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Florida Man Fights to Keep Pizza-Loving Alligator

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there is joy in sucking dick

There's something about his eyes, don't known if gators can be domesticated but...


I didn't even know gators could live that long, let alone on a diet of (primarily) junk food. Even if Gwendolyn's lived with her owner for this long, I still don't see a gator as a safe choice as a pet, and there's definitely a risk she could hurt someone (I mean, she's still alive, so I'm assuming she's found other sources of more-natural, still-breathing food).

I think this particular Florida Man should just bite the bullet, however. A 13 foot gator is huge, and there's no way that she can be returned to the wild; she'll either go after a pet or go straight for a person expecting they have pizza, so no parties involved'll come out of this unscathed. He should just find a way to make his property larger and more accommodating for her.


I think it's a lovely story, that someone lived with such a creature and wants to stay with it. Normally we look at such creatures as dangerous and kind of worthless beings. Nice to see someone to not play that role.

Hope he does some small changes to his residence to keep the gator with him.


Nope nope noooooope. That's playing with fire like keeping a pet hippo. I know people have pet hippos.

This particular croc was a special case. Poncho was found injured with a gunshot wound as a juvenile, and this guy took him in, nursed him back to health and the two had formed an unbreakable bond since. There's a pretty fascinating documentary about this relationship that's all on youtube.
He was told the gator was a girl when he got it. It was a boy but he kept the name. It's in most of the other stories on the gator. I wouldn't want to give it up either if I had it for almost 50 years.
This kinda shit makes me believe in past lives, as that animal is overriding all of its natural instincts with prey/mating behavior?. Clearly a dog in a former life. If it was a cat, well..

My world has been turned upside down by seeing shit like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-zGIS-WWZQ

I had no fucking idea that anything went on inside their reptile brains.

what the fuck. I'm beginning to feel bad about giving jurassic world all that shit about how stupid it was to train Blue and the other raptors as circus animals.


lizard getting a tummy rub:



Is it weird that I find it quite adorable when Gwendolyn eats the pizza. I say leave the man and Gwendolyn alone damn it.
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