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FootballGAF 2019/2020 |OT| Does Your Team Got What It Takes To Be Crowned?

Dark Rider

Actually now I feel bad for not imbuing that comment with a subtle hidden meaning like that lol but that's not what I meant at all.

You wish you did? why the hostility toward Dortmund? :pie_thinking:

His work with Dortmund was brilliant and that's still a very competitive squad to this day despite the massive money gap between them and Bayern. I think Klopp did better with Liverpool because he had a more robust financial backing, but what he did with Dortmund is also the stuff of legends.

Nobody is disputing his accomplishment with Dortmund but stopping Bayern (and their German attack) was not among them which make your statement wrong IMHO and so I disagreed :messenger_smiling:
Nobody is disputing his accomplishment with Dortmund but stopping Bayern (and their German attack) was not among them which make your statement wrong IMHO and so I disagreed :messenger_smiling:

But he did win the league twice over Bayern. And I like Dortmund! Their bee like uniform is lovely.

Dark Rider

But he did win the league twice over Bayern. And I like Dortmund! Their bee like uniform is lovely.

I guess winning sometimes and losing all the rest including a UCL meant to me that he could stop them but that is just my opinion.
He does have a MUCH bigger money bags at Liverpool so he should do better indeed but time will tell if you will win another one within his current contract as you predicted.


Lyon was just lucky City was not lethal enough. Of course that Pep defending.. It happens

Bayern v PSG final for sure. 🤷‍♀️

Jon Neu

So you make a list of media that you hate and call them "national media" and when called up on it it turn out they are not? colour me surprised.
TVE? for sports? for football? you are telling me people go to TVE for football insights?

Hahahaha what?

I said national media because it's media at a national level. You know, media that transmits across all the spanish state unlike you know, regional TV's such as TV3.

You are being so obtuse for such silly things it's becoming really funny.

And yes, absolutely people watch TVE1 news and watch the sports part of those news. They also watch another national TV's such as Antena 3, Telecinco, Cuatro, La Sexta, etc... And all of them are Madrid based and all of them have a raging hate boner against Barça and are so biased in favour of Madrid. Those are literally facts.

You need to be present physically at FC Barcelona office in Catalonia at least TWICE a year to be able to vote in anything FC Barcelona that's how FC Barcelona membership works and those are the rules, the Barcelona members who can vote in the club affairs live in Catalonia and have access to TV3 and all the other Catalan media. The fans that don't have access to Catalonia media basically can't vote in FC Barcelona affairs because they can't maintain a membership because they can't be physically present at FC Barcelona office in Catalonia.

You are still incapable of discerning what I said.

By the way, do you think the extreme demonization of Laporta by the spanish media didn't deteriorate his image amongst some of the catalan members in Catalonia?

When in the news, every single day, are attacking, mocking and libelling a person, the general population ends up having a worse opinion of that person.

Also you are assuming any Barcelona fans that don't have access to Catalan media to be idiots listening to anti Barcelona people.
And by the way the internet exist and every Barcelona fan in the globe has access to the Catalan media through their websites.

I literally said that thank God for the internet, because more and more people are ignoring the spanish media and becoming informed through the internet. But that is a recent phenonemon, when Laporta was the president, or when Gaspart was, or when Nuñez was; the media had all the power.

And you tell me you are not pedaling grand conspiracy theories.

Yes, the greatest conspiracy theory of Spain favouriting Madrid instead of Catalonia.

So crazy!

So basically had players who were just there that he utilized correctly? that is called being a good president or even a great president which I already stated about him but for some reason me not considering him a genius trigger you labeling me as a hater.
By the way no one believe Barcelona was going to be relegated.

I doesn't matter what you believed, the facts are the facts. Laporta took a destroyed and depressed institution after the Gaspart and Van Gaal era and created the best team ever. But yeah, it was "luck".

And no, Laporta didn't simply utilized players that were already in the team, he changed everything upside down. He literally traspassed almost half of the entire squad and brought 10 new players to the team just in his first months alone. Everything changed, from the players to the way of playing.

Having a golden generation in your academy ready for the picking when your presidency start sure is lucky, not being an idiot to sell them all is the bare minimum to do for any competent president and Laporta was more than competent.

Again, you show your total lack of knowledge about it.

Of course it's really easy to say in retrospective that Xavi, Iniesta, Busquets, Pedro, Messi and so on where the golden generation of La Masia, but NOBODY knew that in that era.

Xavi was about to be traspassed to Milan just before Laporta arrived. He was being super critiziced by everyone, people were saying he wasn't good enough and that we needed more physical players.

Busquets and Pedro were complete nobodies that no one thought they could be in the first team, they were playing at the third division, which is like the fourth fucking division in other countries. They were playing against semi amateurs, nobody thought they were going to make it.

Messi was almost loaned to Cadiz, he wasn't even a starter in his first years in the team.

Now after all that happened is so easy to say they were the best generation of La Masia, but you should have lived the moment to know that it wasn't "luck" or it wasn't evident when all that happened. Not at all.

Me disagreeing with you does not mean I don't know how it is and what goes on, you thinking you know more just because I disagree is wrong.

You can disagree all you want, but you simply show a total lack of knowledge about the subject matter.

Unlike you, I lived everything that happened. I breathed all of that every fucking day so intensely, I know what happened first hand because I was super obsessed by then by football and the Barça team. You are simply talking from hearsay and making arguments that suit your bias instead of the reality of what happened.

Dark Rider

Hahahaha what?

I said national media because it's media at a national level. You know, media that transmits across all the spanish state unlike you know, regional TV's such as TV3.

You are being so obtuse for such silly things it's becoming really funny.

You said your list was the "official" national media which have very big implications. You know what you were doing to fool the uninformed with half truths, misleading information, twisted realities and false information and narratives. But keep changing that goal post about what your official national media list mean.

And yes, absolutely people watch TVE1 news and watch the sports part of those news. They also watch another national TV's such as Antena 3, Telecinco, Cuatro, La Sexta, etc...

So again which is the "official national media" among those and which one people use as sources for football news ALL over all football discussions online and in real life? you are lumbing everything together again to obfuscate what is offical national media and what is not for your grand narratives

it is not TVE that people use as sources for football news ALL over all football discussions online and in real life but hey maybe you do that and projecting that on everybody (I doubt you believe anything other than your select few media outlets that align with your personal bias unless it reconfirm your biases)

And all of them are Madrid based and all of them have a raging hate boner against Barça and are so biased in favour of Madrid.

Big media outlet choose to open their biggest office in the capital? must be to spite a certain region and stick to them because if they had no problem with that region they will station themselves anywhere BUT the capital because it is stupid to station yourself there, stationing yourself in the capital is a statement by itself /s
Keep spinning narratives.

Those are literally facts.

That they are stationed in Madrid? sure
The narrative you constructed out of it? that's a fact in your head.

You are still incapable of discerning what I said.

By the way, do you think the extreme demonization of Laporta by the spanish media didn't deteriorate his image amongst some of the catalan members in Catalonia?

FC Barcelona members who can vote? who must live in Catalonia? and have access to every single Catalan media all along and listen to them?
Again you are basically calling FC Barcelona members (who are Catalan living in Catalonia) idiots and claim they ignore all the Catalan media, I don't know who you are trying to convince with this.

By the way Laporta reputation deteriorated when the Catalan media started attacking his financial integrity at the club, I repeat that was the Catalan media.

When in the news, every single day, are attacking, mocking and libelling a person, the general population ends up having a worse opinion of that person.

The Catalan media was bringing news of FC Barcelona finances under Laporta and putting his integrity under question so the Catalan members (which are the only ones who can vote) listened to their Catalan media, some believed it and some didn't but in the end they were listening to Catalan media.

Other media outside Catalonia are allowed to bring this news too (because it's stupid not to release important news about big clubs) but the Catalan voting members have a VERY bad opinion of those outlets (and you are a living example of that although I don't know if you are an official registered member who can vote or not) and don't believe them anyway, the fact that the Catalan media are the ones that brought those allegations and went all the way with them is what effected some of the voting members of FC Barcelona.

I know in your mind the fact that those non Catalan media had the gall to release news that the Catalan media were already broadcasting must be a conspiracy against the club.

By the way Laporta is a wealthy lawyer so if there was any libelling he would sue them to the ground.

I literally said that thank God for the internet, because more and more people are ignoring the spanish media and becoming informed through the internet. But that is a recent phenonemon, when Laporta was the president, or when Gaspart was, or when Nuñez was; the media had all the power.

So what you are saying is that the local Catalan FC Barcelona registered members who can vote (and they are the only ones who can vote) and who always had access to the Catalan media whether it be TV, press or otherwise will stop listening to non Catalan media and start listening to the Catalan media because of the internet?
The fact of the matter is they always only listened to the Catalan media and ignored everyone else. They are like you after all.

Yes, the greatest conspiracy theory of Spain favouriting Madrid instead of Catalonia.

So crazy!

Seeing ghosts everywhere and fighting windmills and attacking everyone and demanding love.

I doesn't matter what you believed, the facts are the facts. Laporta took a destroyed and depressed institution after the Gaspart and Van Gaal era and created the best team ever. But yeah, it was "luck".

And no, Laporta didn't simply utilized players that were already in the team, he changed everything upside down. He literally traspassed almost half of the entire squad and brought 10 new players to the team just in his first months alone. Everything changed, from the players to the way of playing.

So the golden generation of the academy was a lie all along? they were not FC Barcelona players? Laporta had to bring them in from somewhere else?
The huge worldwide campaign to advertise FC Barcelona academy based on that golden generation that brought so much money into the club coffers was all based on a lie (ironically advertised by Laporta himself)? how much did Laporta pay for all those "academy player" he brought in? and how much did he pay to silence the other clubs he bought them from?

It sound more and more like you are part of Laporta cult to be honest with how much of an infallible genius you glorify him to be and if someone call him a great president you consider it undercutting him and take it as an insult.

Again, you show your total lack of knowledge about it.

Alternatively you just can't accept any opinion but your own about what happen and you consider your opinion (yes an opinion) as a fact.

Of course it's really easy to say in retrospective that Xavi, Iniesta, Busquets, Pedro, Messi and so on where the golden generation of La Masia, but NOBODY knew that in that era.

People see talent and recognise it, that is why those players not only were accepted in your academy but also stayed there and were not sold then promoted to the first team, and that is why Iniesta (who is not Catalan) and Messi (who is not Spanish all together) were brought all the way in to your academy but hey let's pretend everyone was blind to their talent.
They must saw them and though hey we don't see talent here but we will keep them and spend time, money and resources on them until they are old enough to either be promoted to the first team, but will not be accepted in the first team because they are talentless, or sold for nothing because they are a talentless nobodies just for the heck of it.

Xavi was about to be traspassed to Milan just before Laporta arrived. He was being super critiziced by everyone, people were saying he wasn't good enough and that we needed more physical players.

Busquets and Pedro were complete nobodies that no one thought they could be in the first team, they were playing at the third division, which is like the fourth fucking division in other countries. They were playing against semi amateurs, nobody thought they were going to make it.

When it is time for your talent to be evaluated to be kept or sold that question in invoked not because they think they are not good enough but because they have to ask that question anyway it is part of how it all work, and other clubs will always be hovering over your talent so hearing people talk about other big clubs trying to get your talent does not mean your club will throw them in the trash.
Pedro was a nobody though and still is a nobody he was just lucky to be at FC Barcelona which is way above his level.

Messi was almost loaned to Cadiz, he wasn't even a starter in his first years in the team.

Loaning your very young players happens all the time not because they want them gone but because they want them to get experience playing at first team and him not being a started while still in his diapers is normal for young talent especially since he was not loaned to get experience it is to ease him in slowly into the top level. I know logic does not work when the narrative is that FC Barcelona was a garage sales center before the messiah Laporta.

Now after all that happened is so easy to say they were the best generation of La Masia, but you should have lived the moment to know that it wasn't "luck" or it wasn't evident when all that happened. Not at all.

I'm starting to think you didn't live it first hand because you were living in your own fantasy world.

You can disagree all you want, but you simply show a total lack of knowledge about the subject matter.

Unlike you, I lived everything that happened. I breathed all of that every fucking day so intensely, I know what happened first hand because I was super obsessed by then by football and the Barça team. You are simply talking from hearsay and making arguments that suit your bias instead of the reality of what happened.

Alternatively I was not living in my own bias confirmation echo chamber and thus saw reality for what it was. Your projecting about bias is off the charts.

Dark Rider

The British media is run by clowns my friend

Sadly yes, one would hope they would be better since they have the mos worldwide reach and money but when they talk football it's lets say "way below average" in terms of analysis and more concerned about promoting themselves the the BPL than saying any truths.

Welcome, you must be loving this transfer window so far :messenger_beaming:

Dark Rider

Sam Lee : "Man City are trying to buy Kalidou Koulibaly and then possibly new central forward and a left-back. They were waiting until after Lisbon to see if they needed Left Back"

Manchester City about to go on a buying spree, hide your talent.

Dark Rider

Diari ARA: FC Barcelona presidential pre-candidates Joan Laporta, Victor Font, Toni Feixa and Emili Rosaud will hold a preelectoral debate this night in TV3 (Catalan Public TV) to force anticipated elections

The messiah Laporta* will be speaking to his subjects but sadly since this is broadcast on Catalan TV the FC Barcelona members will not watch it and wait for the non Catalan media to tell them what to think if it /s

*and others
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Dark Rider

Van de Beek: "I am still a player of Ajax and I am proud of that. Every day I still enjoy being on the field with the boys. It is still a good possibility that I will still play here this season. If everything is right, then I consider taking a step. If not, then I am in the right place here."


Dark Rider

Kinda gutted to not reach the final. Can’t believe the defence just turned off, twice.

Oh well, at least it wasn’t 8 times. 🤷‍♂️

If it was Bayern you're up against it would be different than the out come with Sevilla though.
But back to the actual game Sevilla is more solid as a complete unit than Manchester United in general so it was not surprising to me seeing them win the game.

Dark Rider

PSG-Leipzig: injured against Atalanta, Navas not available for the semi-final

PSG is plagued with injuries, Leipzig have a golden opportunity to capitalize on it.


Welcome, you must be loving this transfer window so far :messenger_beaming:
Yes, but i think chilwell for £65 million is way over priced and not worht it.

On one hand I would feel bad for Pochettino for managing barca in the current mess they are in, on the other better than going United.

Dark Rider

Yes, but i think chilwell for £65 million is way over priced and not worht it.

Yes I agree, they had an opportunity to scale the market prices back with the COVID19 crisis but the clubs that started their transfer business early ensured that doesn't happen sadly, stupid imho

On one hand I would feel bad for Pochettino for managing barca in the current mess they are in, on the other better than going United.

I don't think it will be Pochettino.

Dark Rider

UEFA Gonzalo Aguado: Sevilla will play in record sixth UEFA Cup / UEFA Europa League final, and their fourth in the last seven seasons. Sevilla has also won 41 Europa League games and scored 126 goals, both more than any team in history of competition.


Dark Rider

Jurgen Klopp has revealed that he will take a year off from coaching once his contract at Liverpool expires in the summer of 2024. "I'll take a year off and ask myself if I miss football. If I say no, then that will be the end of coach Jurgen Klopp."

Then he will come back as Everton coach for a new challenge and to win them the league after decades of drought.

Dark Rider

MARCA: Valencia have no money to pay players and are offering IOUs instead

Valencia CF 🇫🇷🦇 on Twitter- The club can no longer pay the players. The financial situation looks dire. The leaders offered IOUs that the players logically refused. If no agreement is reached, the team will not be able to play any competition.

R.I.P Valencia.
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MARCA: Valencia have no money to pay players and are offering IOUs instead

Valencia CF 🇫🇷🦇 on Twitter- The club can no longer pay the players. The financial situation looks dire. The leaders offered IOUs that the players logically refused. If no agreement is reached, the team will not be able to play any competition.

R.I.P Valencia.

Damn man. I mostly pay attention to my club and the premier league. Even as a Brit, doing that, I still always hear stories every summer about Valencia. They seem to be the club that always has the story about ‘having to sell” certain player because of financial difficulty. I mean it’s been that way in the British press for, at least, 20 years now.

Either way, hope they are okay and can get by. Things can go downhill fast when the money runs out.

Dark Rider

Damn man. I mostly pay attention to my club and the premier league. Even as a Brit, doing that, I still always hear stories every summer about Valencia. They seem to be the club that always has the story about ‘having to sell” certain player because of financial difficulty. I mean it’s been that way in the British press for, at least, 20 years now.

Either way, hope they are okay and can get by. Things can go downhill fast when the money runs out.

They got an owner in recent years, Peter Lim from Singapore, and he took a knife and plunged it into Valencia heart and carved it out then skinned the body and now he is selling it in pits and pieces and throwing some of it out for free.
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They got an owner in recent years, Peter Lim from Singapore, and he took a knife and plunged it into Valencia heart and carved it out then skinned the body and now he is selling it in pits and pieces and throwing some of it out for free.

That’s a damning verdict. I had heard of him, mainly from when I was shocked at Gary Neville getting his first managerial role at a big club like Valencia. Which should obviously never have happened. You’ve made him sound like the Spanish League‘s Mike Ashley.

Dark Rider

Inter knocks Shakhtar out of UEL with 5-0 win and advances to the final

UEL final is Sevilla vs Inter

so the UCL this season is Germany vs France
and UEL this season is Spain vs Italy

Dark Rider

That’s a damning verdict. I had heard of him, mainly from when I was shocked at Gary Neville getting his first managerial role at a big club like Valencia. Which should obviously never have happened. You’ve made him sound like the Spanish League‘s Mike Ashley.

He is worse than Ashley much worse, he is for real burning the club to the ground scorch earth style and taking no prisoners.

Dark Rider

That is really sad....

I have posted about some of the current carnage in earlier posts a few pages ago if you are interested.
Recently Peter Lim daughter Kim Lim came on social media (her instagram account) to address the fans outrage by saying we own the club and can/will do whatever we want with it.
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