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Foony Homestar runner King's Quest Spoof


Ok, what the hell am I supposed to do with a
meatball sub
that I couldn't do with some pills? >_<


o_O how do you beat this evil crap? At 6 points, I'm already beaten like a Kerrek pounds a peasant. ;_;
Well, that was fucking awesome.

This really makes me sad that games like this are no longer actually in existence. I'd really like to see these guys do a full length adventure game.

And if you needed a walkthrough for this, I weep for your soul.
Finished this last night. Brought back a ton of memories...King's Quest was one of the first games I ever played, back when I was 4 or 5 on the old PC jr. Real dawn-of-time stuff here. They did a great job. I just miss the slow draw-in rate and the PC jr-specific sounds. :p


I just needed help with

getting the rocks
They looked like just part of the background, once I had those I went to town. :(
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