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Flat Worm Travels to Space With One Head. Returns to Earth With Two.


Twice the brain power.



Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I think the craziest part is that whatever happened to the flat worm in space changed it on a fundamental level as it continued to produce two headed flat worms. It wasn't just some one off fluke they only affected that worm.


May I have a cookie?
I think the craziest part is that whatever happened to the flat worm in space changed it on a fundamental level as it continued to produce two headed flat worms. It wasn't just some one off fluke they only affected that worm.
Probably useful to learn more about sex cell production in flatworms.


May I have a cookie?
Sour grapes, eh? Let's see you do it faster.

Compared to what? Two weeks is faster than other animals' regeneration, like starfish, or lizards re-growing their tails.

Most flatworms are comparatively tiny though, aren't they?

So does it have it's head up its ass?

Do the heads decide which one eats today and which one shits out their mouth?

Actually, according to Wikipedia:

The digestive cavity has only one opening for both ingestion (intake of nutrients) and egestion (removal of undigested wastes); as a result, the food cannot be processed continuously.
So basically this new super flatworm can eat for as long as it wants without taking breaks.

Edit2: More choice quotes from Wikipedia:

Most platyhelminths have no anus and regurgitate undigested material through the mouth. However, some long species have an anus and some with complex, branched guts have more than one anus, since excretion only through the mouth would be difficult for them.[6] The gut is lined with a single layer of endodermal cells that absorb and digest food. Some species break up and soften food first by secreting enzymes in the gut or pharynx (throat).

Most turbellarians have pigment-cup ocelli ("little eyes"), one pair in most species, but two or even three pairs in some. A few large species have many eyes in clusters over the brain, mounted on tentacles, or spaced uniformly around the edge of the body.

The vast majority of turbellarians are hermaphrodites (have both female and male reproductive cells), and fertilize eggs internally by copulation.[6] Some of the larger aquatic species mate by penis fencing, a duel in which each tries to impregnate the other, and the loser adopts the female role of developing the eggs.

Two turbellarians are mating by penis fencing. Each has two penises, the white spikes on the undersides of their heads.
Most flatworms are comparatively tiny though, aren't they?

Yes, they're very small. But I believe it's the lack of complexity that allows them to regenerate quickly, more than the size. I don't think very tiny geckos, for example, grow their tails back faster than large ones. At least, I haven't heard that.

Anyway, flatworm regeneration is pretty crazy. We cut up a bunch of planarians in high school biology. It's not difficult to make them have two heads; just cut their head in half and they'll likely end up with two. That's on one end, though, not one on each end.

Google "planaria with multiple heads" and see.
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