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For Firefox Users

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.9 has been released (beta). Its awesome, lots of themes and extensions are compatible... its now my default browser! Theres an increase in speed and memory usage, both noticable :)

Get it here
It's been my default since 0.4. Compatibility had improved from 0.6 to 0.8, I'm hoping that's the case with 0.9, especially when handling WMP9 files. Wake me when there's a final release.


Junior Member
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Anybody having trouble getting Firefox to remember that you said 'Yes' to remember your username and password on login onto the boards?
skinnyrattler said:
Off Topic:
Anybody having trouble getting Firefox to remember that you said 'Yes' to remember your username and password on login onto the boards?

Nope, but I'd dump all cookies anyway, then re-login and make it remember. Cookies are stupid like that
Okay i have 0.8, and does anyone know how to get the "back" and forawrd" button? Also can you get the scrolling bars along the bottom and side?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Did this new Firefox lose my bookmarks? I can't find them anywhere now that I've upgraded.... what the f?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Except that now All-in-One Gestures knocks out my right click menu, and IEView seems to no longer work at all... <sigh> should have just stuck with .8


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Malakhov said:
0.9 is coming out monday, why download this now :p

Probably because it doesn't say anything on the rc 9 download page for us green folks when the final is coming out.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Trevelyon said:
Urgh! I imported my old outdated IE bookmarks instead of my .8 list. is there anyway I could fix the problem?

What OS are you running? If it's 2000 or XP go into explorer and navigate(with hidden files showing) to the path:

C:\Documents and Settings\*USERNAME*\Application Data\Phoenix\Profiles\default\*FOLDERNAME*\

bookmarks.html is the file you want I believe.

I just had to do the same thing.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Trevelyon said:
Ah! cheers Darien, that did the trick.

Man, that would've been a fucking hassle sorting through my old IE list. :p

Yeah I had to hit a few mozilla forums to find that particular piece of info... good job folks in changing the name of the folder(From Phoenix to Mozilla) and then NOT checking the previous folder for user info.


Looking for Pants
Ecrofirt said:
I've got .8, and it takes like a minute to open up the initial window.

Has this been improved in .9?

What are the specs on your computer... Firefox starts up in 1 to 3 seconds for me.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
tree fiddy said:
For some reason this new Firefox makes animated gifs go 2-3x faster. It's really annoying.

Really? They are running fine for me...


xsarien said:
Screw Opera. Let us know when they release a browser that doesn't have freakin' ads.

Opera is the best browser I've ever had. And I had a few (firefox, mozilla and the terrible disgusting mess called IE).
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