I was thinking of a couple of options:
Crop it to height/width numbers that are divisible by 100x120 so that when you resize it, it will maintain the aspect ratio without any distortion. I noticed that this doesn't work for all images because of different sized pics.
Copy the artwork on the image onto a separate blank 100x120 template and resize the artwork on that template. I almost had it when I tried this but I was working with a transparent image and I didn't know how to resize.
I'm working with GIMP by the way, since I don't have Photoshop.
If you work with gimp, use the rectangle select tool and pay attention to the size in the "tool option" dialogue. Make sure that the height is 1.2 times the width (no need to be that strict though). Then go to Image > Crop to Selection. Hope that clear enough. You can do simple math in some of the dialogue in GIMP, so that'll help. Height/1.2 for Width, and Width*1.2 for Height. Play with it.
Then resize it like usual.