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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35



Edit: :lol at the justifications


Gold Member
I really hope these reviews humble Polyphony a bit. As good as GT is I think the arrogant attitude he has had against the competition needs to end. I think that no longer can he ignore that Forza is nipping at his heels and devouring them at times.


Mother of...mother.
Thank you guys. I have PGR4 and forgot about it. This thread was like a giant punch in the face of awesome. I am going to go play it right now. Jezuz. Amazing looking for an older game.


Junior Member
Since GT5 has since graduated from Prologue's Jesus Tire Physics, it is in a whole other league of simulation driving.

Forza 3, last I checked, still has that damn permanent active steering driving aid that doesnt actually let you steer the car on your own, but guesses for you as Dan Greenawalt described it.

Magic Carpet Driving


Anyone want to create an official PGR4 thread? Seriously.

PS. I noticed in that night PGR4 video that as you drive past, cameras go off. FUCKING CAMERAS.

It's undoubtedly the Top Gear of racers... it glosses over the finer details (like turning assists on and off) to make racing fun.


Shaneus said:
Anyone want to create an official PGR4 thread? Seriously.

PS. I noticed in that night PGR4 video that as you drive past, cameras go off. FUCKING CAMERAS.

It's undoubtedly the Top Gear of racers... it glosses over the finer details (like turning assists on and off) to make racing fun.



you know, i was in St. Petersburg this summer and i managed to always find my way to everything because i played the shit out of those tracks in Pgr4.
Also managed to find a Pizza Hut exactly where i remembered seeing one in pgr4.


Shaneus said:
It's undoubtedly the Top Gear of racers... it glosses over the finer details (like turning assists on and off) to make racing fun.
That's it! Project Gotham Racing needs to be rebranded as the Top Gear Racing Game (not to be confused with that awesome SNES title). They could actually make use of the sandbox nature of the modelled city to implement typical challenges that we've all come to love about the show.


adelante said:
That's it! Project Gotham Racing needs to be rebranded as the Top Gear Racing Game (not to be confused with that awesome SNES title). They could actually make use of the sandbox nature of the modelled city to implement typical challenges that we've all come to love about the show.
Holy shit, we're onto something.

But when you think about it, TG was clearly inspiration... even down to the camera static you get when you stack or in the TV replays.


supermackem said:
So in the forza vs gt thread we have come to the conclusion pgr4 is the winner. :D

Yeah, that game is great fun. I got it on the cheap through some deal for like 5 bucks about 6 months ago and I thought it looked and played fantastic. It's a real shame that it doesn't seem like there will be another. Great fun and it is awesome about rewarding you when you do well.

I thought it had a great soundtrack too. Great selection of songs that got me super pumped for the race.


PGR 4 is amazing. And so was PGR 2. I felt PGR 2 had a better city collection and was pretty much my favourite racer ever.

PGR 4 however obviously has the best gameplay and graphics in the series.

Please, Microsoft, purchase Bizarre and ask them to make PGR 5.


Lakitu said:
PGR 4 is amazing. And so was PGR 2. I felt PGR 2 had a better city collection and was pretty much my favourite racer ever.

PGR 4 however obviously has the best gameplay and graphics in the series.

Please, Microsoft, purchase Bizarre and ask them to make PGR 5.

better, merge Bizarre and T10 and make a Forza Gotham Racing.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Maybe Forza 3 really is better?
Shocking I know, but a lot of people had trouble believing Forza was better than GT4 also.


from what i remember of PGR4 it had pretty bad graphics (compared to forza/gt, it very much looks like a launch title, even though it isnt. hell it looks worse than pgr3..) and they did terrible things to the single player that was really good in 3, and busted in 4.


Gek54 said:
Might as well, that seems the direction they are taking the driving model anyway.

i don't think that's fair, Fm3 plays like a dream with a 900° wheel, steering assist is minimal. Fm2 was less forgiving, but i don't think it was entirely realistic, fm3 gives me a much more tactile feel.

[quote[ from what i remember of PGR4 it had pretty bad graphics (compared to forza/gt, it very much looks like a launch title, even though it isnt. hell it looks worse than pgr3..) and they did terrible things to the single player that was really good in 3, and busted in 4.

Someone probably slapped a pgr4 sticker replica on your juiced 2 dvd.
Either that or your memory is quite bad. Like alzheimer bad.


The only bad thing about PGR4 is a stupid patch which got rid of dynamic shadows from the cars. :(

It was a mistake apparently, and nothing to do with performance issues.

I seem to recall Bizarre were going to sort it out, but then they were bought by Activision...


Xun said:
The only bad thing about PGR4 is a stupid patch which got rid of dynamic shadows from the cars. :(

It was a mistake apparently, and nothing to do with performance issues.

I seem to recall Bizarre were going to sort it out, but then they were bought by Activision...
What the fuck?!?

panda21 said:
from what i remember of PGR4 it had pretty bad graphics (compared to forza/gt, it very much looks like a launch title, even though it isnt. hell it looks worse than pgr3..) and they did terrible things to the single player that was really good in 3, and busted in 4.
What the fuck?!?
Xun said:
The only bad thing about PGR4 is a stupid patch which got rid of dynamic shadows from the cars. :(

It was a mistake apparently, and nothing to do with performance issues.

I seem to recall Bizarre were going to sort it out, but then they were bought by Activision...
FUCK. I remember asking myself why the shadows were gone, I started playing it offline (bought the game when i grabbed FM3 :lol) and everything looked perfect, then i went online and it updated, then i noticed the interior and exterior self shadowing was gone...

Exterior Before/After

Interior Before/After

I still play it at least once a week though. :D


Firewire said:
No you just made a stupid comment, and I just pointed it out. You obviously decided not respond to what I said, further proving my original comment.

And why is it that a couple of clearly labelled photomode pics get your fanboy all in a tizzy?

What stupid comment? That PD have spent a significant amount of their development time on Photo mode? How can that even be questioned?

A few under whelming in game screen shots and you get sand in your vagina :lol.


Cuban Legend said:
FUCK. I remember asking myself why the shadows were gone, I started playing it offline (bought the game when i grabbed FM3 :lol) and everything looked perfect, then i went online and it updated, then i noticed the interior and exterior self shadowing was gone...

Exterior Before/After

Interior Before/After

I still play it at least once a week though. :D
Damn... so if I want shadows back I'd have to remove all the DLC *and* the update *and* not go online with it? Can I have the DLC without going online?

Now that it's been pointed out I'm not going to be able to unsee it. Bastards :lol
Syringe said:
We did a graphics duel between Gran Turismo 5 and Forza Motorsport 3 at Gamereactor, using the exact same equipment. Check it out for more pics. Click the picture and and then "Större bild" (yay for swedish) to get the full sized screen: http://www.gamereactor.se/nyheter/25153/Gran+Turismo+5+vs+Forza+3/[URL]


the car models in forza 3 look like something out of GTA4. PGR4 doesn't look so hot either, before or after.
Syringe said:
We did a graphics duel between Gran Turismo 5 and Forza Motorsport 3 at Gamereactor, using the exact same equipment. Check it out for more pics. Click the picture and and then "Större bild" (yay for swedish) to get the full sized screen: http://www.gamereactor.se/nyheter/25153/Gran+Turismo+5+vs+Forza+3/


how is that a comparison when it's 2 different tracks? one is fictional even.

The only decent comparison is the first bend of Laguna Seca...
...and holy hell, that can't be a GT5 'premium track', right guys? (serious question)
evolution said:
Yeah and people were just shitting on GT for having PS2 quality tracks :lol

It does, the new tracks are awesome and old ones not so much. It's like a frankenstein monster of one part Angelina Jolie, one part Margaret Thatcher.


Shaneus said:
Holy shit, we're onto something.

But when you think about it, TG was clearly inspiration... even down to the camera static you get when you stack or in the TV replays.
I CAN ALREADY SEE IT: point to point races through the streets of New York, take any route you like. Then let players edit their replays ala BlackOps, with segments that you can slow down, and such =D

I feel like the work they've put into modelling those city slices shouldn't go to waste, and that perhaps the PGR brand should be ditched in favour of a refresh (hence the "Top Gear Racing Game" suggestion lol)


Ploid 3.0 said:
(Today, 01:44 AM)
Reply | Quote

How, when? I must see the straw that broke the camel's back.

but I thought professional trolls we're exempt from the rules :lol


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, PGR4 really does look better than both GT5 and Forza 3.

Of course, it also runs at 1280x720 @ 30 fps. GT5 is 1280x1080 @ 60 fps.

Still, PGR4 is really breathtaking to behold at times. The cars all look wonderful, but more importantly, the environments are incredible to behold. Only complaint I would have is with the rain, which I think actually looks terrible. The surfaces look fantastic during rain, but the rain itself is awful.


dark10x said:
Yeah, PGR4 really does look better than both GT5 and Forza 3.

Of course, it also runs at 1280x720 @ 30 fps. GT5 is 1280x1080 @ 60 fps.

Still, PGR4 is really breathtaking to behold at times. The cars all look wonderful, but more importantly, the environments are incredible to behold. Only complaint I would have is with the rain, which I think actually looks terrible. The surfaces look fantastic during rain, but the rain itself is awful.
It was pretty amazing to go on vacations to St. Petersburg and recognize the places from the game. Bizarre did incredible job with recreating the places, heck even PGR2 was a great attempt but the fidelity wasn't there yet. Now I really would love to see another PGR.
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