Lambda Pie
this is slowly getting better.
Who would have thought it.
Coventry City. Supporting a team that would win the league would be like having sex with my own daughter. It would feel so good yet so wrong.More wrong than good, I'm not a monster
Johnson to do something for the first time in months because hes on tv.
Everyone begs for him to be called up
i think i'm actually going to dieNasri: "I don't want to be disrespectful, but I had a meeting with Wenger who told me to not be worried, he signed Gervinho."
May the Bavarian Lion awake tomorrow. He was born for the big stage. He was made for the spotlight. The world will look on the greatest players. The stage is straight out of a dream. the eternity awaits. the theatre will glow. the shades of the past will once more look on the stage. only one thing is not ready yet. the story yet not been written.
The Bavarian lion is proud and will not fail under the pressure of 70.000s screaming, yelling and supporting fighters who will try everything to change the theatre into hell.
The stage is set, the people are waiting.
Lion, Rise.
It's your time.
fuck offMay the Bavarian Lion awake tomorrow. He was born for the big stage. He was made for the spotlight. The world will look on the greatest players. The stage is straight out of a dream. the eternity awaits. the theatre will glow. the shades of the past will once more look on the stage. only one thing is not ready yet. the story yet not been written.
The Bavarian lion is proud and will not fail under the pressure of 70.000s screaming, yelling and supporting fighters who will try everything to change the theatre into hell.
The stage is set, the people are waiting.
Lion, Rise.
It's your time.
cringe cringe cringe cringe
I hate that people spoiled the end of the Metal Gear Solid V demo for me.
I love Ki.
May the Bavarian Lion awake tomorrow. He was born for the big stage. He was made for the spotlight. The world will look on the greatest players. The stage is straight out of a dream. the eternity awaits. the theatre will glow. the shades of the past will once more look on the stage. only one thing is not ready yet. the story yet not been written.
The Bavarian lion is proud and will not fail under the pressure of 70.000s screaming, yelling and supporting fighters who will try everything to change the theatre into hell.
The stage is set, the people are waiting.
Lion, Rise.
It's your time.
May the Bavarian Lion awake tomorrow. He was born for the big stage. He was made for the spotlight.
Blablurn please
I'm leaving my house at 10 and I'll be in Manchester at half 3
What film should I put on my phone
Blablurn please
I'm leaving my house at 10 and I'll be in Manchester at half 3
What film should I put on my phone
Holy fuck, how did Borini blow that one? Jozy would have scored that too.
Coventry City. Supporting a team that would win the league would be like having sex with my own daughter. It would feel so good yet so wrong.More wrong than good, I'm not a monster
It's the truth though. Twitter wouldn't help me with getting the correct spelling. I need some sleep.
Why didn't you guys play him more?
Girls Gone Bukkake IV
I guess we have to do it without Ribery tmw
Don't have that one
isnt their mascot a bear for crying out loud
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) - Uruguayan football has lost its leadership with little more than two months left before the World Cup.
The entire executive committee of the Uruguayan Football Association quit Monday in a crisis that also involves President Jose Mujica and the football players' union.
Who earth is Sunderland's scout, Ronald Mcdonald?
I guess we have to do it without Ribery tmw
omg I luv u :lol :lol
Welcome to the thread btw, I was banned when you started I think -_-
We did what had to be done to Coventry.Thank you. I'm a long time lurker so I'm familiar with some of the more regular posters such as yourself. I usually just come on here to insult Arsenal supporters. I'll consider becoming a Juventus fan if they turn to shit ,get relegated a couple of times and get kicked out of their own stadium. Any other way would just be unnatural.
We did what had to be done to Coventry.
dcmonster, pls
The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the four big cats in the genus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae. With some males exceeding 250 kg (550 lb) in weight.
The lion is not afraid. Never.
Tmw he will come out and fight against all odds.
Hitler had the same view about the Holocaust.
FallacyHitler had the same view about the Holocaust.
Looooool what did he do this time?yurt bby
pls listen to me
i truly, in my heart, hope that axl rose gets cancer and dies.
Looooool what did he do this time?
Honestly,I fucking hate him, I just love his epic voice. Edit: his 80s/90s voice