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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't really know what you expect the car to do in GT5P. There's no damage and no rollover. You add so much force into an equation...what do you realistically expect to be the mathematical consequence?

GT5 has rollover.


+Aliken+ said:
Hold that thought.
Now I tired GT5 at the gamescom and I hate that wheel (or maybe it isn't the wheel)...
I just remember driving and taking my hands of the wheel, well the thing just went mad and I was going in a straight line.

Now I don't drive supercars on a daily basis however I doubt that this would happen in real life.
If your car is on a flat piece of road, and the wheel is steady when you let go then that won't happen.


+Aliken+ said:
Hold that thought.
Now I don't drive supercars on a daily basis however I doubt that this would happen in real life.

Don't worry Top Gear do and they already called Forza 3 an arcade racer in that respect.

But of course Top Gear has nothing on the pros at Destructoid :lol

G Rom

Here are some gameplay screenshots.
'Tried to get the same lightning direction.

Pure digital (4:2:2) direct feed on both platform to be as fair as possible.
Lossless PNG (click on thumbnails).



Ogrekiller said:
You mean The same Top Gear who has Business deals with PD? To feature Top Gear tracks in their game? Featuring their show in GTTV? Oh I'm sure they're not biased- not at all.


Spin it!

That image has what to do with:

Comparing driving a NSX on leguna seca to... Driving a virtual NSX on leguna seca?

Clarkson didn't wreck the car in the virtual world, or the physical world. Im just not sure why Forza fans insist wrecking because you don't know how to drive illustrates the point of realism?

Clarkson also mentioned how the real life track was different than the game at parts. Very very biased opinion.


So where does that leave us?


I know the comparison are for the enviroment. But the Cars in GT looks so damn awesome, its so hard to take your eyes away from them.


equap said:
what sup with the tinted windows? :lol

inside looking out doesn't match up with outside looking in.

The old reason was they wouldn't model the driver, and tinted windows would hide that. I'm sure it's still a similar situation.
Ogrekiller said:
You mean The same Top Gear who has Business deals with PD? To feature Top Gear tracks in their game? Featuring their show in GTTV? Oh I'm sure they're not biased- not at all.



Spin it!


On the flooding of the EA boards by 4chan:
Ogrekiller said:
Jesus those ea forums are getting flooded with the SDF.

And not those joke-pretenders either.

On sales in Japan:
Ogrekiller said:
Sadly next week will be a different story

PS3 probably will be tearing up charts for a while

Bleh, hard being a jp 360 supporter now, even tho I don't live in Jp

Ogrekiller said:
As a matter of fact my wall mounted Sony TV fell off due to a faulty hinge and crushed my 3 month old puppy

I don't own a puppy, I'm a 360 supporter, that's all.

(Reiterates twice in the same thread on how he's a "360 supporter" lol...like MS gives a shit about you)

On GamesCom and Fable 3:

Ogrekiller said:

MS wins Gamescom confirmed
Neo 007 said:
What planet are you from man....
Ogrekiller said:
stfu and go back to gt5 troll

On the "Square shot themselves meme":

OgreKiller said:

Oh, and...

Crapcom just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase Sengoku Basara 3 for either system, nor will they purchase any of Crapcom's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Crapcom has alienated an entire market with this move.

Crapcom, publicly apologize and cancel Sengoku Basara 3 for PSwii or you can kiss your business goodbye.

It's a joke people. I don't even know what Sengoku Basara is.

OgreKiller said:
Good jokes never get old

On GT5:
Ogrekiller said:
Hey... plastic cars are better than bumper cars

On Haze "technical" problems:
Ogrekiller said:
You hear that 3rd party studios? Not only is 360 easier to develop for, we'll also PAY you to make exclusives for us!

On the prospect of Uncharted 2 or GT5 being bundled with the slim:
RavenFox said:
Really? A slim with GT5 packed in would not be better? Relax with that buddy. Even an Uncharted 2 with slim would kick some ass.
Ogrekiller said:
Yeah, Gamecube ass

On GamesCom again, this time with a random shot at Heavy Rain:
HowellJenkins said:
I hope Sony totally fucks it up and announces a PS3 thats fatter than the current one.
TheExecutive said:
A Fat Princess special edition?
Ogrekiller said:
More like a Heavy Rain edition. With expansion packs.

On PS3 hardware and YLOD:
Ogrekiller said:
Pfft, why spend so much money? With the 360, you can have 3 red lights for the low, low price of $199!

I hate the PS brand
:lol So GT5 is a part if the supposed PS brand that you hate, why are you here spinning then?

On insulting the 360's honour:
artilect said:
PS3 continues to impress the hell out of my while my 360 gathers dust.

Hell, my Saturn still gets more play time than my 360. At least I got that for Megaman Legends and a PS1 RF adapter.

Lower prices mean good news for everyone, the more competition the better. If 360 could just get some exclusive games that weren't boring trash I would start playing it again.

Ogrekiller said:
The boring part I can understand. The trash part was uncalled for.
It was uncalled for...lol

On reduction of PS3 manufacturing prices:
Ogrekiller said:





Although knowing Sony, they'll likely pull a Go on us again...

Don't talk about spinning when you blatantly show your disinterest in a platform to begin with.


torontoml said:
If your car is on a flat piece of road, and the wheel is steady when you let go then that won't happen.

THats not the problem

When you let go of a FFB wheel, the ffb twitches the feedback causing the wheel to stutter. Weight in real life keeps the wheel center when you let go...

If you drive and just lightly let go and maybe leave a finger on it, the ffb twitch wont move the wheel, which would be the same as virtually twitching the wheel.. which in real life would cause you to twitch on the road.

Again, the only excuses people can use against GT's physics, are from user error. Drive the car normally, because in real life you aren't going to take your hands off the wheel while going 100mph.
CrushDance said:

On the flooding of the EA boards by 4chan:

On sales in Japan:

(Reiterates twice in the same thread on how he's a "360 supporter" lol...like MS gives a shit about you)

On GamesCom and Fable 3:

On the "Square shot themselves meme":

On GT5:

On Haze "technical" problems:

On the prospect of Uncharted 2 or GT5 being bundled with the slim:

On GamesCom again, this time with a random shot at Heavy Rain:

On PS3 hardware and YLOD:
:lol So GT5 is a part if the supposed PS brand that you hate, why are you here spinning then?

On insulting the 360's honour:

It was uncalled for...lol

On reduction of PS3 manufacturing prices:

Don't talk about spinning when you blatantly show your disinterest in a platform to begin with.

But that's the whole point of being a console warrior right? Being a fucking hypocrite.
Nice. But you won't make that for Doc Evils, jett or this guy with a Diablo III avatar or any other GT fanboy in this thread right ? Surprising.


Interfectum said:
Don't worry Top Gear do and they already called Forza 3 an arcade racer in that respect.

But of course Top Gear has nothing on the pros at Destructoid :lol

Pay no attention to the article being written by a freelancer with no experience or involvement in the show. Also ignore the thoughts of the guy with actual applicable experience a couple pages back.


commedieu said:

no wonder che didn't do any direct feed..

lol just lol.

Uh...we have direct feed videos.

Also wouldn't it be best to wait for che to explain himself a little before we crucify him? I mean, if the guy lied he lied but he at least deserves a chance to say something. If it's been a week after TGS and still nothing, have at it.
Neither of them look as good as Crysis. Therefore, both of them look like shit.

I can't even tell which one looks better when looking at those two dashboard shots. I think they both look good.


KHarvey16 said:
Uh...we have direct feed videos.

Also wouldn't it be best to wait for che to explain himself a little before we crucify him? I mean, if the guy lied he lied but he at least deserves a chance to say something. If it's been a week after TGS and still nothing, have at it.

The direct feed videos recently surfaced, and they show off the game as it is in the direct feed screens. I mean earlier on. First people were acting like the "CREATIVITY" trailer was real, then people were pretending the forza bullshot mode = gameplay.

Not much needed to be said about Turn10's captures vs the direct feed, which is why no one was in a rush to compare the direct feed caps to Gran Turismo Prologue.


The black interior/windows in the 3rd person view in FM3 is bothersome but it's no deal breaker. I thought from that was gone after FM2, judging from the photomode screenshots. I guess that's an engine weakness since Che mentioned that the lighting of the interior(from cockpit) and the 3rd Person lighting are separate, compared to the global lighting of the interior and exterior in GT5. Next time, Turn 10! (Still can't wait for FM3!)

EDIT: Also I noticed in some of the replay screenshots in FM3 that the background is blurred, but when you look at the background through the windows it's not blurred.


Interfectum said:
The car in front is the lowest poly car I've ever seen in a next gen racer

Can anyone beat that?


It's a trick that high-performance racers do in order to decrease the weight of the car. By removing polygons you increase your power/weight ratio. That's why the car is in front. :D


sportzhead said:
This is my last pic post and I'll put it here to keep the Forza demo thread clean. But these are pretty telling pictures. Left is Forza 2, middle is Forza 3 in game, right is Forza 3 menu. As you can see, F2 and F3 do not look that different. Certainly not the big jump Turn 10 was advertising. I was expecting the cars in F3 to look like the menu screen models. Why did Turn 10 release all those bogus photo mode screens?
Why are you comparing Forza 2 photomode images with Forza 3 in-game images?


commedieu said:
The direct feed videos recently surfaced, and they show off the game as it is in the direct feed screens.

Huh? I don't even know what that means.

commedieu said:
I mean earlier on.

Ah yes, I'm sure releasing direct feed videos before the game was ready would have been welcomed by yourself.

commedieu said:
First people were acting like the "CREATIVITY" trailer was real, then people were pretending the forza bullshot mode = gameplay.

We always knew how that trailer was made. Maybe you didn't, but anyone paying attention did. What do you mean by not "real?"


Serious question:

For those image comparisons, I see that both the Forza 3 and GT5P images are 1280x720. Were the GT5P images resized or were they not captured at 1080p (in this case 1280x1080)?

That would make a little bit of a difference...


Clockwork said:
Serious question:

For those image comparisons, I see that both the Forza 3 and GT5P images are 1280x720. Were the GT5P images resized or were they not captured at 1080p (in this case 1280x1080)?

That would make a little bit of a difference...

It was either

- 720p @ 4xAA
- 1080p @ 2xAA then resized to 720p

Personally I think GT5P looks better at 720p/4xAA so would hope he used those settings for the comparison


KHarvey16 said:
Huh? I don't even know what that means.

Ah yes, I'm sure releasing direct feed videos before the game was ready would have been welcomed by yourself.

We always knew how that trailer was made. Maybe you didn't, but anyone paying attention did. What do you mean by not "real?"

Sorry trying to finish something up at work:

What I meant was that Turn10/Che was posting the photomode shots as if they were representative of what we are seeing now. Which they clearly aren't. Thats why I said its no wonder they didn't post any. And sure, gaf may have known. But the turn10 forums/the rest of the world were in a rush to compare the Creativity trailer to GT5p. So maybe you missed that phenomenon.

Its a shallow excuse to not show the game even in a work in progress form. Shift did it, Gran turismo did it(remember the low resolution rear view mirror images), Race Pro did it, SuperCar GT did it. Sure it would have been crucified, but Turn10 brought it upon themselves with the boasting about the game. Pretty much no one would have said peep about F3 before then, because gamers & more importantly GT fans have lived through Forza as a series. Its a good game. Nothing can be taken away from it. There was a ton of chest beating, a ton of people creaming over how amazing the photomode looked, but when the questions of direct feed anything came up.. turn10 hid.

It wasn't ingame. It was pre-rendered. Meaning not real gameplay.
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