No, like the US copyright companies are trying to do by censoring content and preventing piracy which many pirates escape by moving their servers to places in Europe where the laws governing some of the rights is different.
This is a slippery slope if I ever saw one in practice and in principle. If France says that they have a right to be forgotten, what happens when the US copyright folks start going after companies saying that VPN providers are obligated to log all of the activity of all of their users as they are required to do for a variety of reasons here in the US.
In the world that we're creating from this - whose laws reign supreme since they are being allowed to go cross borders?
Well, how are they going to create the nWo without testing the waters with cross border laws? First it was the UN, then cross border multinationals, then trade agreements, now it's cross border jurisdiction of law, next (after a nuclear bomb is detonated of course) comes cross border voting, for a substantial cross border legal-governmental structure, then individualist governments are slowly whittled down to the point of being ineffectual. Also lasers will undoubtedly be involved somehow, so you're gonna want to build a laser-proof chrysalis shield and or shelter.
Probably carbon nanotube lasers, in fact.