Please buy Coleman, Clyne or any other RB option for us
I know it must be strange to hear the crowd coming from La Liga.
Got a ticket for the game tomorrow. Then we've got Burnley at home next week.
omfg that Jones dive
Anyway, this is what it will feel like next season in the Championship.
Fulham one week, Burnley the next.
Even Bournemouth will be too good for us
I assume Phil Jones is a stuntman for someone in the Utd squad, and not actually a real football player? Cause he plays that role really well.
We got the most possession tho :*(United are the worst passers of the CL hopefuls.
You'd love the fucking Championship.
cheap tickets
Just saw Illara wants to wait till the summer so he can move to us.
Every time I start feeling really down on Napoli, I just watch United flounder around for a bit, then my optimism blossoms like a rose.Banter aside, this is incredibly embarrassing.
If you say "omg" at fucking Arrow you're a stonecold retard.
Christ I wish that was true.
If you say "omg" at fucking Arrow you're a stonecold retard.
You need to get outside more.
That means you, Kyoufu.
If you say "omg" at fucking Arrow you're a stonecold retard.
You need to get outside more.
That means you, Kyoufu.
We got the most possession tho :*(
credit to Cambridge, excellent defending