g of Cottage cheese - 32g
850ml of skim milk - 27g
6 veggie sausages - 68g
1 can of baked beans - 18g

Throw in 8g of trace protein from the non-protein rich stuff I ate, and you end up at 315g. I could probably have skipped out on one protein shake, but they are pretty tasty and I like having one before bed, and one in the morning.

On a vegetarian diet, it's an alright amount of proteins, but it's mostly thanks to my new protein powder.

What is this protein powder! sounds magical.


So bummed out. I started SS (after reading all the info and advice given to other people new to lifting in this thread) in January and after 2 months I was starting to look and feel a lot better. I also started doing kickboxing 2-3 times a week, which I have absolutely loved so far. Regular exercise was also helping me sleep way better, and I have been on a strict diet the last 2 months...Unfortunately, tonight I fucked up my back while at kickboxing through a stupid accident. I'm going to go to the doctor tomorrow, but I am guessing that I will not be able to lift, do kickboxing, or any exercise, for at least 1 month, possibly longer. I'm legitimately depressed now... :(

By the way, thanks to all the regulars in this thread. I have been reading all the advice you have posted for other people new to lifting and it has helped me a lot.

Rest up so you can get back on that horse. Awesome job though.

I tweaked my lower back late last week so I'm resting as well. Might go anyway tomorrow.

Hoping bench press doesn't put too much strain on my lower back.
the fact its 90g a serving.... the one I have phd synergy iso is only 34g? for 2 scoops and this is expensive stuff

Yeah, each scoop is 45g (40g of which is protein), I take two scoops of the stuff.
I couldn't do with just one scoop, becomes too thin imho.

Mm protein powder mixed into oats makes for a delicious oat porridge.
I only need 220-260g of protein at most though, so I'll just take one two-scoop shake in the future.
EDIT: Got mine from bulk powders:


Has anyone called it? I was about to just post the old one in a new thread just to get shit moving.

I heard talk a few pages back, someone said make Evilore do it and we'd haven the most popular Fitness thread ever. Don't know what was decided though, other than that it needs to be more concise with its info.

Also, I think the milk shit needs to go, too many people take that part as some beginner gospel.

Yeah, each scoop is 45g (40g of which is protein), I take two scoops of the stuff.
I couldn't do with just one scoop, becomes too thin imho.

Mm protein powder mixed into oats makes for a delicious oat porridge.
I only need 220-260g of protein at most though, so I'll just take one two-scoop shake in the future.
EDIT: Got mine from bulk powders:

Perhaps add in some greek yogurt or even blend ice cubes to thicken it without going overboard on protein?
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