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So what I am watching here folks?! underaged softcore hentai? gaint battling Mechs coming out of peoples heads? a plot that doesn't make a lick of sense... so far (watched 2 episode).

I don't know, seems to be big on parodies and visual humor, none of which are really that humorous, at this point. It's definitely a mind trip with solid animation, especially by Gainax standards. But apart from that I don't get it, care to enlighten me?
I really liked FLCL, but I never found it hilarious.

There is a plot and a point to the series, its just kinda hidden. I didn't understand it until I watched it a second time...and even then I only had a glimpse of what the hell was actually going on. Luckily the anime is short, so rewatching it doesn't take forever.

I would suggest watching the series again after your initial viewing, you may enjoy it more the second time as you start to piece together whats going on (atleast, thats how it worked for me...the problem was I almost didn't watch it the second time cause I thought it was kinda tame after the first watch....thankfully, I was bored one night.)...or not.

aoi tsuki

Yeah, watch the whole series just to see it, then watch it again to make sense of it. i didn't catch on until the second viewing, and by time i went to see it a third time (about a year later) someone explained the finer points to me.


There's indeed a point to it, all you have to do is watch it then watch it some more and you'll find out what it's about.


I also found it easier not to worry about the plot and to just let it ride. Its a fun series to watch. Don't try to think, just enjoy it.


Unconfirmed Member
The show actually makes complete sense when it's all said and done, though it doesn't really seem like it at first. Subsequent viewings makes LOTS more sense than your first time through.

At its heart, though, it's basically just a coming of age story told in the most wacky way possible.


God that show is awful. ... I mean, seriously. It makes me want to crap out my vital organs and quickly devour them before I drop dead.


Ok so can a FLCL fan tell me what was the point in glorious spoiler tags? I think I know it but every body is saying "watch it again" and I really think its' not that complicated... unless, I missed the point of the show.

Oh and definitely do what...::scrolls down and copies name:: RevenantKioku said: don't worry about the plot and just watch it. I personally can't do that. It was a challenge like no other. I had practice of course (LAST EXILE!) but it still sucked to some degree because of that aspect ( not revealing the plot until the end) since I could not stop worrying/thinking about it.
FLCL is easily the best anime ever made. The important thing is that the actual plot DOESN'T ACTUALLY MATTER. If you're wondering "who" and "why" and "what" you're missing the point completely. The point of FLCL is that it's probably the most honest exploration of budding adolescent sexuality and confusion and budding adulthood I've ever seen in any medium - it's just hidden behind layers and layers of anime in-jokes and off-the-wall dadaism. The whole thing is just wonderful and working on an entirely different level from most of the worthless, soulless, meaningless tripe that makes up the genre "anime."
JackFrost2012 said:
FLCL is easily the best anime ever made. The important thing is that the actual plot DOESN'T ACTUALLY MATTER. If you're wondering "who" and "why" and "what" you're missing the point completely. The point of FLCL is that it's probably the most honest exploration of budding adolescent sexuality and confusion and budding adulthood I've ever seen in any medium - it's just hidden behind layers and layers of anime in-jokes and off-the-wall dadaism. The whole thing is just wonderful and working on an entirely different level from most of the worthless, soulless, meaningless tripe that makes up the genre "anime."

I'm afraid it actually works on exactly the same level.


Drensch said:
I'd add to teh "watch it again" crowd.

this is also worth a read:

Can't one say that about ANY anime you look too deep into? Let's look at EVA. there are COUNTLESS "interpretations" for it and I think the directors' own words are like "it is whatever you want it to be" or something. To some it's garbage and to others it's the best anime ever.

The ones that say it's the best anime also interpret every single aspect of the anime as a symbol for this or that.. and based on those assumptions they make up their own endings. The thing is, EVA DOESN'T make sense. The fans that do try to make sense out of it do it after careful examination of the characters and "symbols" in EVA. Those interpretations are not validated by the creators of EVA.

Really if you dig deep enough 50% of anime can be as "though-provoking" and "ground-breaking" as EVA or FLCL. For the record I thought EVA sucked. ANYBODY can just tell a normal mecha story like that and fuck it up with religious symbolism and leave the most confusing ending ever. Fans like to say "you don't get it" but when you hear how they "get it" it just sounds like what they want the show to mean. If that was the point of EVA then it's even worse. ANY anime can do that. Don't end it properly and pretend there's a deep philosophical meaning there and just let the fans make up their own endings. before you know it you're a true artist.

this is a quote from the animation director of FLCL:

What about Japanese animation? Will FLCL become an anime for the 21st Century, one freed from the various conventions of anime?”(

If he believes that FLCL is an anime for the 21st century, I'd really like to know why. Was it the annoying manga-like scenes? oh those were so cool. :rolleyes:

FLCL's only postive aspect is that it's quite unique but that does not automatically make it a master piece. C- :p
Chrono said:
The ones that say it's the best anime also interpret every single aspect of the anime as a symbol for this or that.. and based on those assumptions they make up their own endings. The thing is, EVA DOESN'T make sense. The fans that do try to make sense out of it do it after careful examination of the characters and "symbols" in EVA. Those interpretations are not validated by the creators of EVA. it the annoying manga-like scenes? oh those were so cool. :rolleyes:

Well, for the record, I don't like Eva but I love, love FLCL. What you describe is an issue, sure, but in the case of FLCL it's hardly reaching to see that it's actually a coming-of-age story about a boy coming to terms with becoming an adult in the absence of his brotherly role-model and dealing with his confusing sexual impulses. Those themes aren't "hidden" - the anime hits you over the head with them, Gibson-style.

EDIT: I note that all your arguments against FLCL being deep are based on a perceived shallowness of EVA. :p


JackFrost2012 said:
Well, for the record, I don't like Eva but I love, love FLCL. What you describe is an issue, sure, but in the case of FLCL it's hardly reaching to see that it's actually a coming-of-age story about a boy coming to terms with becoming an adult in the absence of his brotherly role-model and dealing with his confusing sexual impulses. Those themes aren't "hidden" - the anime hits you over the head with them, Gibson-style.

EDIT: I note that all your arguments against FLCL being deep are based on a perceived shallowness of EVA. :p

You are correct those themes are pretty clear. I was wrong in judging FLCL. the coming of age theme, what the alien and naota's brother represented ( the dangerous but exciting outside world) were all very apparent. I guess I'm too pissed off at EVA, which is called critically acclaimed in that paper. ::bashes head against wall::

but to be honest that still doesn’t show me how it's ground breaking. I guess I was still looking for a solid story when watching it and those themes were just in the background. They were good character development that could've been used in a better way but was left as it is and the result was just FLCL.

I don't know if I'm making sense here it's 4 A.M., I'm listening to massive attack, and I'm trying to decide whether to sleep 3 hours before my programming class or play Resident Evil on my gamecube and do the laundry.
Chrono said:
You are correct those themes are pretty clear. I was wrong in judging FLCL. the coming of age theme, what the alien and naota's brother represented ( the dangerous but exciting outside world) were all very apparent. I guess I'm too pissed off at EVA, which is called critically acclaimed in that paper. ::bashes head against wall::

It's okay, I have the same problem. EVA acolytes are the Xenofans of the anime world. They scare me. Not only do they scare me, they have years of analysis and arguing on their side, so my "it's okay, but not the best" is always met immediately with cries for my head. -_-

In any case, you might want to give FLCL a second viewing. I liked it the first time, but it wasn't until subsequent viewings, when I understood what it was going for and how it was going about it, that it struck me as so great. It's "ground breaking" because it does something new and different and kinetic in a surprisingly subtle way. It's like a Magic Eye picture, or something - view it from one angle, and it's a clever-if-someone-hyperactive anime. View it from another, and OH MY GOD SO THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS.

Of course, if you see it again and you still don't like it, that's fair too. But, I think that arguments for FLCL's depth are more substantiated than those for Eva. (But if an Eva fan is reading this and disagrees with me, please don't let's turn this thread into an Eva fight or nothing please.)


Unconfirmed Member
Like I said, it actually does have a sensible plot, and the seemingly random images that seem thrown together really aren't. Stuff like Haruko's discovery in the first episode that
Naota's brother has an American girlfriend
, for example, is something that's only very, very quickly mentioned, but really explains a lot about why things are happening and why Mamimi is acting the way she is. It's kind of weird to say, but FLCL's off the wall absurdity and craziness really kind of hides and distracts you from the subtlety of the plot.

It's just that the first, and maybe even the second time through, you're so dumbfounded by the madness that you see that it is almost impossible to see anything of the plot beyond the blatantly obvious coming-of-age/sexual overtones.

And how can you not love a show where the "Next time on FLCL" voice over that Haruko does at the end of episode 1 is all about the Game Boy Advance (and barely anything at all to do with the next episode)?


This is the best thing that I have caught on Cartoon Network recently. I was dumbfounded as well, but kept watching out of fascination. By the final episode I really does makes sense in the wat that MetatronM described.

I liked the show so much that I've ben recently inspired to get back to collecting anime again. I've been out of the hobby far too long.
MetatronM said:
It's kind of weird to say, but FLCL's off the wall absurdity and craziness really kind of hides and distracts you from the subtlety of the plot.

Precisely. The way all the characterizations and plot threads come together by the end are just astounding - not because they make you go "OH WOW WHAT A GREAT CHARACTERIZATION," but because it's done so gently and naturally that you don't even NOTICE how good it is.

I want to take advantage of this thread to mention that I have a Japanese friend who acts and sounds exactly like Haruko. No, really. Her name is Evil Tomoko.


One of my students reads a lot of manga including the one for FLCL. I had her explain it to me. At least, she explained what she understood. I then watched the series again on Adult Swim, and it seems to make sense to me now, although it's still pretty flakey. PEACE.


After repeated viewings of both works, FLCL is tied with Cowboy Bebop as my favorite anime series of all time, and it's easily the best thing Gainax has ever done (and likely ever will do). Just as I tell everyone who watches this series for the first time, though it does have a plot that can be followed, FLCL is much more about theme than it is about plot cohesion.

For those who purchase or borrow the DVDs, read the translation notes that come with them. They answer a lot of questions and contain some key insights,
such as the Atomsk symbol being the kanji for "adult" with one character placed atop the other

Just my $0.02.
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