Can I get this photo avatarized? Transparent avatar version would be great (no bg). Thanks!
That was quick, thanks.
Third one is probably the one you want (white outline so it stands out better on dark)
I saw abe_bly already made some nice ones, but seeing this I loved it as wellWorks a little better for those using dark GAF, too.
Perhaps a very difficult if not impossible request .
Can i have the picture of the Asura avatarised with most of the effects still there (green smoke and green stuff shooting out of his hand ) but without the "Necromancer "part ?
Somehow I skipped over this, but I wanted to thank you as well. These are all amazing!
Bottom row is a lighter background.
Glad you like them.
Can anyone make my current avatar transparent (still keeping the black border) OR use the original pic to make an avatar with transparent background?
Variants because I forgot to refresh the page.
Ah, I like yours better. (not that Uchiha has to change, though)
I like this as my avatar but if someone could remove the background you'd be my best friend. Heck, you can even get all creative and try different crops if you want.
could someone please incorporate the Costa Rican flag to my avatar? Maybe in the background, or making my avatar translucid, or some other creative way. Thanks!
Here's a flag:
Hey guys, could someone take this avatar and replace the cats head with this guys:
sorry me again
Hi guys, I'd like to get my avatar into the world cup spirit.
Any of you fine image wizards mind adding some English charm to Hayley's mug? I was thinking two small St George's crosses on either cheek or something, dunno.
想い | 前掛 [pixiv]
Can someone make an avatar with just wander from his shoulders. No background. Thanks!
Dear Avatar gods. I would like to have my avatar X'd. Thanks in advance
Something along these lines but with my avatar:
Damn fine job! I like how it's rounded on her cheeks, very realistic.![]()
kinda new to all this.
Someone be my good Samaritan and photoshop this guys eye[img]
To Look like this
I'll be your best friend. And don't worry about the crops and stuff, I will do it myself :)[/QUOTE]
shamelessly requesting this one again
kinda new to all this.