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For those who have/had Gamepass and Ps Plus Extra or Premium what do you think offers you more value?


For those who had or have both what service did you use more and feel gave you the better value for your sub?


Can’t Git Gud
I had both.
Depends. PS+ got better library of existing games because it has some sony games.
GP usually got better release games.

Few Examples:
PS+ premium notable releases - Stray, Teardown... all sony stuff, ps1 stuff.
GP notable releases - The Forgotten City (stray comparison), Exo one, Lies of P + m$ games.
Same shit I cancelled both


I've been playing on Gamepass for years and now i'm just starting with PS+.

For someone like me who didn't play on Playstation for some time it's really good, i got games to play for years, including old classic titles i really want to play or replay.

Gamepass is better for day one or recent releases no doubt. But it's not better than PS+ in general by a long shot when you look at the catalog. A big advantage for GP is that i feel there are more options to get it at a cheap price.

I feel both are very good if you're ok with subscription services, even after the price increase. GP is better.
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I've been playing on Gamepass for years and now i'm just starting with PS+.

For someone like me who didn't play on Playstation for some time it's really good, i got games to play for years, including old classic titles i really want to play or replay.

Gamepass is better for day one releases no doubt. But it's not better than PS+ in general by a long shot. A big advantage for GP is that i feel there are more options to get it at a cheap price.

I feel both are very good if you're ok with subscription services, even after the price increase. GP is better.

This is a good post because it really nails the main point. Whichever service is better will depend on what you've played in the past. On GP I've played almost everything that's worth it for that service minus the day 1 games they have. PS+ is pretty much the same except they get a lot of niche Japanese titles that I want to try but have hesitated on spending money. So far it's saved me money by not wasting it on those games.


I had both.
Depends. PS+ got better library of existing games because it has some sony games.
GP usually got better release games.

Few Examples:
PS+ premium notable releases - Stray, Teardown... all sony stuff, ps1 stuff.
GP notable releases - The Forgotten City (stray comparison), Exo one, Lies of P + m$ games.
Same shit I cancelled both
Yea if you didnt have a ps4 or just didnt play many games during the ps4 era ps plus is a great value, I just hate that you have to stream ps3 games and cant download them.
Gamepass because it can still be had relatively cheap with the gold conversion (actually not sure, someone confirm?) and it has PC versions as well. I've gamed more on PC because of gamepass


I think Gamepass is better since I get more new games and PC versions.
Neither service is worth the regular monthly fee in my opinion. I want save cloud syncing with Steam versions.


Gold Member
gamepass 100%, also now a lot of the games are headed from xbox to GeForce now, so I have been playing quite a bit more on my gcloud.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Gamepass. It’s not even close.

Day one exclusives.

Both the Xbox and PC version exist or a combo.

It’s also now on GeForce Now.

Bat shit insane.


I had GP during a few months and did use it to mostly play some old MS games I had pending. I prefer PS+ because its catalog is way bigger and has many more appealing games to me. I am not interested on most day one GP titles, or at least not enough to play them day one, because for me they are B/C tier games and the little time I have to play I use it in games that for me are A/S tier games, either new or old.

As an example, recently I subbed to PS premium again and had there way more Sony games I wanted to play but didn't buy back then like Horizon Forbidden West, Returnal or Demon's Souls remake. Plus some retro games they added in recent months like Ridge Raccer Type 4 (PS1) or Ridge Racers 2 (PSP) plus some interesting demos of games I wanted o try.

This last year I didn't play as much as did other years so I even have been most of the year without PS+, but in previous years I did buy many games and with the discounts from PS+ I saved more money than what a sub did cost to me the yearly sub. So with the discounts alone it was worth for me.

Now a year of PS+ Premium is like $150 bucks, I'm not sure if this year I'll use more than that in discounts, but make sure a good chunk of it will be compensated. So for me, the real price of the game sub will be way lower.

The MS discounts instead doesn't affect me because I don't have an Xbox console and I don't buy on PC stuff on MS's store, but in Steam instead.
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Can’t Git Gud
Yea if you didnt have a ps4 or just didnt play many games during the ps4 era ps plus is a great value, I just hate that you have to stream ps3 games and cant download them.
oh that's why Premium tier is barely worth it.
Streaming is dogshit. I've tried to stream ps3 or ps5 game (just to try) and it's unplayable and looks like crap imo. Especially ps3. Lag is out of this world.
PS1/2 bc is somewhat ok but not worth the premium.
I would keep it to extra or even essential if you really must have ps+

King Dazzar

It was GPU due to getting a few years so cheaply transferred over from the base Gold. But when that comes to an end in March: Bottom tier service, PlayStation due to fairly decent monthly free games. But anything above that, then tbh not sure, but probably GP at this moment in time. I'll only ever be getting a month here and there just to demo games. Problem for me is when PS5 Pro arrives, I'll very much want to be trying as much as possible on that machine. But Xbox will have choice and first party stuff - assuming that promised choo choo train of luxury first class ever arrives! I've been waiting 3 years for it!!
Use neither these days. Microsoft stopped those £1 a month offers and its not worth full price outside of some day one releases as the library is full of played games or naff. Didn't renew PS+ when it ran out a few months ago either even tho I used streaming at work a lot and the library of Japanese games was great. Plus would be my preference just for the niche Japanese games it has which was lacking on GamePass

King Dazzar

Not that I'm aware of. Sorry.
Back in the days of cartridges, there used be a one man store near me, called the Kart Club, which was golden. But he used to do it by his car to your door step and just used to pop over periodically and rent them out. You'd pop out to his car, he'd pop the boot and you could browse all his stock. How cool was that? Back in the good ole days.... lol


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
I've had Premium and Game Pass Ultimate.

For console I'd say they're about the same, I'd give the edge to Game Pass Ultimate though because you can also use it on PC.

I won't be using either after my PS+ Premium runs out though. I beat 30 games during my subscription and it still wasn't worth the $60 I paid for one year.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
You can see a case for either one pretty objectively.
  • PS+ could be more attractive to gamers who prefer box retail games to indies. You often get large amounts of stuff like all Kingdom Hearts, all Assassin's Creed etc. It could be more attractive to people that dont buy a lot of games since they often come several years later, including 1st party. Useful for people new to PS ecosystem.
  • GP has significantly more day one content if you're a user that plays a ton of stuff this will be much more valuable. If you like indies a lot, AA games and a varied list of genres this will appeal to you. There are less of the old library retail stuff from big publishers. If you like buying large amounts of games you are significantly less likely to overlap on your sub since so much of it is day 1. You also get discounts to buy content on GP to keep. Overall monetary value is probably higher on GP due to the day 1 drops. EA Play is another factor if you happen to like that publisher. Also obviously all 1st party content is a big difference if you like MS studios.


I have both, though i went into GP during the last 2 months. Both are excellent services and in theory GP should be better as it delivers day 1 the xbox exclusives. But i personally prefer Plus Extra/Premium as i play more the kind of games it offers.
Also Starfield, Redfall, Halo Infinite etc didnt really help Game Pass, despite these games being day 1 release.
But i am still exploring GP, i ve played FH4 and 5, Forza Motorsport and all Halos (campaigns). I will keep you posted
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I think this is subjective.

I have a PS5 and a PC. So I have a yearly PS extra sub which also covers my online gaming and I sub to game pass like for a month or two each year just to play MS PC/gamepass exclusives.

As for the PS extra, the only way I can measure its value is simply to look at whatever I have downloaded that I would have otherwise had to buy.
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