This so much. They really don't get enough respect. Outside of Bloodborne nothing really hooked me on the PS4 where I felt I wanted to play again. It's really spectacle over gameplay. I appreciate a good story but why can't Sony pump out something with meat on its bones. Once you get past the graphics and stories, it's paper thin light rpg elements or sometimes nothing at all but scripted interactions. When I jumped from 360 to ps4 last gen I was under the impression that sony would have a wide variety of first party titles. Yet almost everything was a third person action game with nothing to dig into.I never agreed with the sentiment that MS has no first party games. Frist off, it is a blatant lie. Second, their first party games are actually games. You can play Halo for thousands of hours and there is depth to the mechanics. Same for Forza, same for Gears. Sea of Thieves, thousands of hours of gameplay. State of Decay - complex zombie game that is almost a simulator in its detail. Sony has nothing really comparable to these games, it is all flash over substance there with the exception of Demon's Souls/Bloodborne.
It's a bit stupid but I legit sold my PS4 over all the intrusive BLM advertisements when I just wanted to game.
Seeing companies express their support for marginalized groups in a divided country got so in the way of your precious gaming that you sold the entire console? Talk about not only entitled, but also stupid because now you can do even LESS gaming without the consoleI'm right with you. Thinking about cancelling my PS5 pre-order as I was going to get both. I just hate the direction Jim Ryan is taking Playstation in. Now, there's no doubt about it that the studio's come out with some really nice games and exclusives at that. However, I think Xbox has a solid future no matter how much FUD we see or hear. It's going to be good.
It's a bit stupid but I legit sold my PS4 over all the intrusive BLM advertisements when I just wanted to game.
"It looks like they are only doing Halo, Gears, Forza, aka sticking to their guns". Excuse you but what? Even before the Bethesda purchase, this narrative did!n't make sense. However, after the Bethesda purchase? It would be insane to suggest that.
How will you have nothing to play on PS5? PSNow has more games than Game Pass, not to mention all the launch exclusives and PS+ collection with 18 of this gens best games for basically free.Both console launches are shaping up to be shit with no games.... but Xbox studios hasn't really even shown me anything coming in the pipeline that I like the look of aside from maybe Forza and that was just a very quick (almost pointless) teaser. Fable had a CGI nonsense title reveal. Avowed looked as bullshotty as Killzone 2 back in the day.
I have two choices:
I can enjoy lots of games right now for almost free with Xbox and Game Pass, even if they're not the games I really wanted to play.
I can buy a PS5 and have very little to play until mid/late 2021, but from thereon I can likely play the games I really want to play.
Part of me is thinking about getting an XSS in the short term and just buying Game Pass Ultimate for a while. If I'm not actually buying games outright, I won't feel any negatives from buying a digital only device. Then maybe late 2021 early 2022 will pick up a PS5.
All kinda up in the air right now. I went from 'definitely getting PS5' to 'not sure if I want either' to "maybe I can go with XSS for the short term".
Feels like Microsoft is capitalizing on the fact that neither side has a massive library of next-gen games coming soon.
I am ecstatic about that Hogwarts Legacy game, so glad it didn't get an exclusive lock so everyone that wants to play it can. I really hope it's good!I'll be waiting deep into 2021 before I make a console purchase and the only reason I'd consider a PS5 is for the 3 (or 4 if lucky) exclusives you can't get anywhere else. There's so much assumption and so little real details about anything Bethesda has planned. If either console had secured the Harry Potter game away from PC it's a guarantee that's when I'd be buying a console but that'll be a PC game.
The only thing standing from the PC being the best choice is those 3 (or 4 if lucky) exclusives on Playstation.
Basically this ⬇ Sony has this, Microsoft has jank halo and bullshit Bethesda promises that have no guarantee of being exclusive.
I love how number 2 is complaining that Sony doesn't let developers do what they want, then number 3 is complaining that Sony let's developers do what they want.
Did you really manage to type those back to back without noticing the blatant hypocrisy?
Not really . One is about censoring games and the other about pushing an agenda . How are they the same thing ? Learn how to read.I love how number 2 is complaining that Sony doesn't let developers do what they want, then number 3 is complaining that Sony let's developers do what they want.
Did you really manage to type those back to back without noticing the blatant hypocrisy?
Wait you think there are "microscopic power difference visually" between the One X and PS4 Pro? I guess you don't have a 4K TV and/or haven't actually seen any comparisons.I understand your decision, but I still haven’t seen how the XSX is more powerful than the PS5. It will probably be a microscopic power difference visually I feel like the One X and the PS4 Pro.
How are they the same thing ? Learn how to read.
But sony have what games announced for late 2021? A tentative release year for God of War 2 and Horizon?I have two choices:
I can enjoy lots of games right now for almost free with Xbox and Game Pass, even if they're not the games I really wanted to play.
I can buy a PS5 and have very little to play until mid/late 2021, but from thereon I can likely play the games I really want to play.
You are wrong.
The power Gap between PS4 and OG XB1 is 500 Giga Flops.
The Power Gap between XSX and PS5 is 1.8 Tera Flops if PS5 sustains its clocks which we already know it won't so it's more than likely a 2+ Tera Flop difference. That is all without taking into consideration the myriad of RDNA2 Architectural improvements over GCN.
depend on each other priority to considered natural course of action for them. some people even prefer weaker switch as their natural choice.This is the most natural course of action. Xbox just makes much more sense.
But sony have what games announced for late 2021? A tentative release year for God of War 2 and Horizon?
You're basically just saying "i like sony franchises more than xbox franchises" in lots more words. Don't dance around it, just say it.
I don't like the overwhelming majority of Sony's first party games, and I'm not going to pretend that I'm on the fence about them to try and project that I'm unbiased. I just flat out don't like the type of game that they make - linear cinematic single player games. I like racers, so Xbox wins. I like online MP games, so xbox wins. I like shooters, so xbox wins.
How will you have nothing to play on PS5? PSNow has more games than Game Pass, not to mention all the launch exclusives and PS+ collection with 18 of this gens best games for basically free.
The first response nails it and probably the best response for you OP, just go for it!Go for it man, game where you feel is best for you.
True I haven't really looked into PSNow (simply not interested). Is there an all-in price for it? Cannot seem to find one. Does the combination of PS Plus and PS Now cost more than Game Pass?
Not really . One is about censoring games and the other about pushing an agenda . How are they the same thing ? Learn how to read.
gamepass ultimate currently costs the same price as gold (with the $1 conversion promo). I got 3 years of gamepass ultimate for $120.
There is laws in someplaces that go against this notion, sadly.You should do whatever makes you happy!
point 3 makes you look so bad opThis is coming from someone who has an amazing PC build with a 2080ti Card too.
One might think you already have an Xbox in your PC anyway since all games will be on both systems day one.
But I am just finding the Xbox is making more sense to me to be under the 60 inch TV since my gaming setup is not close to the living room.
Without Bethesda, I would never actually thought of the Xbox due to its lack of first-party games. The PS5 made more sense ( and still logically makes more sense )
But few things are actually getting off-putting to me with the PlayStation 5 I am really not sure anymore if I should be buying the Playstation day 1 at least ( mind you I have 2 PS5 and 2 XSX preorders just in case one got canned )
1- PS5 Design. like wtf its really huge and ugly. I need a new table just for this stupid thing.
2- Sony Censorship in Japanese games. I feel like I am going back to the ice age with this. like, might as well dress all the girls like nuns or hijab clothes and call it a day how is that? Not against any religion but don't censor my games the way the Devs wanted their vision in the game.
3- Naughty Dog pushing agenda in their games. Normally I do not like any of the sides. to me being in the middle is and always is the right thing to do. but they are pushing too extreme to one side its making me sick. and while I normally don't care, Sony is being silent on this is making me angry about it too.
4- by default its weaker system. God knows how much it will be weaker in terms of actual games is yet to be seen.
5- Sony stands against the upgrades to games you already own. You want me to buy an 80$ game to get updated graphics for a game I already own? how is that fair or even common sense when both Xbox and especially PC friggin free?
6- No game pass option. while this is a gray area for me and usually I do buy the games I want, There are many games I actually want to try and play but I can't justify paying 100$ Canadian to play them. this is where the game pass makes sense to me. Those games I will play now and then but I do not care to buy them.
There is also the fact Sony is also at one point are starting to release their games on PC. sure not all of them and not the same year or day one. but I feel like they are coming. I did not add this as a point because nothing is confirmed.
All these points makes me wonder if I really should grab a PS5 for the 2 or 3 exclusive games they release per year ( 4 if we are lucky )
I still think the PS5 is a must. but Fuck Sony needs to act right and fast.