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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


akachan ningen said:
It's basically of hiding the unfurnished interiors. You can still some geometry in there but it's all dark so you can't see the dashboard details.


got bored at work. waiting to get back to the demo. in the meantime, here's an ehnanced image:

BeeDog said:
The Swedish Gamereactor site just put up comparison pics (direct screen grabs) between Forza 3 and Shift. Since this topic has been lacking these direct captures overall, I figured I'd post them. I don't have any opinions in this topic since I think both GT5(P) and Forza 3 are beautiful games, but anyway, direct caps of some other stages. 56k'ers will die:

To be honest I'm shocked. Forza 3 does look like Forza 2. I had a blast with the demo and thought the graphics looked fine but these pictures are...I'm actually speechless.


Fortinbras said:
To be honest I'm shocked. Forza 3 does look like Forza 2. I had a blast with the demo and thought the graphics looked fine but these pictures are...I'm actually speechless.

I suggest playing the demos back to back. The difference is truly dramatic, especially in terms of image quality (AA especially) and fidelity of the cars. the models have definitely improved--Forza 2 had a number of issues with polygon and triangle seams on the rear bumpers (in the license plate area) as well as on places like doorhandles. F3 doesn't have that issue, and the models are generally of a much higher quality, as are the textures.


Fortinbras said:
To be honest I'm shocked. Forza 3 does look like Forza 2. I had a blast with the demo and thought the graphics looked fine but these pictures are...I'm actually speechless.

I think if they took Forza 2 grabs in the same way, you'd see the difference.

I have to say that NFS:Shift (presume they used the 360 version for fairness) holds up well in those grabs, looks like 4xMSAA minimum!..


m0dus said:
I suggest playing the demos back to back. The difference is truly dramatic, especially in terms of image quality (AA especially) and fidelity of the cars. the models have definitely improved--Forza 2 had a number of issues with polygon and triangle seams on the rear bumpers (in the license plate area) as well as on places like doorhandles. F3 doesn't have that issue, and the models are generally of a much higher quality, as are the textures.

Yeah, a lot of f2 models had issues with their mesh. Having said that, the games are a lot more similar than it initially seemed, from a technical pov.
F3 has a much better direction, but under the hood what they push is pretty much the same. Polycount on cars especially is a lot more similar than everyone assumed, but it's still ok for typical camera distance.

Also AA is the same, it's just that jaggies are a lot less noticeable since they god rid of the extra bright reflections.
Which proves what i've always known and said around here; fm3 is not using a completely new engine, just an optimized version of fm2 one.

Oh well, game plays great and still looks very good as a whole.

Hoping the higher lod stuff goes directly to Fm4 at x720 launch (together with gow3 maybe :) ) that would kick all kinds of ass. Btw, i sure hope x720 is going to be compatible with x360 peripherals (read: fanatec wheel)

EDIT: on an unrelated note. Everyone should really get off Che. He did his job; i don't think it was his idea to advertise the game through photomode shots; was he supposed to say the game didn't look like T10's marketing strategy wanted you to believe ?
And perceiving every message he posted in GT thread as trolling really only shows how pathetic and insecure some fanoys are.


m0dus said:

got bored at work. waiting to get back to the demo. in the meantime, here's an ehnanced image:


Does it have to do with the lighting?

edit: I wonder if they put a light source inside the car
akachan ningen said:
It's basically of hiding the unfurnished interiors. You can still some geometry in there but it's all dark so you can't see the dashboard details.

You can see the interiors clearly in replay mode. I'd guess LOD is used to make it easier on the GPU, but it could be a model swap.


D'ultimate said:
I think you just proved my point :D
You think? And here i was thinking i just proved i like sarcasm! You're just too smart :p

This is the only thing you proved:
D'ultimate said:
I realize that it seems I'm bashing GT [...]
So much for being conciliable you hypocrite. Oh and calling the people in this thread "fools who are so invested in their favorite series emotionally that they make it seem as if a family member was attacked and they need to retaliate" while you do the same... that's trolling in my book.

mclaren777 said:
Do you also play PC sims like rFactor, Richard Burns Rally, or iRacing?
Is the physics engine in rFactor and iRacing better than the one present in GT Legends? There are some 'inaccuracies' in GT Legends that make things very different than how they happen in real life. Are those two games you listed above, better in that respect?


DR2K said:
So who's winning?

The Sony brigade, they have sales success, the best racing game, a vanquished giant crab, a ridge raaaaaacccceeeddd and free online! Life is good and they can't help but let everyone know about it :lol
Just finished some more races in the Forza demo and it occurred to me what the biggest thing missing in cockpit view was, the driver doesn't actually change gear! I wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't been switching between the R8 and the Lancer, the Lancer has a slightly pulled back cockpit view, well enough to see the gear paddles. Thought it was a rather strange omission for a cockpit view in a racer, admittedly your too close to the wheel to see it in the other cars which is probably why it's not there but still.


MikeDub said:
Just finished some more races in the Forza demo and it occurred to me what the biggest thing missing in cockpit view was, the driver doesn't actually change gear

It's a good thing in my opinion (Of course an option would be fine I guess..) because the gear shift animation delay has always irked me more than lack of animation.


MikeDub said:
Just finished some more races in the Forza demo and it occurred to me what the biggest thing missing in cockpit view was, the driver doesn't actually change gear! I wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't been switching between the R8 and the Lancer, the Lancer has a slightly pulled back cockpit view, well enough to see the gear paddles. Thought it was a rather strange omission for a cockpit view in a racer, admittedly your too close to the wheel to see it in the other cars which is probably why it's not there but still.

Is it 2 hands on the wheel at all times for the other cars without a paddle shifter?


Regarding the Shift vs Forza 3 pictures..

Shift wins by a milestone.. just read this article:

EA’s new Need for Speed Shift is the most bug-ridden piece of code I have witnessed in recent times. But when the Xbox 360 version seemed to want to access the Playstation Store today, things had clearly gone too far.

I’m a complete sucker for racing games, so when I heard that EA were transforming the latest installment in the Need For Speed series into a hardcore sim, I was very pleased indeed.

But after shelling out the equivalent of $70.00 to get my hands on it, i’m very disappointed. I mean, really EA, this game is not even finished. The list of serious bugs being reported by customers is embarrassing and it has crashed on me at least a dozen times.

But this could be the most embarrassing fail of all.

When navigating menus today while connected to Xbox Live the game suddenly crashed again. When my rage had subsided and I got a better look at the screen, I was pretty shocked at what I saw.

Was my Xbox 360 version of Need for Speed Shift really trying to access the Playstation Store? Microsoft are not going to be happy about this.

Update: I’ve had a couple of emails asking which version of the game this is. It is an original PAL special edition version in the black rubber case.

With the right patches this game could be great, let’s hope they don’t take too long.

Source: http://freakbits.com/xbox-360-crashes-accessing-playstation-store-0927

a game that tries to acces the wrong store MUST win.. :lol


Interfectum said:
I'm almost certain Shift will outsell Forza 3

Barnum rule; look out of the window. How many persons can you see ? 100 ? good.
how many among them do you think you would call 'intelligent' ? 10, 20 ? good.
If you want to be successful you have to target the other 80.

And that's why shift may outsell fm3 :p
eso76 said:
And that's why shift may outsell fm3 :p

Well and shift is also for ps3 and pc (and wii?)

If you only look at the 360 game sales though i think forza could outsell shift with the right advertising. Everyone knows nfs and gran turismo here but when i ask my uncle who pretty much only play racing and football games what forza is he has no idea. Gran turismo and NFS has just been here for so long that the will really have to advertise the hell out of it.


Hanmik said:
Regarding the Shift vs Forza 3 pictures..

Shift wins by a milestone.. just read this article:

Source: http://freakbits.com/xbox-360-crashes-accessing-playstation-store-0927

a game that tries to acces the wrong store MUST win.. :lol
Do forgive me but i fail to see the relevance of his game crashing and trying to access a different store with a graphical comparison. :D

eso76 said:
Barnum rule; look out of the window. How many persons can you see ? 100 ? good.
how many among them do you think you would call 'intelligent' ? 10, 20 ? good.
If you want to be successful you have to target the other 80.

And that's why shift may outsell fm3 :p
NFS games, no matter how shitty they were, always managed to sell a few millions of copies per game. But i wouldn't call the people that buy NFS stupid.
Most of them are simply uninformed and buy the game simply because they want 'a game with cars' and they recognize the NFS brand. But still...stupid is kind of going to far, don't you agree?
Norml said:
Is it 2 hands on the wheel at all times for the other cars without a paddle shifter?

Without looking for myself I don't know 100% but I just did a quick search on google and watched some cockpit view videos and none of the cars feature the driver actually changing gears.


eso76 said:
Do you really believe that pushing your stick all the way left while going at higher speeds = turning your wheel 90..heck, 450° degrees left ? good luck playing like that.
That's what all racing games need to do with a pad, steering is not linear.

It isn't all that different from how a lot of cars decrease power steering boosting at higher speeds.


bj00rn_ said:
It's a good thing in my opinion (Of course an option would be fine I guess..) because the gear shift animation delay has always irked me more than lack of animation.

GT4, i believe, came up with a brilliant solution. The driver's hand reaches for the gear shift automatically when the engine approaches the red rpm area. Works fine most of the time.

NFS games, no matter how shitty they were, always managed to sell a few millions of copies per game. But i wouldn't call the people that buy NFS stupid.
Most of them are simply uninformed and buy the game simply because they want 'a game with cars' and they recognize the NFS brand. But still...stupid is kind of going to far, don't you agree?

absolutey, especially since Shift is a good game.
I was just quoting Mr. Barnum (of Barnum circus fame) speech on that, i just wanted to imply that nfs games always menage to appeal to casuals.
Fm3 doesn't have that kind of appeal, no matter how hard T10 tries to market it as a game for everyone.


shuyin_ said:
Do forgive me but i fail to see the relevance of his game crashing and trying to access a different store with a graphical comparison. :D

NFS games, no matter how shitty they were, always managed to sell a few millions of copies per game. But i wouldn't call the people that buy NFS stupid.
Most of them are simply uninformed and buy the game simply because they want 'a game with cars' and they recognize the NFS brand. But still...stupid is kind of going to far, don't you agree?

I agree, NFS Shift, despite it being different to all other NFS's will probably sell the same as any other NFS Game for the simple fact the majority of game purchasors are not uber-informed forum warriors from here!..

They may get a few sales from PS3 owners who want something to tide them over to GT5..

Who knows, and who actually cares? it's a better game for some people, and a worse game for other people..

I'm sure that FM3 will out-do FM2, and that's all we can expect.. MS are probably not banking on FM3 being a killer app, which I get the impression GT5 is for Sony..


What people are forgetting that NFS is the biggest racing franchise in the world (with over 100 million copies sold total).

Of course, this is also due to it being around longer than the nearest competition and having a lot more installments.

Milk Lizard said:
Well and shift is also for ps3 and pc (and wii?)
No, Wii is getting its own NFS game (Nitro, gameplay looks similar to OutRun).


Should not be allowed to breed
al right damn it I'll just say it

forza is a shitty name with no association what so ever to the racing world.
Forza what? who? it means strong in Italian? Might as well call it any random name in the Italian dictionary.
Hey, its Italian! just like Scuderia Ferrari!

The cockpits aren't self shadowed
Its all I can say, I haven't played both games. Just prologue.

anyway, Come next year I'll be playing Live for speed S3.

Someone said physics?


spyshagg said:
al right damn it I'll just say it

forza is a shitty name with no association what so ever to the racing world.
Forza what? who? it means strong in Italian? Might as well call it any random name in the Italian dictionary.
Hey, its Italian! just like Scuderia Ferrari!

You might want to check that.
spyshagg said:
al right damn it I'll just say it

forza is a shitty name with no association what so ever to the racing world.
Forza what? who? it means strong in Italian? Might as well call it any random name in the Italian dictionary.
Hey, its Italian! just like Scuderia Ferrari!

The cockpits aren't self shadowed
Its all I can say, I haven't played both games. Just prologue.

anyway, Come next year I'll be playing Live for speed S3.

Someone said physics?



Junior Member
Tyl3n0L said:
Turn 10 did the same thing with Forza 2:

What Forza 2 supposedly looked like:

What It looked like in reality:

I understand that most of the trolling here is obviously based on falsehoods and it seems that no one is bothering to correct these people because it really isn't worth our time but this has to be addressed just in case someone might believe this guy.

The second shot of the blue Mazda was posted before the game was done. It was part of the second batch of screens of the game that came out. There were others that were like it that showed off 3D grass and it has the same very basic lighting engine that looked even uglier than FM1. There was a lot of noise about it at that time.

The first shot was a post release shot. Obviously has AA on it and better compression than the pics that you can upload online. But the game looked like that from that angle. Those who have played FM2 know why I say: "from that angle".

I could be wasting my time here...I would hope that most posters realize that most of what the Forza haters say is BS.


spyshagg said:
al right damn it I'll just say it

forza is a shitty name with no association what so ever to the racing world.
Forza what? who? it means strong in Italian? Might as well call it any random name in the Italian dictionary.
Hey, its Italian! just like Scuderia Ferrari!

The cockpits aren't self shadowed
Its all I can say, I haven't played both games. Just prologue.

anyway, Come next year I'll be playing Live for speed S3.

Yes they are, bud.


Iknos said:
I understand that most of the trolling here is obviously based on falsehoods and it seems that no one is bothering to correct these people because it really isn't worth our time but this has to be addressed just in case someone might believe this guy.

The second shot of the blue Mazda was posted before the game was done. It was part of the second batch of screens of the game that came out. There were others that were like it that showed off 3D grass and it has the same very basic lighting engine that looked even uglier than FM1. There was a lot of noise about it at that time.

The first shot was a post release shot. Obviously has AA on it and better compression than the pics that you can upload online. But the game looked like that from that angle. Those who have played FM2 know why I say: "from that angle".

I could be wasting my time here...I would hope that most posters realize that most of what the Forza haters say is BS.

And actually, take a quick look at the utterly poor spline quality around the headlights and the front intakes. the in-game model of the porsche in the FM3 demo does not seem to have the same issues.


spyshagg said:
forza is a shitty name with no association what so ever to the racing world.
Forza what? who? it means strong in Italian? Might as well call it any random name in the Italian dictionary.
Hey, its Italian! just like Scuderia Ferrari!

Just for nitpicking:

"Forza" = "strength"

"Forte" = "strong"

I think that "Forza" is a sort of tribute to names like "Potenza" (tyre maker) that mean "Power" and a reference to "Gran Turismo".


Iknos said:
I understand that most of the trolling here is obviously based on falsehoods and it seems that no one is bothering to correct these people because it really isn't worth our time but this has to be addressed just in case someone might believe this guy.

i did say that the porsche pic is indeed representative of what the game looks like minus AA. But i believe that mazda pic will be quoted till the end of gaf regardless.

Tbh, it's still possible to make the game look like that mazda pic, if you're really bad with cameras and camera angles.
Must be the reason why PD doesn't give you complete camera freedom in photomode, so that people with no talent don't make their game look ugly
TheHeretic said:
As far as the NFS Shift comparisons go it does run at half the frame rate of either GT5 or F3. Something to keep in mind.
But it is multiplatform, and frankly the fact that Forza and Shift are comparable graphically at all is quite embarassing, Forza 3 being a 1st party sequel.


reason you dont see PD announcing all of the features half year before game is shipping should be easy to guess now.

who is slapping the emperor now? :lol


bedlamite said:
ok guys fill me in on what's been happening in this thread

it's Shift+GT vs FM3 now?

Well done, well done. Carry on, gentlemen.
More like Shift vs GT5 vs FM3
Shift is clearly winning :p
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