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FREE (14 days) EvE Online -- 19K+ keys left!!


How good is this game? I've heard of the name before and I know it's a MMORPG.

Would this be a good first MMORPG to try? I've thought about Neocron and Anarchy Online as well. What do you guys think?


I've been playing Eve for 3 days now and it's pretty engrossing stuff.

If you EVER played elite, then this is similar, but online, and much bigger. There is just so much content it's almost overwhelming to start with.

If you thought freelancer was too linear, then you might want to play this. If you don't want to fight or mine, you can trade or do something else. Graphics are the best I've seen in any space-esq game ever.

It's so much more 'game' than everquest ever was. With the upcoming content dump 'Shiva' there will be even more stuff (like Player owned space stations).

I've still got 10 or so trial days left, at which point I'll decide if I'll keep playing.


I beta tested it, they gave me a free month pass too which i haven't used, mainly beacuse i found the combat lacking for me, too long range, no dogfighting, but i wasn't a power player, i onlt scratched the surface.

Awesome music though.


GameFan Alumnus
Was part of the beta test and thought this game was lousy. Lots of people bitching about it on the EVE forums too.


Been playing for 4 days, and while I'm really digging it so far, it seems incredibly complex and I don't like the fact that I'm enjoying the game's depth without seeing much of it.

Are there any members here that are part of corporations in the game?


I played for awhile in the beta.

It's very much a MMORPG in the Elite vein - trading, mining, and NPC killing are the main treadmill activities, and you can do things like piracy and other things (manufacturing?) a bit later on.

The graphics I felt were beautiful, if a bit repetitive. I liked the ships too, but some of them seemed to be asymmetrical for the sake of being asymmetrical.

My best memory in beta was when my buddy discovered a trade route way out in the proverbial 'boonies' (uncivilized space, maybe two- or three-dozen jumps in), running drugs between systems at a huge markup.

Once we did that for awhile, and other people found out and started doing the same, we next decided to set up camp along the trade route, and steal the drugs that other people were smuggling.

We'd figure out the best bottleneck in the trade route, warp in, and set up 'camp' by dropping an object and bookmarking it so we could warp back later. We'd then use the 'long range scanner' to see how many ships were in the neighboring system, and wait for them to come through to ours.

While waiting, we'd be hitting 'refresh' on the 'nearby targets' UI like crazy - very tense, silent moments. Very fun.

Once they came in, one of us would target, approach, and use our 'warp jammer' so they couldn't fly away - then we'd make the obligatory 'jettison or die!' remark, and if they didn't jettison quickly, we'd open up.

It was great fun until we pissed off some huge corporation, and they sent a gazillion ships to come station-camp us.

It was that battle, and the horrible FPS- and network-lag that ensued, that convinced me that I couldn't play the game long-term.

Was fun for awhile, though.



I can't wait for one where i can basically play freespace 2 in a MMORPG. That will be the first game to get me to pay monthly.
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