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[Forbes]‘Helldivers 2’ On Xbox? Even PS5 Players Want It To Happen

PS5 Players Want It To Happen?

  • Yes

    Votes: 113 28.7%
  • No

    Votes: 281 71.3%

  • Total voters


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
That’s because unlike console makers, MS has roots with PC gaming so it’s natural for them to want to cover two platforms with one game.

MS had had tons of high profile games. Their 360 halo and gears games blew away most PS3 first party games in sales. Halo games alone during that time outsold lots of Sony first patty franchisee combined, including gran turusmo.

Dont get too snarky about exclusives because Helldivers 2 is a day one PC game and PSVR 2 is coming to PC soon. Seems Sony isn’t too confident about their walled garden lately either. And that doesn’t even include the tons of PC ports or MLB on Xbox and switch.

Makes you wonder why Halo and Gears never made it's way to Playstation in that past. But why things NEED to change now....


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Because the vast majority of people in the world enjoy products based on their own experience and don’t care if a guy 5000 miles away enjoys using it too.

They don’t think to themselves, oh shit that guy on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean likes it too on his device. So that means I’m going to sit here and sulk because I thought I was chosen one on earth to play a video game.

Did anyone back in the day buy a DVD player and get pissed because someone else watched the same movie on a different brand device?

Why are y'all lying and playing dumb like this? Can we stop the BS? You and a few others are legit smart people and good posters. So why play dumb now?

We comparing game consoles to DVD players now? Really?!


After xbox players used palword as a stick to beat ps players it's pretty funny to see them now begging for HD2 on xbox.

It's even worse with how the Xbox version was stymied by slow update approval process vs. PC version. While HD2 has crossplay. Ouch man.

Plus it's like, why aren't these port-beggars asking for Microsoft to actually compete? Why can't one of their 30+ studios make a Helldivers-inspired competitor? That way gamers have more real choice, and such a game could get a nice rivalry going which boosts the efforts of both.

Instead they want the $3 trillion company to campaign for hand-outs like a homeless person.

It would have been pretty funny if Sega ported Alex Kidd to NES and port begged for Mario instead of making Sonic.
Yes because Mario kart and smash brothers is the same as helldivers which relies on a player count. Bit of a stretch…..

Isn’t the majority of players on helldivers actually from pc though?. So not necessarily drawing into the PlayStation ecosystem.. I’d much rather see them find more fans and get a larger following by releasing it on every place they possibly can. Btw I’m not port begging (own all systems) I’ve already been spreading democracy for the past week haha. Fun game just want to see it get bigger.. Every person pointing this out doesn’t have some fanboy agenda… some people on here really gotta get a grip.

If the game's sales are roughly 50/50 between both platforms, then the active player base is probably also similar, and if it leans Steam then only by a bit. It could also be that in certain territories, more of the active base is on Steam and more of it is on PS5. Transparent CCUs and player metrics for games on PSN from Sony would be nice, but until that happens we can only guess.

If you want to believe the graphic Mat Piscatella put up on Twitter you can go ahead and do such, but it's extremely unrealistic to think that Fortnite and GTA5 each have less than 100K concurrent players across PS5 platforms at peak hours. As to Helldivers 2 finding more fans...how does bringing it to Xbox get them more fans? The vast majority of Xbox owners already have a PC or a PS5, they already have one of the two platforms they can easily go and play the game on. "Xbox is PC and PC is Xbox", remember that mantra? Well considering the sales collapse of the system last year I'd assume a lot of gamers have taken to literally believe that mantra, giving them few reasons to buy an Xbox console.

And yes you are kinda port-begging, it's a weird form of port-begging hiding behind flimsy "pro-consumerism" talk...as if Arrowhead or Sony are discriminating against Xbox players and barring them from getting a PS5 or PC, or buying the game on one of those platforms. Even a half-decent PC can run the game and the game is only $40.

I mention that because we know 100% that if Sony did in fact announce a port for Xbox, the very next thing Xbox owners would start asking would be "Is it coming to Game Pass?". That's how a major chunk of the base has been conditioned over the years. It's sad.

That’s because unlike console makers, MS has roots with PC gaming so it’s natural for them to want to cover two platforms with one game.

Okay but Helldivers 2 isn't their game, it's Sony's and Arrowhead's, and Sony owns the IP. Why would Sony care about a commitment Microsoft's expected to do for platforms they have vested interests in (Xbox and PC)? Sony's not obligated to put its games on Xbox just because Microsoft's obligated to provide games for Xbox.

MS had had tons of high profile games. Their 360 halo and gears games blew away most PS3 first party games in sales. Halo games alone during that time outsold lots of Sony first patty franchisee combined, including gran turusmo.

It's not 2008 anymore, my guy. You're getting nostalgic over glory years long past gone. Halo is a shell of its former self and most people feel bad for the IP if they don't already laugh at it like it's a meme. Who in 2024 gives a crap about Halo's sales in the 360 era? Is that helping Halo Infinite or 343 stay relevant today? I didn't think so.

Dont get too snarky about exclusives because Helldivers 2 is a day one PC game and PSVR 2 is coming to PC soon. Seems Sony isn’t too confident about their walled garden lately either. And that doesn’t even include the tons of PC ports or MLB on Xbox and switch.

Helldivers 1 was also a PS/PC release Day 1 on both platforms, so uh...Helldivers 2 is just continuing that tradition. Plus Sony's always dabbled with PC releases going all the way back to the '90s, like when games such as Wipeout got PC ports, or the Everquest series. Them doing PC releases for GaaS titles isn't really that different from what they did with stuff like Everquest decades ago. That didn't stop them from prioritizing their consoles back then, it shouldn't (and hopefully doesn't) stop them from prioritizing their consoles today.

MLB being on Xbox and Switch isn't much different from Wipeout being on Saturn and N64 back in the day. And the PSVR2 stuff is likely not what people are reading into it being (as it wouldn't make financial sense). Most likely, it's a streaming client for PC VR games on PS5 owners with PSVR2 headsets. That way they can play PC VR games which don't have native ports to PS5, if they're okay with streaming them. Basically an implementation of the PS Portal concept, but for the PSVR2.

It would have been pretty funny if Sega ported Alex Kidd to NES and port begged for Mario instead of making Sonic.

IKR? Imagine what we would've missed out on if that happened o.0
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It’s not like they’d have an Xbox version ready before they fix and expand the server load. By the time an Xbox version releases (unlikely because Sony) player counts on pc and ps5 will have probably dwindled significantly


Ryan Gosling Lol GIF by SAG Awards

Everyone wins when we all play. Been hearing a lot of this narrative lately, wonder why....


Why are y'all lying and playing dumb like this? Can we stop the BS? You and a few others are legit smart people and good posters. So why play dumb now?

We comparing game consoles to DVD players now? Really?!
Do you think they do this with streaming services? Of course they don't and they understand why it is the way it is.


Claims that
But even many PlayStation players want Xbox to have it as well.
and provides zero evidence nor examples, not even anecdotic.

Cheap article.

Édit: I'm sorry. I've blocked this cancerous Twitter shit, so tweets don't show up in articles like these and I didn't see the author apparently provided one tweet with 28 likes and 2 replies embracing Xbox players. My bad. Definitely "many" PlayStation players.
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If Xbox users actually bought games, then Sony might consider it. But they don't thanks to Game Pass.
This actually is going to be THE POINT going forward .... how far away are we from a time when third party's will start questioning if its even worth to port games for Xbox because their install base is smaller AND they are progressively conditioned to not buy games.

This gamepass strategy really was comercial seppuku
They probably don't, both Xbox and Sony fanboys are absolutely fucking abhorrent and cannot stand to see the other enjoy the games on their platform.

A lot of them are too dense to understand that more players will mean the game will live longer. Online games really benefit from being on as many platforms as possible.
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Naw, I don’t want it to happen, LOL. I’d much rather Arrowhead spend their time and resources on continuing to make Helldivers 2 great for PS5 owners, and working towards making their next PS5 project great (do it, Hulst).

Phil trying to flip PlayStation’s success into some moral failing is peak gaslit bullshit. It’s the laziest PR strategy I’ve ever seen.

Xbox has placed a number of bets that haven’t worked out. And some how that’s PlayStation’s fault? PlayStation’s ONLY responsibility is launching successful games for PlayStation. They don’t owe Xbox anything. It’s Phil’s job to make Xbox worth the purchase. No one expects PlayStation to throw Xbox a lifeline.

Xbox customers are NOT PlayStation customers!

Why should I care that people I don’t know bought a mediocre gaming platform that I didn’t buy. All my friends own PS5s. We can play Helldivers 2 together just fine.
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Why are Sony Ponies so mad against gamers wanting to game? Or even enraged at the mere idea it sold more on PC?

I thought most of these tools went to era, but the past couple weeks have been very telling.
Sorry fam, MS were basically trying to buy the whole industry for exclusives plus a heavily subsided subscription service of basically free AAA day 01 gaming only they could have afforded ...with emails detailing the plans to chocke out the direct competition out of business. With xbox fans championing this all the way for "muh warz"

That failed and now you want peace, lets sing kumbaya and make games available everywhere?

Sorry.. but as Ass of Can Whooping Ass of Can Whooping said " Ya can get fucked"
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They probably don't, both Xbox and Sony fanboys are absolutely fucking abhorrent and cannot stand to see the other enjoy the games on their platform.

A lot of them are too dense to understand that more players will mean the game will live longer. Online games really benefit from being on as many platforms as possible.
Xbox gamers can buy HD2 on a non-Playstation platform though, so what's the big deal?
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Xbox gamers can buy HD2 on a non-Playstation platform though, so what's the big deal?
Why don't you just say PC, since it's the only other platform the game can be played on outside of Playstation?

There is no big deal, my point was that fanboys (no matter the platform) are weird in that they don't want the game on other competing platforms, despite it being great for the longevity of the game.


Why don't you just say PC, since it's the only other platform the game can be played on outside of Playstation?

There is no big deal, my point was that fanboys (no matter the platform) are weird in that they don't want the game on other competing platforms, despite it being great for the longevity of the game.
Because fanboys don't want to buy a PlayStation, as it's a competing platform.
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Sorry fam, MS were basically trying to buy the whole industry for exclusives plus a heavily subsided subscription service of basically free AAA day 01 gaming only they could have afforded ...with emails detailing the plans to chocke out the direct competition out of business. With xbox fans championing this all the way for "muh warz"

That failed and now you want peace, lets sing kumbaya and make games available everywhere?

Sorry.. but as Ass of Can Whooping Ass of Can Whooping said " Ya can get fucked"
Am I on gamefaqs?


Would MS really cut a check to Sony to get it on Gamepass and considering the runaway success it's been on PC/PS5 how big would that check have to be to even get the conversation started?

Yes MS would cut a check. But this ip is doing way more for PS than “Short Term” monetary gain. Remember, mindshare can’t be purchased. Establishing or continuing to promo your system as the premier place to game has long term, gen to gen resonance.

MS approach to this market will always be surface level. I don’t think they understand the nuances. Which is why they’ll always be in a position where they need to overpay.
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MS approach to this market will always be surface level. I don’t think they understand the nuances. Which is why they’ll always be in a position where they need to overpay.
Correct take. I think this stems from their leadership being devoid of veteran games industry talent. The best they're able to do is just follow the market whereas in the past they had those kinds of people in charge of Xbox and they were able to lead the market (although it was a fairly short window).


No .. And You are not on Reee either...so you may find more suport for your lost cause there .. I wish you luck
If you call, calling out people here who act like kids, a lost cause, then "shrug".

Though I will say there is a lot of reeeing going on here.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
Hardcore Xbox fans should just switch to PC already. It's still a Microsoft platform if you run Windows, and the Xbox integration is basically flawless. Besides who knows if they would even have time for Helldivers 2 since they have Starfield, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Redfall, etc on Game Pass.


You can't call those people out directly and not engage in gamefaqs-ish rhetoric like "Sony Ponies"? You can't have it both ways my man.

Wait, wait. I thought it was all fun and games around here talking shit about Xbox users, but not PlayStation users?


Gold Member
Wait, wait. I thought it was all fun and games around here talking shit about Xbox users, but not PlayStation users?

You ain't gotta talk about "users" at all. If you want to call out someone you think is out of line then have at it. There is no call for "sony pony" bullshit any more than "xbot" bullshit. You are going to get yourself banned either way.

whoopi goldberg shrug GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert


You ain't gotta talk about "users" at all. If you want to call out someone you think is out of line then have at it. There is no call for "sony pony" bullshit any more than "xbot" bullshit. You are going to get yourself banned either way.

whoopi goldberg shrug GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

Okay, let's pretend a majority of users here aren't in the Sony boys club, all taking a shit on Xbox users. And now it's serious. Now I need to call specific people out after tinfoil hat posts about undercover xbox agents trying to undermine the status quo or some bullshit.

Anyway, I agree with you about name calling, which is why I called out that bullshit. I only give what is gotten.

What is there to say about your comment about being banned? I'd find it hilariously hypocritical and move on with my life.
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Gold Member
Okay, let's pretend a majority of users here aren't in the Sony boys club, all taking a shit on Xbox users. And now it's serious. Now I need to call specific people out after tinfoil hat posts about undercover xbox agents trying to undermine the status quo or some bullshit.

Anyway, I agree with you about name calling, which is why I called out that bullshit. I only give what is gotten.

What is there to say about your comment about being banned? I'd find it hilariously hypocritical and move on with my life.

Nothing wrong with calling out "tinfoil hat posts" either my man. But if you are going to compare this forum to gamefaqs while posting as if you are on gamefaqs then the hypocrisy is your own.

Either way....done here. You do you.


Zoe Perry Reaction GIF by CBS
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Nothing wrong with calling out "tinfoil hat posts" either my man. But if you are going to compare this forum to gamefaqs while posting as if you are on gamefaqs then the hypocrisy is your own.

Either way....done here. You do you.
Sorry fam, MS were basically trying to buy the whole industry for exclusives plus a heavily subsided subscription service of basically free AAA day 01 gaming only they could have afforded ...with emails detailing the plans to chocke out the direct competition out of business. With xbox fans championing this all the way for "muh warz"

That failed and now you want peace, lets sing kumbaya and make games available everywhere?

Sorry.. but as Ass of Can Whooping Ass of Can Whooping said " Ya can get fucked"

I mean, this is what I was responding to.
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Oh you are back ... still screaming at walls with drive by posts with zero argumentation and anger tears in your eyes ? This is going to be a really hard year for you and your friends ... better buckle up.
What are you talking about?

edit, and I'll add. Drive by posts? How did you want me to react to your little tantrum comment? How was I suppose to respond? the same way you're responding now does not require an ounce of thought put into it.
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What are you talking about?

edit, and I'll add. Drive by posts? How did you want me to react to your little tantrum comment? How was I suppose to respond? the same way you're responding now does not require an ounce of thought put into it.
Nah.. not going to engage in Alt burning ... have at it ... but try to keep your mental health, everything will be fine, Thrust Phil.


I hate this narrative thats getting pushed now…Suddenly its all praise for Xbox having decided to go Multiplat and by extension pressure should be put on Sony to follow suit…Lets not forget WHY Xbox is going this route, they have failed to make any money,they need multiplat sales…
Now would HD2 benefit from Xbox players? Sure why not, the more the merrier for a GaaS…BUT That is where it stops…
Sure they are losing and pivoted. But the writing is on the wall and consoles will not be the dominant consumption forever. I have no allegiance to an Xbox console as a PC main player (but vastly prefer their ecosystem as they actually support PC) so am fine with the MS PS releases. I'm also not afraid of losing my purchases because MS even without hardware will support their platform on PC because it's literally microsoft. I don't see SONY exclusives coming to Xbox but day and date PC makes way too much sense. PCs will outlive consoles so better to entrench sooner than later


I mean, this is what I was responding to.
There's some info here. Some key points like evangelizing



Sure they are losing and pivoted. But the writing is on the wall and consoles will not be the dominant consumption forever. I have no allegiance to an Xbox console as a PC main player (but vastly prefer their ecosystem as they actually support PC) so am fine with the MS PS releases. I'm also not afraid of losing my purchases because MS even without hardware will support their platform on PC because it's literally microsoft. I don't see SONY exclusives coming to Xbox but day and date PC makes way too much sense. PCs will outlive consoles so better to entrench sooner than later
Good luck trying to play nintendo games on pc ever .. (outside emulators)

And Sony going day 01 pc for all their games make as much sense as it did for MS .... none ... is unbelievable for me how people dosent see how this move in the end diminished the xbox hardware value


The purple place banned me for posting this a few years back. I think it's incredibly apt here.

For me, it's always been about taste.

This will always be the perfect video to describe Microsoft as a company. No matter what they make there's nearly always something really ho-hum about what they put out. There's exceptions to this but it's usually very creative people getting into the right position with the right people backing them up. The original Xbox and the 360 really seem like anomalies at this point. Once the old guard of those two systems left we got the XB1 and the XBSs/XBSX. They're not bad per se but definitely can't hold a candle to those previous two systems not to mention the competition.

And when you talk about the companies and products they bought it looks even worse. I can't think of any time where Microsoft bought a company/product and made it better.
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
And the PSVR2 stuff is likely not what people are reading into it being (as it wouldn't make financial sense). Most likely, it's a streaming client for PC VR games on PS5 owners with PSVR2 headsets. That way they can play PC VR games which don't have native ports to PS5, if they're okay with streaming them. Basically an implementation of the PS Portal concept, but for the PSVR2.

You're really dying on that hill huh?

You've really gone out on a ledge with this one. You've misinterpreted the blogpost and there is nothing in the blogpost to suggest this is the case.

Edit: It makes great financial sense. You're assuming that PSVR2 is sold at a loss simply because it is expensive when in reality they are probably selling it at a serious premium. PSVR already received a price drop at this point in its life cycle. Not sure Sony would have built PSVR2 without something similar in mind.

I think by the time this support is enabled, the PSVR2 should likely receive a price cut and should STILL be making money.

It will also help them push GT7 VR and Horizon Call of the Mountain. And it will also get more developers supporting PSVR2 with PC games coming to PS5.

A streaming client makes the least amount of sense. That's a technical hurdle far larger than just allowing native support and that would make developers even LESS likely to develop PSVR2 games, when they could simply put the games on PC and avoid the larger royalties altogether.
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