Could someone give me some advice on my lifting routine? I'm more focused on cutting fat these days, but I enjoy lifting and I figure I may as well tone up while losing weight. I'm sure I'm not doing it efficiently, and would really appreciate some feedback on it.
I'll typically lift three times a week, and my routine is as follows:
-Leg press 5 sets of 5
-Calf extension 5 sets of 10
-Either leg curl or leg extension 5 sets of 5
-Weighted crunches machine 4 sets of 20
-Dips 3 sets of 10
-Back extension 5 sets of 5
-Triceps extension 5 sets of 5
-Bench 5 sets of 5
-Squats 5 sets of 5
-Seated dumbbell shoulder press 5 sets of 5
-Flat dumbbell fly 5 sets of 10
-Shrugs 5 sets of 10
-Bent over dumbbell rows 5 sets of 5 for each arm
-Seated dumbbell curls 5 sets of 5 for each arm
Am I doing too much at once? Should I divide up different muscle groups into different days? All told, going through all this usually takes me about 90 minutes.
Yeah, it's too much.
For one thing, you're doing a lot of leg work before you hit squats. I understand warm up routines, but there's so much volume that it might compromise the most important part of your leg workout.