Would anyone be able to avatar size this with a transparent background:
Would anyone be able to avatar size this with a transparent background:
Could someone please make an avatar out of Makoto (girl on right) and the three kittens on her side with a transparent background? Thanks in advance![IMG][/QUOTE]
I would very much appreciate the NERV logo being placed on the upper fight of the Rei/Moon image. Thank you so much in advance.][/img]
Can a photoshop guru crop out Jin and avatarize Mugen's face? Maybe try with a transparent background? Please.
[IMG ][/IMG]
Thanks so much!
I know it used to be different in the past but GAF has a auto-resize function these days. So if your image already has a good crop (as yours does) and you don't want transparency, then you can just upload it as is.
Mugen is the punk on the right, right? It's been ages since I last saw SamCham. Not sure how well it would work given that a large part of his hair is obscured.
Could someone add an only on xbox logo to my avatar?
Could someone take my current avatar, get rid of the background around the face, and replace the police hat with a mario cap?
Here's a few images for reference.
Any chance someone could make this look like a nice avatar for me?
[IMG ][/IMG]
If anybody could do anything with this it would be much appreciated
How old is that picture? It has that "20-year old VHS tape found in grandma's closet"-vibe.
Someone mind taking the background off of this picture for me?
[IMG ][/IMG]
Well, that avatar didn't last long.
Anyway, nice to see you Filler. What have you done with Toppot?
Can someone resize this for me properly?
Anyway, nice to see you Filler. What have you done with Toppot?
Blood for the blood god! Sacrifices must be made to appease she who lurks in the transparency.[IMG]
[spoiler]He's still around on GAF somewhere. I see him post now and then. We must be strong in these times that our dear leader has seen fit to leave the thread in our less than capable hands.[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
As Filler said, I'm still around =] I'm kinda on a sabbatical from making avatars. Was great for helping me procrastinate at uni, now uni is over I can catch up on games, job hunt and I just don't have photoshop open as much =P
I still make avatars sometimes when I get PM'd with requests. I am keeping an eye on this thread though ;) Everyone is doing great job, the thread is in very capable hands. I dunno when I'll come back to avatar making duties, maybe never =P The 'guard' of the thread changes every so often, back when I started Clipper was king of the thread, he hasn't made avatars for months.
I'm not gone and you are both not forgotten <3 =]
How about this image instead?
Ryu's head is obscuring a lot of Jill's body.
Perfect! Thank you very much.Like this?
Like this?
Can you make a few avatars out of these you lovely image wizards? Yes, more of the little lady. I have a sickness. If any of them are easy to make transparent, I'd be most grateful.
(could you flip this one so she's facing right?)
(so playful and cheeky, Hayley in a nutshell, I love this one!)
Thanks guys, much obliged.