BTW what was up with the almost unanimous Real Madrid hate last night?
Missed a couple of posts!
Sleeplessnights said:
Fady can't hate and Fady can't understand why the hate, but hate United.
Here's the thing bro, there is a bit of a misunderstanding about me here. I don't hate United anymore. I did at some point, but then my dislike (would not even say hate anymore) went towards Ferguson, who is retiring, and the excessive pride that *some* of their fans have. I even like Moyes!
Wilbury said:
I like you too baby! But I'm allowed to dislike your club haha! And you should dislike mine.
I dislike your owner, your manager, your captain, your fanbase, your sense of entitlement, your jamminess, your lucking out when it comes to money... but that's good. It breeds competition and it means the games matter more.
At least Mourinho is coming soon and you'll be better than us
Sorry for taking forever Wilbury. Fair enough, you are allowed to dislike the club. I can be an odd football fan at times. One thing though, this sense of entitlement is what I actually find in the majority of MUFC fans! As much as we luck out on money at least your team keeps on profiting and does good business + they keep on adding players that actually add to the team, unlike us. We spent some money this season on players we barely used like Marin and De Bruyne (who has not even played for our club yet in a competitive fixture and may even get sold already even though he is promising!). I'm not a big fan of the CFC captain myself, Lampard is my captain <3
I would not say that Mourinho's arrival (if it even happens) will make our team better than yours. Maybe City will leapfrog us both if they got a manager who knew how to get the best of his players unlike Mancini.
Sleeplessnights said:
liking a football club and liking a person should be separate, if I applied your formula in real life all my Juve friends would be not.
#FuckJuve #LoveConte #wherethestrikersat
Good point (Y)
Haha! Worry not Hitcher, it is not one from the heart ^^
Megapost by Linius! Good stuff
fady would be embarrassed making such a small post.
LOL. I hope this one suffices for now
It was merely an excuse to hope I earned my spot in Fady's next huge post
Big post or small post, you'll get quoted here regardless ;D (even though my post will be disappointingly small

Wow, this is so well done.
Thanks for sharing this qin, I liked it for the most part!
I also don't think Chelsea fans (at least the ones I know here on GAF) are entitled, ungrateful, fickle or whatever other bullshit supporters want to throw at us.
You make some good points xintin, but this has to be my favorite. Fixed that for you. I see many supporters thinking that we all feel entitled all the time, pisses me off when the majority of them feel like they should be winning the title every single season.
Lightning said:
If I was a Chelsea fan I would be happy with the outcome personally. He's not the man to lead Chelsea forward but he couldn't have done a better job with such a tired squad. Only the defeat to Swansea in the league cup over 2 legs do I think Rafa needs to be held accountable for because that was poor. Semi final loss to City in the FA cup can happen to anyone so really hard to hold that against him.
Honestly a lot of us are happy with the achievements by Rafa. Winning the Europa League trophy was fantastic. He did a lot wrong with his substitutions though that affected many games in the wrong way. To be fair to him though, there were times when his substitutions saved the day. He wasn't as revolutionary as I hoped, his system has not been too attractive for the most part, but he definitely had a good run in my eyes. Any good hearted Chelsea fan will appreciate what he did during his short tenure here. Of course, much of the media will have you believe otherwise.
One final point which I've mentioned before, I am generally not fond of criticism of an entire fanbase. I've always took it to be posturing, a play for a feeling of superiority, as if the millions of people in a certain fanbase are inherently worse people than that of another fanbase. Similar sentiments are reflected in the whole denouncing of foreign fans as plastic, for instance. And in many other issues outside football.
Can't be said enough. This pisses me off so much.
That is beautiful....I wish Mancini finds more success in his career.
Oh, and Rafa's done a good job. Not a great one. Not a shit one. Not an average one. A good one. Hopefully he gets a good job at the continent and does alright because I find him quite likeable despite being a twat.
A mix of average, and sometimes good, and sometimes very good actually. That is how I feel. I wish him the best though, I think he is a good fella and deserves good things.