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Food Decision 2004!

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A friend of mine is coming over from across the bay (San Francisco Bay Area), and he's hungry and I'm hungry. He's going to bring by some fast food. I'm not that hungry right now and I can't really decide what would be good food to have. We already ruled out plenty of options which leaves just about every fast food joint in the area. Given the option of having any type of fast food, which place would you eat at? Pizza and sandwhiches are not counted. Think of things such as BK, McD's, Taco Bell, etc.

Gaffers! Decide!

PS -- This is my stupid topic for the year so please forgive me. :)


I like to eat Taco Bell, but that's only because I don't usually have it. (Stupid Canada.)

Taco Bell


I like Del Taco. But you could also do umm... Wendy's.... Farmer Boys? Or try one of those mexican buger joints. (not sure where you are, but where i am, you see lots of them... bobs burger, volcano burger, athenians) Basically Farmer Boys but cheaper...


in the east bay? how about chaat cafe on university. there's a good ramen place a little up the street too. there's always gordos

some good thai places..

don't eat fast food man. that's not cool.
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