Why would you play Ozil out of position?
To try and create a more balanced team overall?
Why would you play Ozil out of position?
Why would you play Ozil out of position?
There seems to be a new trend
This is just great :lol
Aw yisss, that new avatar
Fuck sky sports is expensive.
Gone with BT sport on Virgin, Prem, CL and NBA.
We ended up getting £6.5m and 15% for Sturridge all told. £3m of that was via bonuses that did pan out at least.
My team at the moment
Yeah and Coventry only got 30k and further payments of 200k for the very same player
Well, he was only 13 at the time. A pretty decent chunk of change for a kid to be honest.
We got £275,000 rising to 400k for Oscar Gobern which was amazing because he is one of the worst players ive ever seen.
It makes us stronger in the middle vs teams that horribly exposed us last season. This is if our personnel remains the same and we continue with Arteta at DM for this upcoming season.
shall we talk about ideal formations like the silly united fans always do?
Narsingh:::::e Jong::::::
Or, with the same defence
:::::::::::Locadia::::e Jong:::::::
Locadia is playing pretty good on the wing for a striker, Narsingh is just meh at the moment unfortunately. Maybe Cocu will place Bakkali back in the first squad once(if) he extends his contract.
But your first formation has my vote for this season! I just hope Cocu will give several other players many minutes, like Ritzmaier and Vloet.
Defour hasn't joined you guys yet, has he?
GOAT cosplay.
Nah not yet, though Brands said he is raising his bid for him. We need him in our team to replace Hiljemark in the starting 11.
With that team PSV should be expected to win the title, hell I even expect them to get far into europe with that quality. But we all know quality does not always win you matches.
You guys are building a decent squad, but no doubt you might lose one or two before the end of the transfer window.
I presume Cocu is getting is act together aswell.
It's pittance compared to the value of that player now. Why would lower league academies bother when big clubs can hoover up all their best talent for a minuscule fraction of their value.
Actually, i'm pretty confident that Depay and Wijnaldum will stay during this summer. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.
welcome back blaburn and pulga, football is nearly alive. all thats left is for the pig fucker to come back![]()
Which one?
Why is Messi still at 94? Wonder what they gave Suárez.
CR needs to be 95 but they will pussy out and make him 93.
Arteta + Wilshere in a 4-2-3-1 can't handle it? I would be more worried about your fullbacks in terms of teams exposing you.
CR needs to be 95 but they will pussy out and make him 93.
What is the point of a 100 point rating system if even the very best players still only get 94?
after that butt world cup performace he should be a full 5 points below messi.
yeah lets forget he was playing the WC injured
injured whilst, yknow, contributing a world record 17 CL goals to help Madrid win a world record 10 CLs
but yeah World Cup LOL
how can it be a world record when only european teams are competing?
pulga pls