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FOR SALE: GBA:SP + 5 games!


Here's the package:

Platinum GBA:SP

Yoshi's Island
Wario Ware
Super Mario World
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Mario Kart Advance

GBA:SP comes with box, instruction manual, charger, and is in excellent condition. No scratches on the system or screen whatsoever.

All GBA games come in their original boxes with instructional manuals. Everything is in mint condition, including the boxes themselves.

So, any takers? PM me if interested.


Just wanted to say -- I'd really like to unload the package, so I'm willing to sell for a good price. Everything is always negotiable!


Littleberu said:
Seriously, 70, and I pay the shipping. Deal?
I've gotten an offer better than that already -- so probably not. But you're leading the guys who posted in this thread, though! :)


Spike Spiegel said:
What's going on, nomo? Money troubles? o_O
Sort of, yeah. Basically, I had overestimated the value of my textbooks last semester, so I'm down a couple hundred bucks in my textbook budget next semester. (It didn't help that they changed editions, too! ARGH.)

I need to make up some extra cash if I plan to buy all of my required texts.


While we're selling stuff, anyone wanna buy a GCN vga cable (you know that modded one that'll play on your monitor w/ progressive scan)?
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