Can't believe Messi went of goal at the end there.
That £18m for Schurrle is looking like a great deal now.
Even as a sub what a great tournament for him. He's still so young too.
Sabella made some horrible decisions with those subs, Higuain, Aguero, and Palacio all shocking
congrats to Germany, deserved
Germans win, BBC can't stop talking about Messi.
Getting boring now.
Can't wait for the Premier League to return.
Have we signed Khedira yet?
Lol Messi's facial expression
Zero fucks given
Gonna tape new Pepsi commercial
Can't wait for the Premier League to return.
Who is that
Gotze and his shitty facial hair will be shown for generations now.
Lavezzi had a stormer of a first half, subbing him off at half time for Aguero made no sense at all. Aguero is just the new Torres nowadays. And Palacio is Fred-tier, he shouldn't be in the team.
The juxtaposition of seeing Argentina crying to the song HAPPY is brilliant.
Fuck off Hansen, I'm glad your fucking off. He didn't mean to punch him. Like Gary says, he's not that kind of player.