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Four Swords Adventures... is farking awesome.

I can't believe this isn't out in the UK til March. What gives?!

Well I'd heard it was good, so I wasn't waiting... I imported. After one level of Hyrulian Adventure I was impressed. It's even better than I thought it would be. I picked up another GBA SP along with the pack (the NES one), and I started out by having a 2 player with my brother. Then I got a buddy round and had three player. The game looks and sounds beautiful... the opening title is a snippet of the Link to the Past credits with the instruments changed about. In fact, if you loved LttP (like I did), there's a HELL of a lot to get your teeth into here. The puzzles show about a dozen times the ingenuity that other puzzles do in the 3d Zelda games... there's nothing more satisfying than realising you have to align your Link(s) in one area and get someone else to do something completely different in order to progress. With the addition of Dark World and other things, the puzzles get even harder. The formations you can arrange Link in, and the limitation of carrying one item per time, introduce some strategising element between players even though technically you're competing for Force Gems. And robbing each other silly of aforementioned force gems? It's an absolute riot!

This game is connectivity done right! Conversations with NPCs take place on GBA games, forcing people to communicate in some areas, or hide lucrative information from one another in others. Diving off of the overworld (the TV screen) onto the Gameboy has legitimately cool uses. There's continuity between the Gameboy screen and the Gamecube output, in that the sprites are much the same, and although some of the 3d effects the cube adds as garnish are utterly fantastic, it doesn't look out of place. Everything about this game just... fits. I haven't played Shadow Battle yet.

We also had a game of Pacman Vs, which I really really enjoyed. That's a form of connectivity that's low on requirements and easy to enjoy. Although the addition of Mario's (or whoever's) voice, is downright awful.

Dropping the GBA price should mean there'll be more people willing to try out these games. I highly recommend they do. It's a unique experience... at the very least, you should highly anticipate Zelda Four Swords DS. I CANNOT wait :_(

This is my game of the year so far (getting Pikmin 2 soon though...) Honestly some of the most fun I've had with a game in a long time. Easily one of the greatest multiplayer experiences ever. The level designs were bloody brilliant as well.


yeah, I played some 2-player and 4-player and this game rocks. I'll probably need to do it 1p to actually finish the game since I'm pretty busy with school and stuff, but hopefully I can go through the whole game in multiplayer one day...


It's solid stuff. I just wish there was a bit more variation in the levels (like the World 2 town, with the moon Orbs, that's the favorite of ours thus far), or to make up for that, more levels/worlds period.

Given the structure of a game, I think doing a Yoshi's Island gig, with a different theme/goal for each level would've been really cool.

Some sort of extra use for the force gems, stat tracking, and perhaps some form of character persistancy would've been nice too.

Our group liked it a lot, although FF:CC is vastly prefered to Four Swords when multiplayer time comes, so we're still playing through it though. Up to World 5 I believe. And yes, Shadow Battle rocks. I'd love to beat this and get the other five stages, dissapointing or not.
great multiplayer game. roommate and i played atleast an hour of this game pretty much every night all summer. learning different ways to screw each other out of the gems was awesome.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Alex said:
Our group liked it a lot, although FF:CC is vastly prefered to Four Swords when multiplayer time comes, so we're still playing through it though. Up to World 5 I believe.

Really? My friends and I feel that Four Swords is 10 times the game that FF:CC is. FF:CC is so... slow.
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